Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: QSpec.4298


I fear a thief for 1 second. Thief steals and fears the entire point for 3 seconds.

Anything you can do I can do better?

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


Dont fear until he fears.

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: QSpec.4298


You know that’s not how it works… right?

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Magzillas.4865


You just haven’t mastered death shroud yet.

…in all seriousness, I agree it doesn’t make an ounce of sense.

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: LastDay.3524


I don’t think that the two are that easily compared, really.
Steal and Death Shroud are so different.

Steal Shadowsteps to an enemy, gives some sort of one-time-use skill and triggers other effects with traits.
It then enters a cooldown.

Death Shroud gives you a second life bar and four skills.
I don’t need to explain the Life Force and yadda yadda.

The Fear the Thief used is highly situational as the Thief needs to steal from a Necromancer beforehand.
Steal also has a 45 second cooldown. (Which can be reduced)

The Fear in Death Shroud is short but it has instant cast, 20 seconds cooldown and can be accessed at almost any time by quickly hitting Death Shroud → Doom → Death Shroud.
Perfect for interrupting an action like Stomp or Revive.


Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mayama.1854


Three things I really dont understand about thiefs and fear:

- I was under the impression that their are not many long fears in the game because its to strong and thats the reason why the necro doesnt have some.

- I dont like that my presence in a team basicaly makes the enemy thief stronger because the fear is one of the best things a thief can steal

- Why can a prefession that can kill someone in 3 seconds steal something that makes it super easy to do it.

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: QSpec.4298


This thread was mostly said as a joke about the state of the Necromancer (sometimes it feels like no matter how we spec, there is a class out there that can do it better).

But to add to the more serious discussion, I am not necessarily asking for a buff (although admittedly with the number of gap closers on the classes you want to fear off of you 1 second seems a little short… that one second is really only the matter of one autoattack). If I were to pick what to change, I would reevaluate the thief’s fear. It is less of an issue now, but 3 seconds is enough time to blow through our entire DS and most of our health depending on the build.

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: QSpec.4298


Oh and in a game in which you pretty much have to fight on points… a 3 second AOE fear which takes very little skill to use properly will almost certainly allow the thief to decap a point.

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


Theres no class doing it “better”. Every class has there differences.
Dont be like necro is U.P Because were not.
Classes who do it better… is not the class its the player.

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Angry Flying Squirrel.3041

Angry Flying Squirrel.3041

Theres no class doing it “better”. Every class has there differences.
Dont be like necro is U.P Because were not.
Classes who do it better… is not the class its the player.

Sorry but the Necro is UP. If only because so much of our stuff is bugged to the point of being broken. Don’t go around with your head in the sand saying how fine the Necro Prof is when it is not.


Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


Well yes Bugged but not underpowered. Not once I have faced a good player and said.. Dang I’m underpowered. And yes I have versed good player ie. moist from [PS] Backbeard 100 blades warrior 99% tourney win (according what is stated on his stream), team [ac] team [PS] Team legacy. I have versed the so called best and have been beaten as a team. But not once has underpowered ever crossed my head

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Angry Flying Squirrel.3041

Angry Flying Squirrel.3041

Well yes Bugged but not underpowered. Not once I have faced a good player and said.. Dang I’m underpowered. And yes I have versed good player ie. moist from [PS] Backbeard 100 blades warrior 99% tourney win (according what is stated on his stream), team [ac] team [PS] Team legacy. I have versed the so called best and have been beaten as a team. But not once has underpowered ever crossed my head

Bugged means UP. We are UP to the state that we should be. People say we are UP because we do not perform as well as other Prof. This does not mean that all builds are UP or that we don’t have some builds that can keep up. But this can mean that we have less builds and less tools than other Prof, and this is true. Because of those bugs we are under performing, both in the number of builds we can use and how effective those builds are.

Lets take your build. Its a nice build, but it does under perform. Now before you come in saying you do just fine, let me state what i mean by that. You are under performing compared to what you could be doing. The reason for this is the bad AI of pets (bugged pets). Now if pets always attacked your build would do more damage. The fact that pets don’t always attacks means your doing less damage than you should be doing. Thus your UP.

I am not saying that Necro’s need a buff, nor am i saying we don’t, we the necro players don’t know if we do or don’t yet. Until the bugs are fixed it is impossible to say one way or the other.


Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


@Angry Flying Squirrel.3041

Ok that clarify s somethings up lol. Yes to that extent we are UP. But doesnt tell us when they fix us !!!!!

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bag.6279


I just don’t see how you can consider the class on-par with others. The spike damage, survival, and lockout potential just isn’t close. PvP is largely about those three elements. Sustained damage through a precise rotation ain’t how you kill dynamic targets. Yes, you can go buckwild and come out in the middle of the pack, or you can get a buncha noobs and come out on top, but in a competitive environment, you’re mediocre at best, with nothing setting the class apart in a valuable way.

Bug fixes will help, but overall output seems to remain a problem.

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lucubration.8361


Dont fear until he fears.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself?

Yes, the way Fear and Steal work is a brilliant metaphor for the Necromancer in general.

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Darkwalker.3968


Even a guy just shouting “fear me” is apparently scarier than a necro. I just find it strange how necro, which was originally the only class to have fear, is last in terms of fear duration.

(edited by Darkwalker.3968)

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: DoctorWhy.3847


^^^^^ So very this! XD

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nijjion.2069


Don’t forget that other professions fear is on a 45(thief)/80(war) sec cd ours is a lot shorter.

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: DoctorWhy.3847


Thinking about it… fear is just a stun… you can’t attack, or control yourself. And I am pretty sure Plague Signet (though the passive is bugged) does break stun and fear. So, though I agree with this thread, we can counter it at least a bit.

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Navi.1032


  • Necro
    Reaper’s Mark (Staff) — 40s c/d — 1s Duration
    Doom (Death Shroud) — 20s c/d — 1s Duration*
  • Ranger
    Terrifying Howl (Wolf) — 45s c/d — 2s Duration
  • Thief
    Skull Fear (Steal) — 45s c/d — 3s Duration
  • Warrior
    Fear Me (Utility) — 80s c/d — 1-3s Duration
    *Only non-AoE Fear

Based on this list it seems like it would make more sense (based on cooldowns, area of effect, and taking into account the signature skill flavor) that both Necro Fears be bumped up to 2s durations.

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Gawmbles.5308


Keep in mind thief fear is low range with a 2 second cast time. High risk vs high reward in a sense.

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150



I dont understand why you say that. IM perfectly fine in tourneys.
Im to tired/drinking to write you a full response.
But in other words. You can say were mediocre to other classes. But you not understanding that when there burst/initiave are down (mainly thievs and warriors i assume your talking about). They are useless. As for necros we have many skills to keep are damage up. and other spells to remove boons/2 spells to remove condition/ and stack vulnerability. (for using my build).

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: QSpec.4298



I am not disagreeing with you. I have no reason to think that you don’t do well.

The problem is this:

We (the vast majority of forum-crawling Necro players) feel that conditionmancer is the best of all specs and even that pales compared to other condition based classes.

A lot of us are looking for proof that this isn’t the case.

We are just not being shown a lot of proof.

Many of us have experimented with various power builds, DS focused builds, condition builds, minion builds, and tank builds. Regardless of which route I choose, I feel outshined by others that are traiting for the same role.

Now, I grant you, this may not be the case. We all may have a horrible case of “l2p”. That said, a video would not be a bad place to start.

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


Yea my laptop can’t handle video recording. I wish I could show you with visuals. But for example I versed a good condition mancer, my team was having to 2v1 him just to secure it. But when I went against him I destroyed him and even in 2v2s we would destroy him. So yes condition is a viable spec, but so are others if played right.

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


We won because he tried to bunker mid an I took point to win in khylo. While my team was 4v4 at windmill to keep it neutral. He commented that I have a nice build. So in my own eyes it’s viable

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: QSpec.4298


I am also curious, do you think that some of the success with your build has to do with how unused power specs on necros are?

And as your build takes off and as more people play it (or something like it), will its power remain strong?

For example, I find people stay in wells too long or don’t use stun breakers to roll out of wells. Do you worry that once people see that staying in a well for its full duration is super damaging, the spec will lose some viability?

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Angry Flying Squirrel.3041

Angry Flying Squirrel.3041

I am also curious, do you think that some of the success with your build has to do with how unused power specs on necros are?

And as your build takes off and as more people play it (or something like it), will its power remain strong?

For example, I find people stay in wells too long or don’t use stun breakers to roll out of wells. Do you worry that once people see that staying in a well for its full duration is super damaging, the spec will lose some viability?

