[Video]Outnumbered WvW Roaming Vol 6
Everytime you post these, I want to go onto my perplexity sinister signet necro and play (exept yaks bend has turned into k-train central).
Nice fights!
Have you ever though of using epidemic instead of walk? Really fun putting massive condition pressure on downed then epidemic that to their would be ressurector (s). Also works on random beasts, about to go down? Plauge signet to a mob, epidemic, go down, rally off the beast, win in ds.
Aslo, you were pretty lucky that mesmer didn’t rally in that 3v2 fight round 5 min matk6
Everytime you post these, I want to go onto my perplexity sinister signet necro and play (exept yaks bend has turned into k-train central).
Nice fights!Have you ever though of using epidemic instead of walk? Really fun putting massive condition pressure on downed then epidemic that to their would be ressurector (s). Also works on random beasts, about to go down? Plauge signet to a mob, epidemic, go down, rally off the beast, win in ds.
Aslo, you were pretty lucky that mesmer didn’t rally in that 3v2 fight round 5 min matk6
Sometimes i pick epidemic when i have a good party comp to support me. But that is rare. Everyone goes for the necro first, so i rather focus on my own survival.
Yeah, sometimes you gotta count on luck. My plague stomp was stopped by something, i think i was lagging that afternoon.
as always I enjoy your Vidz, very nice Donee
Servant of Dhuum
as always I enjoy your Vidz, very nice Donee
Thanks, Ravezaar. This means a lot.
Another great video. Question for you Donee, what are your plans for HoT as far a Reaper goes? Have you been theory crafting builds, etc?
Another great video. Question for you Donee, what are your plans for HoT as far a Reaper goes? Have you been theory crafting builds, etc?
Thanks, Zera.
You know, i will always play condi builds, so i have theorycrafting a couple builds for this next BWE. Hope one of them works out well enough.
For this BWE, i plan:
1- Test my theorycraft builds as condi roamer.
2- At least one day of Power Reaper, roaming or Spvp. (I promised i’d upload some of this)
3- I need find a Berserker to fight against in WvW as condi Reaper. I don’t know if i’ll find one. (another upload promise i’ve made)
2- At least one day of Power Reaper, roaming or Spvp. (I promised i’d upload some of this)
Yes u did, I need my Power Vidz but I know u are Condi np I also have Hollts Power Vidz to look forward to. Still Keep the Vidz comming causeeven if they are Condi its always nice to see some1 who knows howto play Necro well.
Servant of Dhuum
2- At least one day of Power Reaper, roaming or Spvp. (I promised i’d upload some of this)
Yes u did, I need my Power Vidz but I know u are Condi np
I also have Hollts Power Vidz to look forward to. Still Keep the Vidz comming causeeven if they are Condi its always nice to see some1 who knows howto play Necro well.
I keep my promises.
I enjoy power builds in Spvp, quite a lot.
Hollts is so good at power necro, when i grow up i want to be like him. -
Hollts is so good at power necro, when i grow up i want to be like him. -
this made me laugh hahaha
we all grew up watching Hollts =)
Great fights as usual =D
haha thanks guys X) Truth is, any condi necro would beat me cuz of weakness ;_; ask kami
Happy there are some new necro youtubers * cough * Donee * Cough*
Hollts is so good at power necro, when i grow up i want to be like him. -
this made me laugh hahaha
we all grew up watching Hollts =)Great fights as usual =D
We gotta fuel the old man ego, you know … Haha!
Thanks, mate. Our fights on your ranger/guard coming next … after reaper, ofc.
haha thanks guys X) Truth is, any condi necro would beat me cuz of weakness ;_; ask kami
Happy there are some new necro youtubers * cough * Donee * Cough*
Kami > Hollts ? Is that what i heard, huh? lol
What aree you saying, old man? Huh? huh?
Hahaha I’m prolly younger than you tho :P And thanks for the ego boost, had a kitten day and now it’s somewhat less kittenty <3
And ye kami beats me ;_; K I ADMIT IT STOP RUBBING IT IN MY FACE * runs away crying *
Hahaha I’m prolly younger than you tho :P And thanks for the ego boost, had a kitten day and now it’s somewhat less kittenty <3
I’ve never thought about this, but on today’s video i heard your voice and started to wonder … how old are you?
Hahaha I’m prolly younger than you tho :P And thanks for the ego boost, had a kitten day and now it’s somewhat less kittenty <3
I’ve never thought about this, but on today’s video i heard your voice and started to wonder … how old are you?
k don’t tell anyone but im 16 :< I’m the youngest person I know in game X) Your turn!
Hahaha I’m prolly younger than you tho :P And thanks for the ego boost, had a kitten day and now it’s somewhat less kittenty <3
I’ve never thought about this, but on today’s video i heard your voice and started to wonder … how old are you?
k don’t tell anyone but im 16 :< I’m the youngest person I know in game X) Your turn!
kitten ! Would never guess that.
I am awesome 27!