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[Video] Reaper Roaming
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“Now comes a small chase…the enemies are relentless!”
No, Sir, YOU are relentless!
Wow the fights especially were awesome.
Always loved watching a good kiting Reaper!
(edited by EremiteAngel.9765)
I agree,
never cease to amaze Marin, always a pleasure watching you work.
Loved the video. Just subscribed to your channel as well.
Roaming Troll Warrior: Melee Conditions
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“Now comes a small chase…the enemies are relentless!”
No, Sir, YOU are relentless!
Wow the fights especially were awesome.
Always loved watching a good kiting Reaper!I AM IMPRESSED!
Haha, thank you! It’s all in the Spectral Walk and Wurm… and it’s surprising how many people STILL fall for it! O___O
I agree,
never cease to amaze Marin, always a pleasure watching you work.
Thank you sir
Loved the video. Just subscribed to your channel as well.
Thanks Abracadabra, I appreciate it
Hopefully I manage to get some more decent roaming footage
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Ahaha, impressive. And makes me want to hop on my Necro right now.
That said, my negative criticism lies in the condition Reaper part. Personally I run a core conditionmancer but when I’m in a zerg, I use the same gear, just swap to Reaper and it becomes literally hard to die. Frontline all day, so much Life Force gen and stability the only way something is going to bring you down is if you over extend.
Not insinuating you’re at all bad, from the video I can tell you’re great. Just saying condition Reaper is also absurdly easy.
Will check out your other videos to see if there are any where you’re using a less forgiving build :P.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
Ahaha, impressive. And makes me want to hop on my Necro right now.
That said, my negative criticism lies in the condition Reaper part. Personally I run a core conditionmancer but when I’m in a zerg, I use the same gear, just swap to Reaper and it becomes literally hard to die. Frontline all day, so much Life Force gen and stability the only way something is going to bring you down is if you over extend.
Not insinuating you’re at all bad, from the video I can tell you’re great. Just saying condition Reaper is also absurdly easy.
Will check out your other videos to see if there are any where you’re using a less forgiving build :P.
Are you using a condi Reaper in a zerg fight?
I wouldn’t say that as soon as someone runs Reaper and it happens to be condi, it’s automatically easy or forgiving to play. It really depends how you build your character. I’d say that the usual perplexity condi with signets is more forgiving than the build I run, which is probably why you never encounter someone running the build I run. With a condi Reaper, you also need a ton of cover condis, otherwise all of your burst will be cleansed right off (which is why I often use Death’s Charge with Chilling Darkness and Path of Corruption and Torment sigil for cover condis, then Soul Spiral for burst). I think you can just as easily say every other elite spec is more forgiving or easier than the core spec, because it’s true. The game had a massive power creep and everything became stronger (burst, condis, CC, mobility, etc.). If you play something weaker (core spec) you will just be gimping yourself.
And sure, condi specs are usually face-tanky, but there’s a TON of new power combinations you can use which are just as strong as the new condi variants.
I don’t think condi Reaper is all that overpowered in a world of hammer revs, glassy druids with perma-CC, stealthy and sustainy scrappers, condi chronos, perma-evade daredevils, and dragonhunters, especially since Reaper stability was gutted…
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(edited by MethaneGas.8357)
Ahaha, impressive. And makes me want to hop on my Necro right now.
That said, my negative criticism lies in the condition Reaper part. Personally I run a core conditionmancer but when I’m in a zerg, I use the same gear, just swap to Reaper and it becomes literally hard to die. Frontline all day, so much Life Force gen and stability the only way something is going to bring you down is if you over extend.
Not insinuating you’re at all bad, from the video I can tell you’re great. Just saying condition Reaper is also absurdly easy.
Will check out your other videos to see if there are any where you’re using a less forgiving build :P.
Are you using a condi Reaper in a zerg fight?
I wouldn’t say that as soon as someone runs Reaper and it happens to be condi, it’s automatically easy or forgiving to play. It really depends how you build your character. I’d say that the usual perplexity condi with signets is more forgiving than the build I run, which is probably why you never encounter someone running the build I run. With a condi Reaper, you also need a ton of cover condis, otherwise all of your burst will be cleansed right off (which is why I often use Death’s Charge with Chilling Darkness and Path of Corruption and Torment sigil for cover condis, then Soul Spiral for burst). I think you can just as easily say every other elite spec is more forgiving or easier than the core spec, because it’s true. The game had a massive power creep and everything became stronger (burst, condis, CC, mobility, etc.). If you play something weaker (core spec) you will just be gimping yourself.
