The only thing I dislike about Necros

The only thing I dislike about Necros

in Necromancer

Posted by: EremiteAngel.9765


is the minion AI and the minion looks.

minions don’t attack properly unlike ranger pets.
they stand around looking.
okay they are supposed to be dead but still, would be nice if they acknowledge that I am the one kittenurrected them and help me fight.

i mean, can we have minion AI based on zombies (those that go berserk when they see a living thing) and not on corpses that don’t do anything?

and the minion looks…can we have good old skeletons…you know…hell hounds maybe? or fiery demons…ghastly witches…ghouls even…not…not these um…what are these things exactly?

i mean…all the undeads in straits of devastation looks cooler and should be my summons…

Scourge Demo Weekend Roaming Video:

The only thing I dislike about Necros

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tristan.5678


Do you like that we are not part of meta and you will get kicked just for being Necro in hardest that we have at the moment PVE content ? its not that hard but still necrom get instantly kicked?
Don’t you think we deserve same game experience as any other class and same attitude every other class has?

The only thing I dislike about Necros

in Necromancer

Posted by: EremiteAngel.9765


Do you like that we are not part of meta and you will get kicked just for being Necro in hardest that we have at the moment PVE content ? its not that hard but still necrom get instantly kicked?
Don’t you think we deserve same game experience as any other class and same attitude every other class has?

wow there my fellow necro
rein yourself in
pve is not really important
what is important is wvw and to a smaller extent, pvp.

i think we are in a good spot everywhere.
except minions. the looks i can still accept but the AI needs to be the same as ranger pets.

i cant understand why they cant use the ranger pet AI on our necro minions.

unless it is because necro minions are dead and dont have intelligence then well…okay…fine…

Scourge Demo Weekend Roaming Video:

The only thing I dislike about Necros

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cecilia.5179


That is your only issue with necro? Not the undercompensation for our glaring weaknesses or the heal that went from amazing to punishing on use for a longer cd? Our elites that are less threatening than Scooby Doo monsters? Our recently desynergized curses line? The uncalled for nerfs to chill and Chilling Darkness? Is this seriously the only thing you find issue with?

Necromancer Rights Advocate
Restart WvW:

The only thing I dislike about Necros

in Necromancer

Posted by: meow one twenty.4376

meow one twenty.4376

Do you like that we are not part of meta and you will get kicked just for being Necro in hardest that we have at the moment PVE content ? its not that hard but still necrom get instantly kicked?
Don’t you think we deserve same game experience as any other class and same attitude every other class has?

wow there my fellow necro
rein yourself in
pve is not really important
what is important is wvw and to a smaller extent, pvp.

i think we are in a good spot everywhere.
except minions. the looks i can still accept but the AI needs to be the same as ranger pets.

i cant understand why they cant use the ranger pet AI on our necro minions.

unless it is because necro minions are dead and dont have intelligence then well…okay…fine…

I should’ve given that one brains!

Alright meow, where were we?

The only thing I dislike about Necros

in Necromancer

Posted by: Silverkey.2078


While I don’t play ranger that often, I think I heard people complaining about the pet AI as much as necro complain about their minion AI. The one exception of course is that ranger cannot choose a pet-less build

The only thing I dislike about Necros

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bacon.1835


wow there my fellow necro
rein yourself in
pve is not really important
what is important is wvw and to a smaller extent, pvp.

i think we are in a good spot everywhere.
except minions. the looks i can still accept but the AI needs to be the same as ranger pets.

i cant understand why they cant use the ranger pet AI on our necro minions.

unless it is because necro minions are dead and dont have intelligence then well…okay…fine…

This is subjective.

I very much enjoy PvE. I like PvP. I couldn’t care less about WvW.

WvW is a brain dead game mode where anyone can run any build and still succeed if they are in a large enough group. It’s a karma train with a readily dying playerbase that offers no foreseeable rewards besides bragging rights on a fictitious ladder.

Now I expect people to disagree with me but it doesn’t mean that necro should do well in 1/3 game modes.

The only thing I dislike about Necros

in Necromancer

Posted by: Near.7439


The minions look pretty much like they did in GW1, I guess if you weren’t there in the good ol’ minion master days you’re not gonna get it.

The only thing I dislike about Necros

in Necromancer

Posted by: Muchacho.2390


The minions look pretty much like they did in GW1, I guess if you weren’t there in the good ol’ minion master days you’re not gonna get it.

What? They definitely looked better in gw1…

The only thing I dislike about Necros

in Necromancer

Posted by: PlatinumMember.5274


wow there my fellow necro
rein yourself in
pve is not really important
what is important is wvw and to a smaller extent, pvp.

i think we are in a good spot everywhere.
except minions. the looks i can still accept but the AI needs to be the same as ranger pets.

i cant understand why they cant use the ranger pet AI on our necro minions.

unless it is because necro minions are dead and dont have intelligence then well…okay…fine…

This is subjective.

I very much enjoy PvE. I like PvP. I couldn’t care less about WvW.

WvW is a brain dead game mode where anyone can run any build and still succeed if they are in a large enough group. It’s a karma train with a readily dying playerbase that offers no foreseeable rewards besides bragging rights on a fictitious ladder.

Now I expect people to disagree with me but it doesn’t mean that necro should do well in 1/3 game modes.

Of course it is subjective, that’s the point about opinions.