[NO] ~ Ponys Will Never Die
Wanted: sPvP build
[NO] ~ Ponys Will Never Die
Heya mate, give my build a try: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/necromancer/A-hybrid-Terror-build-for-sPvP-updated/first#post1545382
It’s a hybrid (power and conditions) build that mixes in Terror for excellent overall damage and good CC. Works well in dueling and in teamfights.
There are a few viable builds to choose from, depending on your weapons of choice. To name a few: Terror conditionmancer, bleed stacking conditionmancer, d/w well bursting, ptv axe/focus or warhorn, and axe minion master(yes this is viable now). If you can give us an idea of your playstyle of choice, me or someone else would love to help ya throw a build together
~Melancholy Death
I love the idea of playing lettucemode’s build, thanks! I’ll keep you informed
[NO] ~ Ponys Will Never Die