[Theorycrafting] Make your post-Specs builds

[Theorycrafting] Make your post-Specs builds

in Necromancer

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

The goal here isn’t to complain, nor to sing the praises of the new system. It’s simply to capitalize on some of the potential of this early and come up with fun new builds.

I’ll start with one I’ve been toying around with:

Corrupted Master (Sc/D, Staff)

Death Magic

Flesh of the Master
Greater Marks (Alternate – Reaper’s Protection, particularly if Terror is taken over Parasitic Contagion) – Pretty much a throwaway tier for this build
Necromantic Corruption


Weakening Blood
Path of Corruption
Parasitic Contagion (Alternate – Terror or Lingering Curse for more damage output)

Blood Magic

Mark Of Evasion
Transfusion (Alternate – Vampiric Precision for less support and minion sustain, but slightly more damage and survivability)
Unholy Martyr

The goal of this build is simultaneous survivability and support. With the default trait choices, you will be able to support allies (minions included) with Mark of Blood, Transfusion, and Unholy Martyr. Conditions you obtained from this are then transferred to minions who transfer them to foes. It would have an excellent Regeneration uptime thanks to Blood Magic traits, and is given further sustain through Blood to Power, Vampiric, and Parasitic Contagion. Armored Shroud, Beyond the Veil, Weakening Blood, and Flesh of the Master further improve the survivability of you and your minions.

The main drawback here is lower dps than a standard condi spec, but it also deals diversified damage thanks to minions – which don’t scale on the Power of a player anyway, making them equally ideal for a condi spec.

In theory, it should be highly survivable, particularly against condition builds, which will have much of their condition output turned back on them through Necromantic Corruption – much in the same vein as a Mallyx Revenant.

[Theorycrafting] Make your post-Specs builds

in Necromancer

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


/delete necro
/create engineer

I’m still holding out a small shred of hope that our specialization synergizes well with condition specs and that is why it appears condition specs are completely screwed over now. I’ll hold off on trying to design a new build until we see the specialization.

[Theorycrafting] Make your post-Specs builds

in Necromancer

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

/delete necro
/create engineer

I’m still holding out a small shred of hope that our specialization synergizes well with condition specs and that is why it appears condition specs are completely screwed over now. I’ll hold off on trying to design a new build until we see the specialization.

I wouldn’t count on it. GS seems like more of a power-oriented weapon. But who knows?

[Theorycrafting] Make your post-Specs builds

in Necromancer

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


/delete necro
/create engineer

I’m still holding out a small shred of hope that our specialization synergizes well with condition specs and that is why it appears condition specs are completely screwed over now. I’ll hold off on trying to design a new build until we see the specialization.

I wouldn’t count on it. GS seems like more of a power-oriented weapon. But who knows?

Well I never accused the devs of making sense. Curses has very important power traits in adept and master tier… then GM screws you over unless you’re a condition spec.

So hopefully the greatsword line is similar lol

[Theorycrafting] Make your post-Specs builds

in Necromancer

Posted by: Samhayn.2385


The spec changes will go live before HoT, so guess we need to do a build before hand.

So for me it will be spite, curses, blood.

Dagger, warhorn and wells. At least blinds and chills will synergies. Ehh after watching it I still wonder why the stuff we have that would work well together is still so spread out. Dunno still feels me to me like the necro is going to need more interation.

It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!

[Theorycrafting] Make your post-Specs builds

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


I’m stuck at curses and soul reaping. I’ll finalize when it’s actually here I don’t expect much from elite line.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

[Theorycrafting] Make your post-Specs builds

in Necromancer

Posted by: Blackmoa.3186


I will probably use a build that is close to my current build
Scepter Focus/Staff, consume condition, corrupt boon, well of corruption, flesh wurm, plague
in spite:
reapers might, chill of death,spiteful spirit/signet mastery
in curses:
weakening shroud, path of corruption, anything(up to testing and matchups)
in Soulreaping:
Soul marks, vital persistence, foot in the grave

should be rather potent

German Caster,
never blinking “specialist”,

[Theorycrafting] Make your post-Specs builds

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kilger.5490


Spite6/Death6/Soul6. Max power, damage and survivability…

Kilger – Human Ranger
alts: Fangyre (Necro), Hardrawk (Ele);
Jade Quarry

[Theorycrafting] Make your post-Specs builds

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ratphink.4751


Welp, depending on final numbers I’m probably going to tool around with Spite/DM/Soul Reaping since my power build won’t need the added benefit of the Prec from Curses anymore.

So I’m thinking something along the lines of:
Spite: Bitter Chill, Chill of Death, and Close to Death
DM: Putrid Defense, Deadly Strength, Unholy Sanctuary
SR: Speed of Shadows , Spectral Mastery, and Death Perception

Alternatively, if the power gain from Deadly Strength turns out to be rubbish after they finally set the numbers in stone I can always swap to Greater Marks in DM and Soul Marks in SR. Theoretically, I may end up being able to tank a bit more despite being a glass canon, but I’m not keeping my hopes up.

I find it sad though that I have to give up some of those Curses Minor traits for this build… but I just don’t see any third Grandmaster Trait that meshes nicely with Powermancer sadly.

“I have begun my journey in a paper boat without a bottom.”