We will get nerfed
That is the thing, what is “broken” is Nightmare runes – what is annoying is “Reaper’s Protection” (because it is semi random), but what will get nerfed or reworked is neither of the two…
History repeats…
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Terror is such a build-defining trait that it should be grandmaster already, and I say that as someone who has mained a Necromancer since the very first beta event.
Terror is such a build-defining trait that it should be grandmaster already, and I say that as someone who has mained a Necromancer since the very first beta event.
It isn’t build defining, its literally just something to give us pressure because we lack pressure so much already. We don’t truly have Terror-mancers anymore that are defined by taking the maximum fears they can, we have either tanky-PoC necros which are defined by their difficult to kill in small fights and their corruptions, and Dhuumfire which is defined by its higher offensive output.
Also no, Necromancers really don’t have anything that needs direct nerfing anymore. Nightmare rune procs need to be hit, we need some clarity/counterplay changes (things like marks not having an indicator before they are cast), but otherwise we aren’t at all too strong. At this point ANet’s best bet is very gradual but small buffs to the things you don’t see, alongside additions to the class to fill in the holes. And judging by what they changed in the last patch, they understand at least the fact that we don’t need many nerfs, just counterplay changes.
well of blood makes me think otherwise.
It isn’t build defining, its literally just something to give us pressure because we lack pressure so much already. We don’t truly have Terror-mancers anymore that are defined by taking the maximum fears they can, we have either tanky-PoC necros which are defined by their difficult to kill in small fights and their corruptions, and Dhuumfire which is defined by its higher offensive output.
The idea that there ever was a Terrormancer, regardless of if its fallen out of PvP meta or not, is indicative of its ability to define a build. Furthermore, it wouldn’t even necessarily constitute a nerf since they’d have to move a GM trait down to compensate, and could do that such to maintain the same build options as before.
That’s not true we would most likely lose poc terror necros or dhuum terror necro, or we could still do dhuum terror but we wouldn’t be able to have master of terror. It would change things quite a bit. But I feel like it would make for less build diversity for terrormancers.
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
It isn’t build defining, its literally just something to give us pressure because we lack pressure so much already. We don’t truly have Terror-mancers anymore that are defined by taking the maximum fears they can, we have either tanky-PoC necros which are defined by their difficult to kill in small fights and their corruptions, and Dhuumfire which is defined by its higher offensive output.
The idea that there ever was a Terrormancer, regardless of if its fallen out of PvP meta or not, is indicative of its ability to define a build. Furthermore, it wouldn’t even necessarily constitute a nerf since they’d have to move a GM trait down to compensate, and could do that such to maintain the same build options as before.
Only if they move down PoC
If we can not take PoC and Terror the pressure goes down a TON
Unless of course they ever make withering precision worth it
They need to rework dhumfire again.
Or they move terror as Blood Mgic grandmaster trait. Blood magic not so usless anymoe and they will say they listen to community for wanting to buff blood magic traitline.
The idea that there ever was a Terrormancer, regardless of if its fallen out of PvP meta or not, is indicative of its ability to define a build. Furthermore, it wouldn’t even necessarily constitute a nerf since they’d have to move a GM trait down to compensate, and could do that such to maintain the same build options as before.
It defined a build only because Nemesis made a video about it, and because there were no other traits at the time worth mentioning. Ever since Dhuumfire and PoC were introduced, Terror has taken a back seat because it isn’t strong enough to define builds anymore.
And yes, it would be a large nerf. Terror is not worth a GM slot anymore, nor could you compensate except for a single build, being PoC, which couldn’t move down because it is far more worthy of a GM slot than Terror is.
Or they move terror as Blood Mgic grandmaster trait
. Blood magic not so usless anymoe and they will say they listen to community for wanting to buff blood magic traitline.
That is a horrible idea.
If we get nerfed, I could see our dagger skills taking a hit in damage more than anything else given the “cleaving” buff and the fact it’s a Blood Magic weapon (as in dagger traits are BM traits).
Nightmare runes for us may get nerfed by tying its proc cooldown with that of Reaper’s Protection.
As for buffing Blood Magic properly, I could see siphons going party-wide with Bloodthirst reworked to be a vampiric “Spotter” with a trait tier change:
Nearby allies siphon health when they hit a foe. In addition, your siphon effects are 20% more effective.
Range: 360
Targets: 5
Could also stand to see Renewing Blast moved to Blood Magic and Unholy Martyr moved to Soul Reaping with the added effect of turning Life Blast into Plague Blast.
Who knows, with all I’m “seeing”, I may just be looking through rose-tinted glasses
aka Thalakos Dralnu, Voxt Umultus, and Jalis Haafingar.
Vulgarity is no substitution for wit.
If we get nerfed, I could see our dagger skills taking a hit in damage more than anything else given the “cleaving” buff and the fact it’s a Blood Magic weapon (as in dagger traits are BM traits).
