Viper minionmancer?
minionmancer is basically a joke build for if you want to do literally nothing but still kill stuff lol
just keep the viper horror build and all your minions out, it’ll function basically the same way
minionmancer is basically a joke build for if you want to do literally nothing but still kill stuff lol
just keep the viper horror build and all your minions out, it’ll function basically the same way
even though im not using epidemic or blood as power or anything else?
yeah, like i said there’s not much use for minionmancer apart from basically afk pve mode, or trolling unranked pvp
the reason viper horror works the way it does is because the rise minions will always die within a raid situation and always leave a poison field on the target. the jagged horrors that spawn from kills afflict bleeding which scales with your condition damage, and the horror mark from lich form does the same
they’re just used for cannon fodder, tanking, and condi transfer. not much else
slotting in all of your minions will just make you mindlessly kill stuff in pve by just doing 1 aa
don’t use it in legit game modes, but for questing and such, there’s no better afk mode
You know, Rek, it’s surprising how people still dismiss minionmancers like this. I’ve actually run my condition/minions build up to diamond in pvp Where players realistically should know how to beat it every time and yet do not. In fact, it often takes two or three people to take me down.
The thing is, minionmancer characters are actually good. They never used to be, but conditions plus minions lets you deal as much more more damage than standard character builds while being much tankier; the only issue that your critters will sometimes die, which is unavoidable. Carrion and Vipers both work for this, with one being better fort tanking while the other is better for damage.
how is it possible that you could not find a build guide?
it’s one of the most common builds
@harnel: oh i know how good minionmancer can be, i ran a 5 minionmancer team with a win rate of like 85%, it was so stupid and baffling how many people didn’t even know how to deal with it. but it takes like 0 skill. we still run it sometimes when we want a laugh, but still think it’s so dumb lol
@ionol: they’re not asking for the viper build, there just asking if there’s a minionmancer version of it
(edited by Reknarok.7582)
I preface by saying that I am the biggest minionmancer hater… But!
Viper Minionmancer + Passive Plague Signet (Death/Blood/Reaper) is really good for Fractals with the Afflicted Instability if you’re pugging..
You can maintain group cleanse for your party (who trust me, do not have enough) and the viper’s condi dmg/duration applies to the conditions your pets are transferring back to the enemies.
Plus, your pets can keep up some slow but steady dps while you’re busy running around res’ing your pugged party members.
If I’m running with guildies, of course this is unessecairy, but you can really save a failing pug by swapping to it—especially in Thermanova.
I personally like to run Transfusion when I’m pugging like that. Lets me pull their dumb butts out of the fire, and blood magic is good when you’re rolling with minions.