And sure, condi specs are usually face-tanky, but there’s a TON of new power combinations you can use which are just as strong as the new condi variants.
I don’t think condi Reaper is all that overpowered in a world of hammer revs, glassy druids with perma-CC, stealthy and sustainy scrappers, condi chronos, perma-evade daredevils, and dragonhunters, especially since Reaper stability was gutted…
I don’t think it’s OP, I think it’s easy. Your build might not be as easy as a Signet condition Reaper but it’s still not hard either. The added stability, cleave and Life Force gen just make it considerably more forgiving than core conditionmancer.
Again, I wasn’t insinuating you’re bad or that Reaper is OP. Just that with what I saw in your video, it became significantly less impressive because of the nature of your build.
It’s like watching a condi Chrono. The player can be extremely skilled but the skill is hardly even necessary when using such a face-rolly build.
Just my two cents though. If I see you pulling 1v2’s or 3’s with a less cushioned build I’ll be floored. But this isn’t about impressing me, just that I wanted to point out I felt you could achieve greater feats but instead opt’d for something less prone to failure.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
Whaaaaattt? That’s like saying “Oh, you’re playing a Scrapper? Get back to your core engi! You don’t need an F5, that’s making it wayy too easy. Not to mention the perma-stealth”
Or “You play a Druid? OP pets make it too easy, you should play core Ranger with no celestial form or OP pets”,
Or, “You play daredevil? Lol, you’re carried by extra dodges and interrupt spamming. You should play thief”
No one is going to do that because elite specs are simply better than the core. Sure, it would be impressive to play a core spec and fight an uphill battle (outnumbered against elite specs) but I’ll probably never do that, it’s already challenging enough handling a group of players as a Reaper. Literally 1 mistake = death. Why should I play a weak core Necro when everything else is overpowered out there? I’d rather play something more fun (Reaper) and also on par with everything that’s out there already.
Literally every elite spec is stronger than the core, and can be considered borderline OP. But comparing condi chrono and condi Reaper is night and day. Condi chrono is super tanky stat-wise, has insane mobility, has blocks, has evades/distortion and stealth. They’re night and day in terms of strength and mode of survival and ease of play.
I think people have this idea that if you play something glassy, it instantly makes you more valuable or skilled, but that’s not really true. If you play something tanky, it will take you much longer to win a fight, and you’ll have to really outplay an opponent or opponents to come out on top whereas if you’re playing something glassy, you burst the enemy quick and kill them before they can retaliate. They’re just different playstyles… not to mention many glassier specs have insane range too which is very low risk.
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Whaaaaattt? That’s like saying “Oh, you’re playing a Scrapper? Get back to your core engi! You don’t need an F5, that’s making it wayy too easy. Not to mention the perma-stealth”
Or “You play a Druid? OP pets make it too easy, you should play core Ranger with no celestial form or OP pets”,
Or, “You play daredevil? Lol, you’re carried by extra dodges and interrupt spamming. You should play thief”
No one is going to do that because elite specs are simply better than the core. Sure, it would be impressive to play a core spec and fight an uphill battle (outnumbered against elite specs) but I’ll probably never do that, it’s already challenging enough handling a group of players as a Reaper. Literally 1 mistake = death. Why should I play a weak core Necro when everything else is overpowered out there? I’d rather play something more fun (Reaper) and also on par with everything that’s out there already.Literally every elite spec is stronger than the core, and can be considered borderline OP. But comparing condi chrono and condi Reaper is night and day. Condi chrono is super tanky stat-wise, has insane mobility, has blocks, has evades/distortion and stealth. They’re night and day in terms of strength and mode of survival and ease of play.
I think people have this idea that if you play something glassy, it instantly makes you more valuable or skilled, but that’s not really true. If you play something tanky, it will take you much longer to win a fight, and you’ll have to really outplay an opponent or opponents to come out on top whereas if you’re playing something glassy, you burst the enemy quick and kill them before they can retaliate. They’re just different playstyles… not to mention many glassier specs have insane range too which is very low risk.
