Torqky's Soloque Build Tpvp
Seems like a decent build. Not to many people use valk amulet even though its quite good.
IMO I would take the 15 out of blood magic and maybe put it in curses( you have a low crit chance even if you use fury Ds often ) but I’d prefer to put it into Soul reaping. Its the best trait line to put 15 points. This is a high DMG build! You have lich and two wells, the health siphoning won’t matter to much.
You also have a lot of crit DMG for such a low crit rate. I would try to boost this anyway you can. I would use a zerker jewel in your amulet for a bit of a bump, and maybe some precision runes. The crit DMG in divinity would be made up from 15 iinto sr.
Seems like a decent build. Not to many people use valk amulet even though its quite good.
IMO I would take the 15 out of blood magic and maybe put it in curses( you have a low crit chance even if you use fury Ds often ) but I’d prefer to put it into Soul reaping. Its the best trait line to put 15 points. This is a high DMG build! You have lich and two wells, the health siphoning won’t matter to much.
You also have a lot of crit DMG for such a low crit rate. I would try to boost this anyway you can. I would use a zerker jewel in your amulet for a bit of a bump, and maybe some precision runes. The crit DMG in divinity would be made up from 15 iinto sr.
Thanks for the feedback! I have thought about swapping the valk jewel for the beserker. I actually like the 15 in blood for several reasons. Auto dagger with 3200 attack puts out good burst even without crits.
The siphon from the heal doesnt do damage but the 9 ticks proc the minor trait which do damage. A life siphon and auto attack chain does about 500 unmitigated damage and 500 extra healing. The extra 1500 health is nice and 150 healing helps the regen ticks. I get good uptime with regen with the 90% health trigger trait, focus 4, and staff 2. When regen isn’t up i make good use of DS. Regen ticks for 200ish and dagger does a good job of replenishing life force.
TLDR: I know blood tree is generally weak but with this builds playstyle i get some decent use out if it. All those siphons add up when you pair them with good regen uptime and high tougness
we all have are own play styles, if you like the siphon/rejen, rock it. The one thing I’d prob stress again is your 32% crit DMG with low crit chance. I’m sure dagger puts out a lot of DMG without crits, but saying that, have you thought about a different stat? I feel like you don’t benefit from crit DMG like how you said this build does not benifit from a crit proc sigil(air/fire).
With 15 in curses, he does have access to fury to give a 20% crit chance buff, which helps at least some.
That build is ok but I’d sure put those 15 blood magic points somewhere else and take Spectral Walk on every map other than maybe Forest unless you plan to sit on points.
I like Staff Mastery a lot these days (underrated) and 5 more in Curses gets you Terror or Chilling Darkness and more crit.
That build is ok but I’d sure put those 15 blood magic points somewhere else and take Spectral Walk on every map other than maybe Forest unless you plan to sit on points.
I like Staff Mastery a lot these days (underrated) and 5 more in Curses gets you Terror or Chilling Darkness and more crit.
Like staff mastery also, but I never can really get it since greater marks takes priority over it. Can never get my self to put 20 points into death magic either.
Terror isn’t good in power builds if I’m not mistaken. Chilling darkness, he has no blinds in this build besides staff 4 on wells(btw that should cause an aoe chill also when traited?).
we all have are own play styles, if you like the siphon/rejen, rock it. The one thing I’d prob stress again is your 32% crit DMG with low crit chance. I’m sure dagger puts out a lot of DMG without crits, but saying that, have you thought about a different stat? I feel like you don’t benefit from crit DMG like how you said this build does not benifit from a crit proc sigil(air/fire).
The crit damage pays well when in lich form. My crit rate goes closer to 70% with 32% crit damage. When the extra burst is needed its there. I put pressure on targets with conditions/chills and boon removals. 3200 power on dagger hits hard even without crits. When i look at the build on paper it looks awful to me too, but in game the dps and survivability is impressive. As far as looking at other stats besides crit damage, point me in a direction you can get more dps without sacrificing toughness