Trailblazer vs Carrion

Trailblazer vs Carrion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vigil.8205


Dear, Fellow Nercomancers

Hi Vigil here, I have been grinding the new maps like crazy for gold and items. I have got the income to change my Carrion gear into trailblazer but not sure if I should. Would the change improve my damage and tank stats or will be not worth it. Have in mind I already have a set of viper’s gear.

Timekeeper’s Condi Reaper
David Mortem
Henge of Denravi

Trailblazer vs Carrion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Depends. Do you plan on doing WvW with said gear?

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Trailblazer vs Carrion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vigil.8205


Depends. Do you plan on doing WvW with said gear?

I sometimes do WvW but mostly I tend to do PvE with some PvP with my guild mates

Timekeeper’s Condi Reaper
David Mortem
Henge of Denravi

Trailblazer vs Carrion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vigil.8205


Still hoping someone can help me figure it out which would be better. The main thing I want to know is Carrion better Tailblazer in terms of condi output damage.

Timekeeper’s Condi Reaper
David Mortem
Henge of Denravi

Trailblazer vs Carrion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Azsune.7946


For PvE damage output Vipers with sinister once you manage 100%

Trailblazer vs Carrion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vigil.8205


I know that but i working a more tank condi system as well I already have the vipers gear with sinister

Timekeeper’s Condi Reaper
David Mortem
Henge of Denravi

Trailblazer vs Carrion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Demandred.7930


Both your effective health and your condi damage should be higher with trailblazer’s compared to carrion, but carrion has higher effective power (around 1900 without might and fury compared to the base 1000 for trailblazer’s). Trailblazer has essentially the same condi damage as viper’s. The condi damage from trailblazer’s is about 12% higher than carrion, assuming you spec for 65% condi duration, with an effective health of about 2 times base. Carrion gives around 1.5 times base (quick estimate from my pvp health bar). I’m assuming you don’t mean raid tank since you don’t have toughness. I’d recommend trailblazer’s as a tanky condi spec. With carrion, it would be advantageous to make sure you have some power damage and crit from reaper traits. For more details I refer to the trailblazer’s vs viper’s thread.

Trailblazer vs Carrion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Protostellar.4981


Question: What makes Celestial stats so great in sPvP, yet relatively lackluster in PvE and WvW. I’ll grant that I am quite inexperienced as a necromancer.

Thanks in advance!

Trailblazer vs Carrion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mega Skeleton.8259

Mega Skeleton.8259

Celestial has more than 30% more stats overall in pvp and pve ( ) than normal 3 stat items, so if you can make moderate use of all of them, which is pretty easy in PvP for a lot of classes, you just get more stuff. In PvE however you get less offensive stats than the berserkers/viper’s alternatives, where typically damage output is a #1 priority, unlike PvP where surviving is also relevant.

I imagine celestial is pretty good in WvW too, but I don’t WvW really, so I’m not an authority by any extent.

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Trailblazer vs Carrion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cecilia.5179


In terms of condition damage, Carrion produces a higher Condition damage stat. Trailblazer’s gives you less Condition damage, but more Condition Duration. Condition duration is great, but Carrion gives you power damage, which allows you to pressure classes with stuff like -66%/-33% chill duration and -20% food, as well as classes that cleanse with little difficulty and gives you a small chance against DS ele’s.
I’ve been thinking about getting Carrion for my Necro. The drawback is that you’ll be insanely frail with no toughness and take 10k from backstabs.

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