Lol, too bad you’re not as nice as you are skilled.
I’m not going to argue, it’s just how I feel about condition Reaper. Since you’re being defensive and making assumptions, nothing constructive will come of it so I’ll just stop responding.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
Lol, too bad you’re not as nice as you are skilled.
I’m not going to argue, it’s just how I feel about condition Reaper. Since you’re being defensive and making assumptions, nothing constructive will come of it so I’ll just stop responding.
Ah, didn’t know I sounded like that..
Well… I just wanted to show my reasoning as to why I think condi Reapers are not that easy/forgiving by saying that other elite specs are strong/easy/forgiving too and essentially it balanced out. At least imo.
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Lol, too bad you’re not as nice as you are skilled.
I’m not going to argue, it’s just how I feel about condition Reaper. Since you’re being defensive and making assumptions, nothing constructive will come of it so I’ll just stop responding.
Ah, didn’t know I sounded like that..
Well… I just wanted to show my reasoning as to why I think condi Reapers are not that easy/forgiving by saying that other elite specs are strong/easy/forgiving too and essentially it balanced out. At least imo.
Then I apologize. It just sounded defensive to me because you had used multiple examples and quotations which sounded like a “wtf are you talking about” kind of tone to me. My bad for misinterpreting.
It’s hard to explain how I feel about it, but in my experience, it requires so much less effort compared to core Necro that I’m inclined to call it faceroll. The Stability, cleave and better Life Force gen just make it exponentially more forgiving than core Necro and allows for much easier multi-target management. If I were to try any of what was seen in the video with core Necro, I’d have been shredded in seconds. Not being able to tank CC’s or cleave opponents when they’re grouped together would be my undoing. As a Reaper? Smooth sailing.
Reaper is in line with the other elite specs, I totally agree, but that’s not what I was trying to say.
Anyway, I didn’t mean to start a thing over it. Just that any time I switch to Reaper (using mostly the same build that you are, with more toughness and less vitality) I feel like I could 1v5 all night long.
EDIT: Also, I’m not one of those people who thinks being a power build means you’re a better player or something. I enjoy condition builds and some of them take a lot of skill to maintain proper condition pressure. Believe me if you dug deep enough in my comment history I’m sure you could find me defending it. There’s nothing hard about being able to 1 – 2 shot someone even if you’re squishy as all heck. You kill them before it matters how squishy you are anyway.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
(edited by SpellOfIniquity.1780)
It’s hard to explain how I feel about it, but in my experience, it requires so much less effort compared to core Necro that I’m inclined to call it faceroll. The Stability, cleave and better Life Force gen just make it exponentially more forgiving than core Necro and allows for much easier multi-target management. If I were to try any of what was seen in the video with core Necro, I’d have been shredded in seconds. Not being able to tank CC’s or cleave opponents when they’re grouped together would be my undoing. As a Reaper? Smooth sailing.
>mfw someone gimps themselves by playing base necro and calls using elite specs ‘faceroll’
Reaper is in line with the other elite specs, I totally agree, but that’s not what I was trying to say.
Not really. Reaper vs a Daredevil on the same skill level is a fight the Reaper shouldn’t be winning. Reaper vs Berserker, also a tough matchup imo. The one thing Reaper used to have that stood out like a Daredevil’s mobility or Berkserker’s damage was chill dealing damage, and that is now gone.
Anyway, I didn’t mean to start a thing over it. Just that any time I switch to Reaper (using mostly the same build that you are, with more toughness and less vitality) I feel like I could 1v5 all night long.
You won’t be 1v5ing on Reaper unless you’re lucky and get bad opponents. That is literally it. OP kited excellently but if the enemies were halfway decent he’d most likely be dead.
EDIT: Also, I’m not one of those people who thinks being a power build means you’re a better player or something. I enjoy condition builds and some of them take a lot of skill to maintain proper condition pressure. Believe me if you dug deep enough in my comment history I’m sure you could find me defending it. There’s nothing hard about being able to 1 – 2 shot someone even if you’re squishy as all heck. You kill them before it matters how squishy you are anyway.
