Upcoming patch: 5 pages of changes
Necros need no fixs once you figure out how to use DS.
O and the trait line that gives more life force might work or it might not work since no player can actually say for certain it does. You do not need gluttony to help give more lifeforce ether, or heck you have reanimator that summons a pointless cheerleader after you kill or down a foe for you. I mean who else has there own cheerleader that arises from the ground for them and dies 11 seconds later. Not to mention your minions have the worst AI in all mmo history, they die from just about any aoe, and prefer to talk on cell phones while you fight mobs. Necros having issues is crazy talk.
working as intended apparently.
It did say that mesmers have the least changes. So Necro’s will get some changes. Hopefully not nerfs again. What can I say I am a necro at heart and hold on to what appears to be hopeless causes. If they just tweak the minions I would be happy. But what can I say I love those almost morbid wishing to be abominations.
overreacting much?
I haven’t even begun to react yet.
It did say that mesmers have the least changes. So Necro’s will get some changes. Hopefully not nerfs again. What can I say I am a necro at heart and hold on to what appears to be hopeless causes.
If they just tweak the minions I would be happy. But what can I say I love those almost morbid wishing to be abominations.
It will be changes and nerfs (of which will cause more bugs.) Such is the life of a class that the developers hate.
80 Necro, 80 Ranger, 80 Warrior, 80 Mesmer, 80 Engineer.
It did say that mesmers have the least changes. So Necro’s will get some changes. Hopefully not nerfs again. What can I say I am a necro at heart and hold on to what appears to be hopeless causes.
If they just tweak the minions I would be happy. But what can I say I love those almost morbid wishing to be abominations.
It will be changes and nerfs (of which will cause more bugs.) Such is the life of a class that the developers hate.
Is it so bad to want a minion army like the first. A army of all bone fiends if I want or heck bone minions even.
If we don’t get at least some bug fix i’ll reroll, for god sake we have traits that do nothing at all (glutonny for exemple)!
I speculate that reanimator has been touched on, as it got a specific mention here earlier.
I’m not seeing anything in that thread about 5 pages of patch notes unless we are talking about Jon’s mentioned blog post.
S/I/F engineer Z/R/D guard
I think the link in OP is no longer valid as they have merged topics
I’m not seeing anything in that thread about 5 pages of patch notes unless we are talking about Jon’s mentioned blog post.
If they don’ fix necros I will leave this class, because it is too frustrating to have fun end game… period. I don’t even know Jon Peters, nor do I want to. his last attempt to communicate to the Necro community was an insult, and I feel he has NO CLUE as to how to play a necro. I hope we have a dev representative that actually plays the necro instead of just looking at the necro profession just on paper. On paper, we look great, in application, with all the bugs, wonky trait lines (TOTALLY LACKING SYNERGY) we are borderline mediocre at best. Seriously getting tired of hoping that necro gets sorted out and wind up usually feeling kittened, and second to GW2’s favorite professions. ( I dont need to say their names…. again.)
I do hope that minions are fixed, but I really hope they do not make MM the only viable build. I love my necro, but I really dislike pet classes (the ability to be a condition weaver was my reasoning for playing necro) I hope the allow a more “burst” option and finally make the axe do more damage than my scepters direct damage in a power build.
Awesome! Good to know they have such a huge list of changes for the classes! We’re gonna be getting some necromancer love…a woo woo
Way I see the make-up of careers in WvW with the people I usually play with breaks down to about:
40% heavy armour roughly split between warriors & guards, 50% medium armour with more thieves than parliament, 7% Mesmers, small handful of Elementalists and the other 2 semi-regular necros I know usually do borderlands & I lurk in EBG most of the time.
Any other necro I see in wvw, is either new, lost, inebriated or looking for the jumping puzzle or something.
Where am I going with this? As a business case as most things are including games, you have to look after your regular customers and most popular product lines first because they’re the earners so to speak.
The blokes that make up your minor services for dented, scratched, hail damaged and wobbly factory seconds, every now and then… aren’t really something you’re going to invest a lot of time into. We’ll get the apprentice to buff the scratches out so it doesn’t look too appalling, but otherwise the rest isn’t covered by warranty and if some of the buttons don’t work, then you should invested in what everyone else is using.
