The path of necromancy - fallen into darkness

The path of necromancy - fallen into darkness

in Necromancer

Posted by: TyPin.9860


Hey my fellow necromancers,

I play for some weeks now with more focus a necromancer in WvW. And I must say, I had a hard time to find the love for this profession in the beginning. Running a dmg hybrid glass canon build (as I do on my mesmer) has not worked out for me (although now after haveing some experience, that might be different). I then desided to go completely rabid and my ascended gear is now almost complete (only backpack and one earring is missing).

Now after having played necromancer in WvW in Zerg and smal scale combat situations I must say: I like the dark arts. Despite some other opinions here in the forum, I find ArenaNet has done good job creating this profession, at least for rabid necros. I somehow have in time developed my own combos, finding myself in fights collecting any kind of condition I can find and then give them to the enemy… such a sadisfying feeling, when u see the enemy forces suddenly retreat, and knowing, they do so because of you.

Even in 1v1 engagments I have no issues any more, running flesh golem as elite and popping it mostly, when I am about to set a combo, while pining my opponend to the ground. I find my self more often preemptively popping a condition remove or transfer in expectation of an imobilize, and it executes often on the spot to safe my kitten .

I feel I have fallen completely to the dark arts, corrupting my opponents… and then corrupting them again. All those “on paper” calculations and demonstrations on not moving golems in the mists, showing how bad the necromancer is in stacking bleeds are not any issue for me. I don’t need 20 stacks of bleed to ripp my oponent appart, I sustain 6 to 10 bleeds mostly, but combine it with fear, knockdown and such. And being a necro, ppl underestimate you all too often in WvW, giving you the upper hand. Especially, if you have some patience, for the right time to pop corrupt boon and blood is power…

So I don’t care what you say. Necromancer is awesome and I feel I can take on any enemie with my little Rumple Stilts Skin.

so long


[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

The path of necromancy - fallen into darkness

in Necromancer

Posted by: zach.1847


I started my Necro about 5 months ago coming from ele previously.
Playing Ele is fun – but to me it was just to stressfull – for pvp it was fine, but having to be on my toes at all times during random PvE-encounters just sucked.
I liked coming to necro. Having Staff get’s you easy to lvl 80 and you dont have to be afraid to get fragged by some skelks. Necro is also the only char i got the 100% Map-completion for – ‘cause i like playing him to a level, where even grind was kinda fun.
Today i’m mostly playing pvp and it’s quite nice that he’s considered so up. It’s always nicer to know, that you’ll be rather getting buffed than stripped of your play-style for sudden nerfs. However – i certainly lack the experience of much Tpvp besides solo-que. And if you bother to read some of the threads – there are some pretty valid points to what the necromancer lacks. Also having 25 Stacks Bleed max is sucky for dungeons. :/

The path of necromancy - fallen into darkness

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kravick.4906


Necromancers never had problems 1v1. Its fighting multiple opponents and sustaining in long fights, while being labeled an “attrition class”, where necromancers have problems. Then there is the bleed cap in dungeons. Bring any other condition built person and your DPS gets cut in half. Death Shroud is also ill-conceived and has more synergy with power than it does any other build.

No one ever said necromancers can’t do PVP or PVE. Its just when you’ve played other classes in the same environment, you’ll start to see how and why necromancers fall apart. Especially based on their class description. Right now, nothing from our class description is reality. People can easily run from us, of all the classes that have access to poison we have the least, our attrition is atrocious, and our “hybrid” capability is really only effective in PVE.

Stuff goes here.

(edited by Kravick.4906)

The path of necromancy - fallen into darkness

in Necromancer

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


Glad to hear all of your stories about what you like and how you compare Necromancer to other professions!

What really hooked me early on were all the pets and AoE. I admit I like to farm and craft so the decision was easy – tag everything I can and loot. Back early in the game pets were rather unruly but are much better, now. Orr was also full of undead and master or better drops were hard to come by. I harvested as much ecto as I could and became something of a clothes horse. The lean days are over but I still use all the mat’s I collect.

The path of necromancy - fallen into darkness

in Necromancer

Posted by: LastDay.3524


Necromancers never had problems 1v1. Its fighting multiple opponents and sustaining in long fights

I feel it’s the complete opposite.
Many of the best Necromancer skills are AoE and work much better in group fights.

Signet of Undeath is worthless 1vs1.
Epidemic is completely useless 1vs1 unless your opponent has some sort of NPC allies like Illusions or Minions.

Corrupt Boon is good, but a good bunker Guardian just isn’t killable by you alone.
However if you strip all the Boons off a Guardian that opens him for an attack from someone with high damage.

In addition deaths give you Life Force.
For example if you zerg in WvW you can sometimes get 0% -> 100% Life Force in under 5 seconds.

Not to mention that since you are so easy to kill it’s in your best interest for your enemies to be focused on someone else.

Of course it does depend on the build, too.
Minion Masters are much stronger 1vs1 than in group battles.