Good players in tpvp already do just that.


Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nemiros.3590


Hey tony! i remember that fight, i was that necro! lol. yeah it was a nice build, but its really circumstantial. i was trying to mantain clock and really couldnt move out of your wells since it has pretty much the circumference of the node. i do like your build, precisely for bunkering clock, but i dont think it would have worked on another node since i really wouldnt have stayed in there. just my two cents. i would like to see your build, it has a lot of defence, and my warrior commented he couldnt beet you in mansion. but just so you can imporve your build maybe you should invest in some more ranged dmg? i really wouldnt have stayed inside the well in any other circumstance

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nemiros.3590


BTW what happened to the necro was that it was generally nerfed without thinking of the real interaction with other classes. it was scaled down because it was strong, so our traits didnt scale well with us. like life siphon and fear.

PS. really would like to see that build. i was breaking my head earlier trying to make a viable dagger build, but couldnt really make it worth replacing some other dmg dealer. i would really like to see big (bigger)numbers and be viable for a change

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


Hey tony! i remember that fight, i was that necro! lol. yeah it was a nice build, but its really circumstantial. i was trying to mantain clock and really couldnt move out of your wells since it has pretty much the circumference of the node. i do like your build, precisely for bunkering clock, but i dont think it would have worked on another node since i really wouldnt have stayed in there. just my two cents. i would like to see your build, it has a lot of defence, and my warrior commented he couldnt beet you in mansion. but just so you can imporve your build maybe you should invest in some more ranged dmg? i really wouldnt have stayed inside the well in any other circumstance

Lol glad too see you on the forums. Well that build isnt about bunkering, and indeed you were a good fight.
But it can be a bunker build to 1v1 – 1v2 fights. IT has alot of utility on Any one of the tourney maps. They can either send me solo to your point or ours to defend inc while a of more mobility class (ele usually) roams. It has good team fight potential because if with the right classes ( Lots of combo blasts) Area blindness all around.
IN all its a real all-around build in my eyes.
I have a guide on this forum [Comprehensive] [Tpvp] Power necro: people think they suck….
Take a look.. I dont tell you all my tips though but indeed its the general overview

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


“but its really circumstantial”

Yes people may say that but Think of team comps. A thief, Mesmer,tank engi, Ele, Necro
Thief is condition, Mesmeer is power/crit/toughness Engi is Tank/Healing, Ele is roamer, And a power necro. That team put my build into good use.
I do not imply what everybody on thiskittenforum thinks, that I run with all power/crit people. Because that would be stupid A.F. On that team i was the only pure power/crit and it did pay off.

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Konrad Curze.5130

Konrad Curze.5130

it makes sense if you are Jon Peters and are totally drunk…like Jon Peters

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


Lol….. you sir… Just you…

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: DoctorWhy.3847


Tony: Sweet! You found a single viable necro build to help (almost) balance the necro! Oh? All the other classes can play as more than 1 build and be good at it? Well kitten.

Ok, I can’t fully agree with people around here saying the necro needs a buff (yet). But I will say that the necro needs the bugs fixed ASAP, or else we will fall to the bottom of the gene pool, because a single build isn’t enough for people to enjoy the class. However, if after the bug fixes, the necro still lags behind the rest of the classes, then we can complain that the necro needs a bit of a buff.

And I see what other people are saying around here: A good necro vs a good any other class would probably loose if fought straight up. Of course, fighting straight up rarely happens, and you may be able to catch someone off guard and completely dominate them. Even so, the necro needs to be fixed.

Thief Fear as a metaphor for the state of Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tony.2150


Well theyre 3 viable builds for tourney play(conditon/power/Tank), and YES! the bugs need to be fixed. My only Fear is when Close to Death is buffed up to 20% like what the tooltip says. Power Necros will get a nerf.
Im glad to see someone that Doesnt agree with something , Then Doesn’t instantly bashs on them.

Well 1v1s are all up to the player. Thought everybody will win some, everybody will lose some.
Ive lost plenty amount of 1v1s, and ive won plenty amount of 1v1s.
Key thing is to understand what that class did, Play around it and try again, its the only way to get better at utilizing your class.
As for thieves they usually just do the same thing not all But most. “hehe i go stealth then pop haste and LOLOLOLOL”. which can be easily countered.

+1 for humor :P