KnT Blackgate
Awesome! Good to know they have such a huge list of changes for the classes! We’re gonna be getting some necromancer love…a woo woo
You hope we are getting love and the fixes dont break more things.
Where am I going with this? As a business case as most things are including games, you have to look after your regular customers and most popular product lines first because they’re the earners so to speak.
They’ll fix the more glaring bugs, it’s only a matter of time.
As for sweeping balance changes and/or trait shake-ups… yeah, you’re right. I wouldn’t hold my breath. That will come with an expansion, if anything. Stuff like Reanimator and the Signets and the poor returns on Vampirism won’t get changed anytime soon IMO.
The question you have to ask yourself is: if all the bugs were ironed out and the traits were working as intended, would the necro in its current form be a fun class to play?
For me, that answer is yes so I’ll stick with it (though I have made a thief, just in case)
Way I see the make-up of careers in WvW with the people I usually play with breaks down to about:
40% heavy armour roughly split between warriors & guards, 50% medium armour with more thieves than parliament, 7% Mesmers, small handful of Elementalists and the other 2 semi-regular necros I know usually do borderlands & I lurk in EBG most of the time.
Any other necro I see in wvw, is either new, lost, inebriated or looking for the jumping puzzle or something.Where am I going with this? As a business case as most things are including games, you have to look after your regular customers and most popular product lines first because they’re the earners so to speak.
The blokes that make up your minor services for dented, scratched, hail damaged and wobbly factory seconds, every now and then… aren’t really something you’re going to invest a lot of time into. We’ll get the apprentice to buff the scratches out so it doesn’t look too appalling, but otherwise the rest isn’t covered by warranty and if some of the buttons don’t work, then you should invested in what everyone else is using.
Unless you are trying to attack new customers or keep your purchasing base large. You would think they would attack more people if the other classes were working. Necro is not a good class right now. You can pimp it out with the best gear and its still mediocre
Now i so want to see a updated graph to the one that showed human warrior being the most played combo in the game.
The only patch I’m expecting is seeing all the tooltips on bugged features changed to “does absolutely nothing useful” because “everything is working fine” and we need to “learn to use death shroud”
[BEAR] www.gw2bear.com
[DATE] www.tyriadating.com
5 page of patch changes needs only for Necros Fix… Give minion Control (pet UI or even more basic),Fix Minion AI,Fix traits and skills. for starters.. just saying..
OP, why does your link take me to a pvp thread? o.O I am guessing that if i dig through it I will see patch notes mentioned by soemone in passing? /confused.
Yay for a different link.
And…Elementalists are still going to be overly dependant on as well as the only ones caring about game mechanics it seems.
While I greatly hope they let my necro be a good minion master, i know its never going to happen. The only chance the necro had to be a good minion master was back in beta. now that its launched and DS is set in stone as the class skill instead of minion management there is little to no hope of the necro ever being what a necro should be.
At the very most I can see them giving all minions ooc healing. but still every minion master necro is going to have the exact same skills/pets out at once. Not because they use just the “best” pets, but because they are the only pets to pick from.
Saddly, even on its best day the GW2 Necro cant hold a candle to the GW1 Necro.
If we don’t get anything this patch I swear…..
I’m probably going to give up on this char lol. Wasted too much time/effort on it.
If we don’t get anything this patch I swear…..
I’m probably going to give up on this char lol. Wasted too much time/effort on it.
More like give up on this game.
For me necro is the only class that entertains me and if you don’t like your profession then of course you don’t like the game because everything you will do in the game requires you to use the 1-10 skills/weapon swap.
What am i expecting? Make our fundamental skill aka Death shroud useful again, maybe?
On second thought, i suggest to just revamp this profession from scratch and start there, but thats just me.
If we don’t get anything this patch I swear…..
I’m probably going to give up on this char lol. Wasted too much time/effort on it.
More like give up on this game.
For me necro is the only class that entertains me and if you don’t like your profession then of course you don’t like the game because everything you will do in the game requires you to use the 1-10 skills/weapon swap.