“I don’t think playing a power build makes me a better person, I just think playing base Necro makes me superior because it’s not as strong as Reaper. Also I want people to know that so I’m criticising OP for playing what Anet gave him when in reality, my opinion is largely unnecessary here”
More on topic: Amazing kiting OP, I wish I could keep cool like you do in those situations! I’m considering using spectral walk instead of spectral armour on my zerker roaming build just for the extra swiftness and potential jukes, just can’t quite get used to it
Wow… you are too good xD i almost am sorry for the ppl who have to fight you
amazing fights and gameplay as always^^
… this almost makes me wanna get a trailblazer armor as well for my necro… but it is sooo expensive
Wow… you are too good xD i almost am sorry for the ppl who have to fight you
amazing fights and gameplay as always^^
… this almost makes me wanna get a trailblazer armor as well for my necro… but it is sooo expensive
Is trailblazer worth? Is it better than say dire/rabid?
There is so much condi clearance in many builds now, I’m not too sure the extra condi duration help much…
Not really. Reaper vs a Daredevil on the same skill level is a fight the Reaper shouldn’t be winning. Reaper vs Berserker, also a tough matchup imo. The one thing Reaper used to have that stood out like a Daredevil’s mobility or Berkserker’s damage was chill dealing damage, and that is now gone.
+1, there are counters to Reapers, just as there are counters to most classes & builds. A good thief will wreck a good reaper especially out in the open roaming world. A good thief won’t die and will kite away to reset fights while you struggle to recover hp. This isn’t to mention one of reaper’s worse enemies is reapers themselves. The same can’t be said for other classes, like scrapper vs scrapper is a fight that’ll never end, or ele vs ele a fight that’ll last forever. But when it comes to reaper vs reaper, someone is guaranteed to die, and there’s a 30-50% chance both will go downstate once before 1 doubles.
OP did great kiting, A+, props to him. I enjoyed the vid as well. Reason I don’t load kiting & juking skills when I roam is because it only takes 1 good thief or 1 decent reaper to ruin your hopes of kiting. Worse if it’s a condi reaper. And I must be cursed because I keep bumping into good thieves and decent reapers.
If I were to try any of what was seen in the video with core Necro, I’d have been shredded in seconds. Not being able to tank CC’s or cleave opponents when they’re grouped together would be my undoing. As a Reaper? Smooth sailing.
Anyway, I didn’t mean to start a thing over it. Just that any time I switch to Reaper (using mostly the same build that you are, with more toughness and less vitality) I feel like I could 1v5 all night long.
I think part of the reason why reapers got a bit of extra mobility, stability and cleave was because the base Necro/Deathshroud really lacked all of those. On top of that, after HoT came out, all CC became…. crazy. You got even more AoE stuns, ranged pulls, pulls and more pulls, immobilizes… everything became magnified so giving Reaper those defensive tools (on top of nice lifeforce regen from Reaper traitline) sort of ensures that you can fight off with the CC and damage. But then this bring the issue of core Necro NOT having that extra stability/mobility and what not… which is more of an issue with base Necro. Although, to be honest, base Necro seems very strong to me in sPvP (Spite/Curses/Soul Reaping) but in WvW… probably a hard life.
EDIT: Also, I’m not one of those people who thinks being a power build means you’re a better player or something. I enjoy condition builds and some of them take a lot of skill to maintain proper condition pressure.
Ah, my bad… I’m just used to the sPvP forums and random WvW people saying stuff about condi vs. power which… I don’t wanna get into! *capillary in eye bursts *
You won’t be 1v5ing on Reaper unless you’re lucky and get bad opponents. That is literally it. OP kited excellently but if the enemies were halfway decent he’d most likely be dead.
It has a lot to do with who you fight (their profession, how skilled they are and what build they run) and where you fight. Fighting in very open areas becomes much harder.
