Toughness>Signet of Vampirism

Toughness>Signet of Vampirism

in Necromancer

Posted by: Archaeopteryx.7409


I’ve been wondering about Toughness in comparison to Vitality for a while on my Necro… Since the new healing skill, Signet of Vampirism, has popped onto my list of favourite skills, I’ve been wondering whether the reduced damage intake from Toughness will affect the amount of health healed when attacked. I’ve been thinking about this for other skills before, not only on Necro and the skills belonging to that Profession; one similar example that pops to mind is increasing the Power in general to see any changes with incoming health siphoning from Minion Attacks… Feel free to share opinions and assumptions on what you think via experience from other Professions!

Anyone know statistics/facts/upcoming changes to anything relating to these? Feel free to discuss it and relate it to other classes to help the readers (including me ;D) paint a better picture overall! Thanks ;D

(edited by Archaeopteryx.7409)

Toughness>Signet of Vampirism

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

The healing is independent of the amount of damage you took.

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Toughness>Signet of Vampirism

in Necromancer

Posted by: Archaeopteryx.7409


The healing is independent of the amount of damage you took.

Thank you very much! I haven’t had the time to test it, so thank you very much for your input-I’ll be able to test thingies tomorrow xD I just mainly wanted a heads up of what to do/expect ^^

Toughness>Signet of Vampirism

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Generally speaking, vitality wins over toughness if you have more LF gain than healing, toughness wins over vitality with lots of healing.

In your case, toughness will probably do better, since you won’t necessarily want to be in DS often as the signet is inactive during that.

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Toughness>Signet of Vampirism

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


The better question is why would you? I mean with consume conditions and well of blood, picking SoV seems… lets just say a single skritt not a horde of em.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

Toughness>Signet of Vampirism

in Necromancer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


The better question is why would you? I mean with consume conditions and well of blood, picking SoV seems… lets just say a single skritt not a horde of em.

Haha; awesome comparisation. ^^

Toughness>Signet of Vampirism

in Necromancer

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


Necromancer has always struggled to heal fast enough to face-tank so high toughness beats improving vitality. Toughness is a key CC for a class with minimal escape and combat mobility options. In PvE, minions play a vital role capturing aggro but only an idiot would focus them in PvP or WvW (unless Flesh Wurm is out.)

Toughness>Signet of Vampirism

in Necromancer

Posted by: Muchacho.2390


Necros are probaly the only class where toughness is not nesessarly the better defensive stat. For necros it comes down to haeling vs lf generation, but toughness is always the safer bet outside of ds. So if you good with handling ds use what you want if you have trouble using ds take toughness.

Toughness>Signet of Vampirism

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

I’m curious to know why you think SoV is so good? Have you looked carefully at the numbers? Did you know there are cooldowns?

Toughness>Signet of Vampirism

in Necromancer

Posted by: Archaeopteryx.7409


I’m curious to know why you think SoV is so good? Have you looked carefully at the numbers? Did you know there are cooldowns?

I use a High Healy Regeneration Build with several condition removals and it suits my type of gameplay personally; I absorb most of the bursts generally speaking, so with that Signet and a High-Healing Infinite Regeneration and Burst Siphoning/Stacking Bleeds, it adds up for me… Consume Conditions isn’t the most efficient for when I’m in WvW generally

Toughness>Signet of Vampirism

in Necromancer

Posted by: DeathenShada.6397


High toughness draws argro in pve so remember that

Toughness>Signet of Vampirism

in Necromancer

Posted by: Muchacho.2390


I’m curious to know why you think SoV is so good? Have you looked carefully at the numbers? Did you know there are cooldowns?

I use a High Healy Regeneration Build with several condition removals and it suits my type of gameplay personally; I absorb most of the bursts generally speaking, so with that Signet and a High-Healing Infinite Regeneration and Burst Siphoning/Stacking Bleeds, it adds up for me… Consume Conditions isn’t the most efficient for when I’m in WvW generally

You know that cc has a better hps than sov even without any condition on you?

Toughness>Signet of Vampirism

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vortok.6975


With deadly strenght toughness is the way for defensive AND offensive, spec Knight and/or Cavalier. And for the heal CC burn all the conditions there’s nothing better than that. If the passive of signet of vamp included a passive conditions transfer/comsume/remover i would have think about it.