What am i expecting? Make our fundamental skill aka Death shroud useful again, maybe?
On second thought, i suggest to just revamp this profession from scratch and start there, but thats just me.
Yeah I pretty much feel the same way.
My only other char is my War that I just got to 80, the only thing I really like about them is their ranged options. But overall the dmg and functionality is just amazing in comparison and it just depresses me.
Necro is 150% my class and playstyle and I just want it so bad to be where it should be. Even if EVERY bug is fixed it doesn’t change the fact that their traits and weapon skills are boring/uninteresting.
All this class does is make me miss my warlock from WoW, Vanguard Necro, Allods Summoner, GW1 Necro etc.
I just wish we could get a passionate Necro dev/rep that knows whats up and will get things done. =/
(edited by Knote.2904)
I ask that our Soul Reaper bug gets fixed and for Grenth’s sake, make minion build viable with better AI and some tweaks! I so miss my GW1 necro
I’m hoping for big things, but expecting tooltip changes and new ability icons…
that tends to be how things go for me and my chosen class.
still, ive got hope
“working as intended apparently.”
Yes, Necros where meant to be a mini and thats what they are.
I am seriously wondering if there is even a dev that plays Necro because they like it.
I am definitely not believing the “Necros need alot of love” at this point. They can say what they want, but actions will determine whether or not they were just saying it or plan on actually fixing us. Here’s to hope for the 15th….
(“Big Hat”)Praise the Sun!
Am I the only one who is worried about 5 pages of changes in the first big or 2nd patch in a new so revolutionary mmorpg ?
Am I the only one who is worried about 5 pages of changes in the first big or 2nd patch in a new so revolutionary mmorpg ?
Only worried that we won’t be getting many changes in said 5 pages of changes.
All i want is that they release the patch and notes without any necro changes and then 1 hour later they come up with a 3 times as big patch and post another 5 pages but this time instead of all the updates all just necro fixes and say: Sorry this part of the patch had to rez itself back to unlife.
I know people are going to be like
But you could just at least wait until the update is here before losing even the littlest amount of hope I mean just because Ranger, Mesmer and Engineer were mentioned, Doesn’t mean Necros aren’t going to be fixed/changed in any way.
By the looks of it Bugs were one of the issues they looked at and Necros have a lot of them so they might have been mostly taken care of.
not trying to shut anyone up I’m just saying at least wait until you unleash your hatred and anger out on the forums :P.
Where is this page listing the # of changes for each class?
Yak’s Bend
There is no page. Jon Peters mentioned the patch ingame and namedropped 3 classes. As you can guess by the uproar here necro was not one of the mentioned
Here it is again: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/GW2-PVP-Feedback-Merged-Topics/page/4#post674835
Well this doesn’t sound good to me…… Every class will probably receive many changes, but Necro should get 60 changes if Engineers get 30…..
The fact that they only mentions Rangers and Engineers tells me those are the ones that will get the most changes….. So expect <15 changes for Necro, and probably no big changes…..
I hope I’m wrong, cause this is the make or break point for me, not only for the class, but for the entire game…..
You guys realize that he name dropped Rangers and Engi’s in that thread because people ASKED about those two specific classes? As in nobody asked about Necro, they asked about Ranger and Engi, so he answered them.
Stop blowing this way further out of proportion. In the last, what was it? Two weeks we’ve had 3 threads with Devs actively communicating with us, and another thread where a Dev made a single comment. You guys need to chillax and stop trying to make it out like they don’t care about the class or their game. The last time I had checked, they’re all being paid to care about this game. Their lively hoods kind of depend on it.
^^ This.
Honestly though, how do you get from “5 pages of changes” to “we’re going to nothing again”… WTB some logic?
If some maor issues aren’t fixed for the Necro in this patch, ill be done. Was away for the weekend at a conference and after 3 days, I fund myself not missing the game. That’s the death knell for a MMO. If its not popping into your thoughts now and again during the day, it’s over.
^^ This.
Honestly though, how do you get from “5 pages of changes” to “we’re going to nothing again”… WTB some logic?
We’re jaded. You can’t blame us.
The proof is in the pudding (wtf expression?), we’ll just have to see on the 16th.