Also there’s certain builds which are really nasty to deal with – interrupt daredevils, shatter interrupt mesmers, ranged and glassy druids, and hammer revenants. If they run a condi clearing build or if they’re ranged, it becomes really in their favour and I would likely disengage. I usually try to poke a group to see what they have, and if I’m not getting extreme pressure I probably see how far I can get it to a win… or loss :P
More on topic: Amazing kiting OP, I wish I could keep cool like you do in those situations! I’m considering using spectral walk instead of spectral armour on my zerker roaming build just for the extra swiftness and potential jukes, just can’t quite get used to it
Ty! Yeah Spectral Walk is a lil tricky to get used to, especially without Spectral Attunement (which makes the skill amazing)… it would depend on what your other utilities are cuz spectral armour is also really good >_>
Also, I’m not sure how good it is, or if you know of it… but Sigil of Agility gives some nice swiftness
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Wow… you are too good xD i almost am sorry for the ppl who have to fight you
amazing fights and gameplay as always^^
… this almost makes me wanna get a trailblazer armor as well for my necro… but it is sooo expensive
Is trailblazer worth? Is it better than say dire/rabid?
There is so much condi clearance in many builds now, I’m not too sure the extra condi duration help much…
@ Asura, ty!
Yeah Trailblazer is super expensive… I cried blood when I bought it…
I think EremiteAngel has a point that there’s already lots of condi clears out there already which makes condi duration useful in some situations and not so useful in others.
I think if you went with something like Giver Weapons (20% condi duration) + condi duration food (20%) you’d have 40% condi duration anyway without spending money on trailblazer. The only downside to Giver weapons is the lack of toughness and lack of condi dmg…
Not really. Reaper vs a Daredevil on the same skill level is a fight the Reaper shouldn’t be winning. Reaper vs Berserker, also a tough matchup imo. The one thing Reaper used to have that stood out like a Daredevil’s mobility or Berkserker’s damage was chill dealing damage, and that is now gone.
+1, there are counters to Reapers, just as there are counters to most classes & builds. A good thief will wreck a good reaper especially out in the open roaming world. A good thief won’t die and will kite away to reset fights while you struggle to recover hp. This isn’t to mention one of reaper’s worse enemies is reapers themselves. The same can’t be said for other classes, like scrapper vs scrapper is a fight that’ll never end, or ele vs ele a fight that’ll last forever. But when it comes to reaper vs reaper, someone is guaranteed to die, and there’s a 30-50% chance both will go downstate once before 1 doubles.
OP did great kiting, A+, props to him. I enjoyed the vid as well. Reason I don’t load kiting & juking skills when I roam is because it only takes 1 good thief or 1 decent reaper to ruin your hopes of kiting. Worse if it’s a condi reaper. And I must be cursed because I keep bumping into good thieves and decent reapers.
Ty, and agreed that thieves can be a real pain in the kitten to fight, especially with the interrupts and ability to freely disengage. Spectral wall is pretty amazing against thieves tho, but it takes an effort to bring a good thief down… and their mobility can be a problem. And I also agree on other Reapers… which I hate fighting because most of them have Plague Signet and perplexity which can be annoying, but then again, the build I run has really nice anti-condi and almost immunity to slows. I usually try to bomb the other Reaper with a nice condi burst and then just hide behind a rock or something so they can’t transfer and have to use their heal skill. Ugh… I hate other Reapers (jk).
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Chain daze shouldn’t be a thing, the lack of diminishing returns on cc effects is one of the reasons why GW2 PvP will never hit that next level. There’s just nothing fun about fighting a DD that interrupt pretty much everything meaningful you’re trying to cast while working you down slowly, disengage whenever they want to, and toy with you. This is what separates good thieves from bad, good thieves don’t die, bad thieves just smash buttons and face tank you.
As for reapers yeah, whenever I’m in a fierce battle be it 1v1 or 1v2+, whenever I see a reaper +1 I just sigh and know the fight’s about to be over. Power reapers are doable since it takes a reaper to know a reaper, you stay away when they try to shroud/gs/dagger you. But condi reaper, I do hate seeing a condi reaper +1 whenever I’m out roaming lol. They ruin fights, but now I know how others feel when I +1 a fight lol.
Wow… you are too good xD i almost am sorry for the ppl who have to fight you
amazing fights and gameplay as always^^
… this almost makes me wanna get a trailblazer armor as well for my necro… but it is sooo expensive
Is trailblazer worth? Is it better than say dire/rabid?
There is so much condi clearance in many builds now, I’m not too sure the extra condi duration help much…@ Asura, ty!
