Utility Queue?

Utility Queue?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dylninja.4216


Here an idea that didnt get a lot of attention in the suggestion sub-forum. So i thought i’d bring it here to my fellow necromancers.

“I am a necromancer, I like to switch between spectral walk and spectral grasp in the same utility spot. I would like to be able to “queue” up spectral grasp as spectral walk is on cool down. Spectral grasp will show up immediately but still have the cool down of what spectral walk was on, or as spectral walk is up choose spectral grasp and as soon spectral walk is off cool down it automatically switches.
You have to be out of battle to even be able to choose a different utility in a slot so i don’t think it would hinder the gameplay or pvp battles in any way shape or form. Even if you become into battle while your waiting for your “queue” to pop it shouldn’t be effected”

Does anyone think it would be good/helpful?

[PRO] The Protectorate of Fort Aspenwood
Shrouded Bomber

Utility Queue?

in Necromancer

Posted by: morrock.8629


I agree. I like to use Lich Form for boss battles in dungeons, and Flesh Golem when clearing trash. It sucks to have to wait 3 minutes before I can swap out my elite. Usually my party does not want to wait, and will just go on fighting, never really giving me a chance to leave combat and equip it.

Utility Queue?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Du Bist Schuld.8097

Du Bist Schuld.8097

I agree. I like to use Lich Form for boss battles in dungeons, and Flesh Golem when clearing trash. It sucks to have to wait 3 minutes before I can swap out my elite. Usually my party does not want to wait, and will just go on fighting, never really giving me a chance to leave combat and equip it.

erm, how about you go with the golem while clearing mobs and switch to lich form right before boss. Lich is now off CD (unless you used golem chargea few moments ago) and you’re able to face the boss straight away. bosses usually take a few minutes, so either your lich is off CD again or you run around without Fleshie for a min or two (which isn’t that much of a problem, cos you got a party to take the beating for you).

@OP: don’t think they’ll EVER implement anything like that.

Utility Queue?

in Necromancer

Posted by: lettucemode.3789


Eh, decent idea. I doubt it will be implemented because it’s part of the design that you can’t switch your skills in combat, which it seems like this would let you do if you timed it right.

Sanctum of Rall
Builds: Facemelter Watch The Health Bar

Utility Queue?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Levian.6742


He did say that you would have to be out of combat to do this utility switch. Its basically the same thing we have now, except that you change the utility while its on cooldown, so you don’t forget when its off cooldown.

I’d definitely support this idea. In WvW, i switch between Spectral Walk, Spectral Grasp, and Corrupt Boon on the same utility slot. It IS really annoying to try to change the utility to find out as you click, no, you still have 10s left on your cooldown so your stuck waiting