Its a pretty involved topic that has been around for a long time now. Probably since launch but its hard for me to say since I started a few months late. At the time it popped up from time to time and it has since gained popularity. I’ve made the suggestions on multiple occasions to grant us utility in Death shroud considering that a few of our weaknesses in Death shroud come from not having utility. And by a few, I mean crippling weaknesses that seriously hinder the classes overall usability. Not a weakness that you can over come through skill like low health on an elementalist.
What Benefit is there from having utility in death shroud though and how should it be balanced? Originally Death shroud Skills apart from their auto attack(though it might have included their auto) used to cost life force to be used. This gave the mechanic more of a push pull feel to it and during the alpha stages of the necromancer it made death shroud feel rewarding to use and play well. Although this also meant that they were extremely complex. Probably not something Arena net wanted for the profession at the time. I’m of the personal opinion that complexity in itself isn’t a bad thing as long as it increases depth. The idea of “Life for power” that the necromancer is supposed to embody should be a real part of the necromancer. So the suggestion for balance should be that most utility skills on the necromancer should have a life force cost.
Added to this, I also think that Elite skills and the heal skill should be usable in Death shroud. Or just Shroud as anet is calling it now. Why the heal? well, I don’t think the heal should actually heal you. Maybe heal up your death shroud a bit, but not your health. Giving you some benefit from it that it can provide without it being a useless skill. This would allow you to summon your Blood fiend or trigger the signet of vampirism’s active ability. Even using something like Consume condition to remove conditions could be a viable option and grants the user with extremely interesting choices beyond just the utility. Allowing us access to the elite as well could be interesting. Rather than having the elite while your in death shroud, elites that transform you would just drop you out of death shroud when activated. So you could still summon flesh golem or enter Lich form to save time.
Some skill would have to be changed. Such as many of the spectral skills since they might be a bit powerful when activated in Death shroud. Other than that, having skills that cost a bit of life force while using shroud would be an excellent balance for it. Either turtle in Death shroud a bit longer, or burn it down quicker by using your skills. The choice becomes yours and will reward skilled players and still teach new players at the same time.
This also opens up new types of traits that trigger on spending life force granting more unique design for the profession. It also adds another layer of balance that can be used. if a skills is too powerful in Death shroud you can adjust numbers, recharge, cast time or even life force cost. Ultimately, it would help our overall power as well as could be health for our balance in the long run.