Yeah Trailblazer is super expensive… I cried blood when I bought it…
I think EremiteAngel has a point that there’s already lots of condi clears out there already which makes condi duration useful in some situations and not so useful in others.
I think if you went with something like Giver Weapons (20% condi duration) + condi duration food (20%) you’d have 40% condi duration anyway without spending money on trailblazer. The only downside to Giver weapons is the lack of toughness and lack of condi dmg…Not really. Reaper vs a Daredevil on the same skill level is a fight the Reaper shouldn’t be winning. Reaper vs Berserker, also a tough matchup imo. The one thing Reaper used to have that stood out like a Daredevil’s mobility or Berkserker’s damage was chill dealing damage, and that is now gone.
+1, there are counters to Reapers, just as there are counters to most classes & builds. A good thief will wreck a good reaper especially out in the open roaming world. A good thief won’t die and will kite away to reset fights while you struggle to recover hp. This isn’t to mention one of reaper’s worse enemies is reapers themselves. The same can’t be said for other classes, like scrapper vs scrapper is a fight that’ll never end, or ele vs ele a fight that’ll last forever. But when it comes to reaper vs reaper, someone is guaranteed to die, and there’s a 30-50% chance both will go downstate once before 1 doubles.
OP did great kiting, A+, props to him. I enjoyed the vid as well. Reason I don’t load kiting & juking skills when I roam is because it only takes 1 good thief or 1 decent reaper to ruin your hopes of kiting. Worse if it’s a condi reaper. And I must be cursed because I keep bumping into good thieves and decent reapers.
Ty, and agreed that thieves can be a real pain in the kitten to fight, especially with the interrupts and ability to freely disengage. Spectral wall is pretty amazing against thieves tho, but it takes an effort to bring a good thief down… and their mobility can be a problem. And I also agree on other Reapers… which I hate fighting because most of them have Plague Signet and perplexity which can be annoying, but then again, the build I run has really nice anti-condi and almost immunity to slows. I usually try to bomb the other Reaper with a nice condi burst and then just hide behind a rock or something so they can’t transfer and have to use their heal skill. Ugh… I hate other Reapers (jk).
Smurf yourself and lets get the double reaper bullkitten going again.
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
Chain daze shouldn’t be a thing, the lack of diminishing returns on cc effects is one of the reasons why GW2 PvP will never hit that next level. There’s just nothing fun about fighting a DD that interrupt pretty much everything meaningful you’re trying to cast while working you down slowly, disengage whenever they want to, and toy with you. This is what separates good thieves from bad, good thieves don’t die, bad thieves just smash buttons and face tank you.
Indeed… I think there should at least be an internal cooldown to the trait which deals damage on interrupt so even if they spam it, they don’t get so rewarded.
On the other hand there’s scrappers and dragonhunters which destroy thieves…
As for reapers yeah, whenever I’m in a fierce battle be it 1v1 or 1v2+, whenever I see a reaper +1 I just sigh and know the fight’s about to be over. Power reapers are doable since it takes a reaper to know a reaper, you stay away when they try to shroud/gs/dagger you. But condi reaper, I do hate seeing a condi reaper +1 whenever I’m out roaming lol. They ruin fights, but now I know how others feel when I +1 a fight lol.
Same… they can put out a lot of pressure if they stick on you and they take a long time to kill and flip condis back to you…
That’s why I like wurm or spectral walk.. if it gets in the enemy’s favour I can usaully escape.
Smurf yourself and lets get the double reaper bullkitten going again.
:D Gladly.. always down for some pvp >:)
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@ OP:
Do you have a suggestion on an armor combination without the trailblazer stats for ascended? I simply don’t have the ability to craft them at this point. I assume dire stats might work?
Roaming Troll Warrior: Melee Conditions
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@ OP:
Do you have a suggestion on an armor combination without the trailblazer stats for ascended? I simply don’t have the ability to craft them at this point. I assume dire stats might work?
Dire and Rabid would work. You COULD go Giver weapons for the extra 20% condi duration, but you’d lose out on a bit of condi dmg.
Also, the way I crafted my Trailblazer armour was by crafting exotic trailblazer insignias and then using the mystic forge to change my ascended armour stats.
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