Unholy Martyr and Minions?
I’m pretty sure I drew condis from my flesh golem when I was running it. Not an official test or anything but I’m sure it was the only thing around to take condis from.
True? Yes. Worth it? Hell no.
Can confirm – I run a MM build and found that while my minions were pulling conditions off me, I was then pulling the conditions back off them. It was kind of a strange situation, but there you have it.
It does in fact, but it’s actually rather powerful in some regards as it keeps you relatively unafflicted by the conditions, while also supplying you with near infinite Life Force in appropriate instances, and when it’s all said and done, you just transfer them away. Pretty cool/cute interaction in my opinion.
Man if only the minion ai wasn’t so bad, MM would be such a powerful build. >_<
^ both of above posts
earlier today i was running around wvw with both and i was like WHY ISN’T EVERYONE DOING THIS I NEVER LEAVE DEATH SHROUD
in zergs or soloing (course, i realize how unreliable random wvw folk are)
buttttttt after more playing around, it obviously does have its own problems
some of it being stuck in those two traitlines
but primarily the minion AI, so i tried running with signets/other utility, and it was… not worth it
legit minion AI is the only thing holding minion masters back from being extremely strong
even before these new traitlines, though
Thank you for the answers