The path of necromancy - fallen into darkness

in Necromancer

Posted by: TyPin.9860


Some of your comments make me wonder, if you guys play the same profession. My 1v1, even 1vX capabilities are atm better then with my mesmer. I have the feeling, every1 knows these days, how to deal with mesmers and their illusions (still being very strong).

I think atm I profit from the lack of knowledge of the necromancer abilities. I yesterday fought 3 ppl, (2 of them upleveled though) in WvW, where the lvl 80 guy was a guardian. And I destroyed them. Unfortunatly their Zerg arrived, and I had to flee. Sadly I didn’t hit the record button, before the fight started.

I will try to post some videos of my necromancer, to show you guys, what I mean.

I agree though on the 25 stack cap in dungeons and PvE in genereal. Here condition necros need to use “trickery”, like using ependemic to spread conditions. But in WvW (don’t know about the turnout in sPvP) your ability to put on heavy condition pressure is suprisingly strong.

[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

The path of necromancy - fallen into darkness

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kravick.4906


I think atm I profit from the lack of knowledge of the necromancer abilities. I yesterday fought 3 ppl, (2 of them upleveled though) in WvW, where the lvl 80 guy was a guardian. And I destroyed them. Unfortunatly their Zerg arrived, and I had to flee. Sadly I didn’t hit the record button, before the fight started.

You won that fight because up levels do not put out enough DPS pressure for them to be considered dangerous. They also die extremely fast. The one level 80 that was there was a guardian. Necromancers eat guardians. You had a fight that was very much in your favor.

I don’t have problems fighting multiple up levels, in fact most necros don’t, but up levels are not an even fight and most of us do not count them since they’re just fodder. Try a 1vX with all of your opponents being level 80, and in equivalent gear as you are, and that fight would have gone completely different. Necromancers are not equipped to handle 1vX fights like mesmers, guardians, elementalists, engineers, rangers (the non bow rangers anyway) and thieves are. Every class has a bunker spec that is capable of 1vXing, or at least holding out long enough for help to arrive. In the case of thieves and mesmers, they can actually go full berserker with enough skill and win out because of invisibility and distortion effects. This is why you never see serious bunker necros in sPvP. Yeah, they can hold a point against one person, but when 2 or more people show up, that necromancer is as dead as their minions.

Necros don’t do so well in 1vX because we have no skills that evade, dodge, or block for us. We cannot attrition like we’re supposed to. ANet knows this and are (hopefully) working on solutions to this problem.

Stuff goes here.

The path of necromancy - fallen into darkness

in Necromancer

Posted by: Chesire.9043


Necros don’t do so well in 1vX because we have no skills that evade, dodge, or block for us. We cannot attrition like we’re supposed to. ANet knows this and are (hopefully) working on solutions to this problem.

What confuses me (and a lot of others) is how they’re going to do this without blocks, evades, and/or invuls. DS is not a viable option in my opinion, as it locks our entire skill bar including utilities and cuts our DPS by a large margin (at least for condi builds).

Unless DS 5 turns out to be some amazing condition damaging skill on a relatively short CD, I don’t see it. Maybe with faster skill casts and lower CD’s? Maybe?

Around a week or so to go, either way.

The path of necromancy - fallen into darkness

in Necromancer

Posted by: prothorin.5849


I never ever win 1v1 in www.
I played 95% in www. I have full exotic rabid gear with staff and s/d. 0/30/20/20/0.
I no has money, because do not get loot only grays. But died continious and pay more for repair that loots. Condition do not generate enough damage for loot.
That was very frustrated so I stop playing gw2 2 month ago.

The path of necromancy - fallen into darkness

in Necromancer

Posted by: TyPin.9860


Ever used deathshroud when ur life force was just about to be gone and combined it with Barbed Precision and Sigil of Earth? You can stack with a rabid build so much bleeding on multiple targets. But I admit it’s hard to pull of in the heat of the battle^^

I can hold my ground against several lvl 80s. However it is very hard to pull of and you have to keep the heat on. The moment one gets a CC down on you, your only chance is to get away. And this is especially ahrd with necromancer. You have to use all chill, blind and fear you got. Also, letting your flesh golem run over several guys chasing you in a nice line is awesome^^

[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

The path of necromancy - fallen into darkness

in Necromancer

Posted by: Punny.9210


hi bros,

i play this game since the Day 1 but i stopped playing quite 5 – 7 months around because i got bored and then i just return

having 3 chars 80 eni, guard, necro with almost every kind of exo gears…

currently i play necro because it’s so dam hard to play now comparing to the other classes i have. the only thing i hate it … is that most of skills have so long CD. It turned into i got no skills left to use when i 1v1 some tank / hybid ele, etc

while 1v1 huge dps guys can become dam easy sometime if i react fast

one thing that kinda bug me is that i’m forced to build something into Ds because it seems stupid if u dont use at all.

but over all is good though.


(edited by Punny.9210)