Nightmare runes for us may get nerfed by tying its proc cooldown with that of Reaper’s Protection.
As for buffing Blood Magic properly, I could see siphons going party-wide with Bloodthirst reworked to be a vampiric “Spotter” with a trait tier change:
Nearby allies siphon health when they hit a foe. In addition, your siphon effects are 20% more effective.
Range: 360
Targets: 5Could also stand to see Renewing Blast moved to Blood Magic and Unholy Martyr moved to Soul Reaping with the added effect of turning Life Blast into Plague Blast.
Who knows, with all I’m “seeing”, I may just be looking through rose-tinted glasses
reported for ideas
well i want to get nerfs to the non counterplay aspects of our class so they finally start making useless thing useful
I may just be blathering on, however after re-reading my last post, I’ve had a revelation:
If the devs want the necromancer to be a “selfish” profession, why don’t they give us group utility but make it affect us more effectively? My Bloodthirst revamp is a prime example: allies get to siphon on hit, YOU get an additional siphon on hit (vampiric x2), and YOUR siphons are more effective.
Well of Blood is similar: everyone who’s standing in it gets a decent enough heal, but YOU get a much better one.
It would certainly fit necromantic lore, would it not? Granted, there shouldn’t be much for a necromancer to contribute to a group. Blood is Power could also be reworked with self-centered utility:
Blood is Power
Bleed yourself and your target. Gain 5 stacks of might for 10s. For the next 10s, whenever allies strike the target, they gain might and begin bleeding as well (might gain 2s ICD).
The only “altruistic” utility a necromancer should have, in my opinion, is the drawing of conditions. Even then, it’s self-centered as they can be consumed for health or transferred to a target for even more devastation.
aka Thalakos Dralnu, Voxt Umultus, and Jalis Haafingar.
Vulgarity is no substitution for wit.
I may just be blathering on, however after re-reading my last post, I’ve had a revelation:
If the devs want the necromancer to be a “selfish” profession, why don’t they give us group utility but make it affect us more effectively? My Bloodthirst revamp is a prime example: allies get to siphon on hit, YOU get an additional siphon on hit (vampiric x2), and YOUR siphons are more effective.
Well of Blood is similar: everyone who’s standing in it gets a decent enough heal, but YOU get a much better one.
It would certainly fit necromantic lore, would it not? Granted, there shouldn’t be much for a necromancer to contribute to a group. Blood is Power could also be reworked with self-centered utility:
Blood is Power
Bleed yourself and your target. Gain 5 stacks of might for 10s. For the next 10s, whenever allies strike the target, they gain might and begin bleeding as well (might gain 2s ICD).The only “altruistic” utility a necromancer should have, in my opinion, is the drawing of conditions. Even then, it’s self-centered as they can be consumed for health or transferred to a target for even more devastation.
The idea is nice but I have another take on the selfish idea. Giving boost to allies that eventually serve the necromancer making your allies “serve” you. The example I had in mind was:
(blood magic or spite) grandmaster :
vampiric servitude
allies gain a 3% damage increase, you heal equivalent to the damage increase.
radius: 180~240
number of targets: 5
I’m sure necros will keep getting nerfed. Every time they add a trait or try to improve the useless death shroud necros get nerfed.
Anet should remove/replace every trait and rune ability that causes a character to perform an action with no input from the player. Would make the pvp in this game much better.
Terror is build defining. Its one of our only traits that changes some major combat functionality. Traits which do this are build defining because they are most often only used when being built around and even if not they have a very noticeable impact(terror, fresh air, persisting flames, phalanx). No matter how you look at it its a grandmaster level trait. Its certainly better than most of our actual grandmaster traits and one of the few more interesting traits in the game. Moving it would obviously cause terror necros some serious nerfs. But ive always felt it should of been grandmaster from the beginning. You can compensate by moving master of terror to adept or something.
Terror is build defining. Its one of our only traits that changes some major combat functionality. Traits which do this are build defining because they are most often only used when being built around and even if not they have a very noticeable impact(terror, fresh air, persisting flames, phalanx). No matter how you look at it its a grandmaster level trait. Its certainly better than most of our actual grandmaster traits and one of the few more interesting traits in the game. Moving it would obviously cause terror necros some serious nerfs. But ive always felt it should of been grandmaster from the beginning. You can compensate by moving master of terror to adept or something.
Can you not kill the class please lol
PoC + Terror = $$$
Also for the love of build diversity
Dhuumfire can be moved down these days IMO – it is a shell of its former self
How build defining is Cleansing Ire? Not everything is Grandmaster
Yeah thats another good example.
what is the so called build that everyone is crying about the necro being too strong? Sorry i was away for 2 months
No but I do feel a ranger nerf, our pal ranger cast a rather big shadow over us.