Well Build +80% Bleed Duration

Well Build +80% Bleed Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: tjharlow.7435


I’m level 65 now on my Necro – Loving it <3

Been rolling with a “Wellomancer” type build.

Scepter/Dagger main with Staff secondary. Sigil wise: Earth on the Scepter, Agony on the Dagger and Geomancy on the Staff (Corruption on the Trident).

3x Rune of the Afflicted and 3x Rune of the Krait for +30% Bleed
Hemophilia Trait for +20% Bleed
Agony Sigil for +10% Bleed
Spite Tree for +20% on all Condtions.

Total 80% on Bleeds.

Here is the Build: http://tinyurl.com/wellomancer

My questions: Are the sigils correct for this build?
Should I switch Well of Darkness out for Well of Power in WvW?

Any other tips on using this type of build or general discussion on it -


Well Build +80% Bleed Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Wintyr.1780


is it a display error that you cant see the dif in bleed or or condition increase on the skill timers

Well Build +80% Bleed Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: XiL.4318


Bleed duration is good against people who have no condition removal or that rambo. But the real kitty-kitten is in the stacks. You want to pile on as many bleeds as fast as you can so that you do the maximum damage between condition removal cooldowns.

In competitive play you won’t even have time to use Epidemic before all your stacks are gone, or better yet put back on you with the other Necro mid channel to epidemic and put your super long duration bleeds on your whole team.

You want those stacks tall and ticking as quickly as you can stack them so the damage is applied before they can reasonably react to it. You will be lucky to see 3 to 4 seconds of any bleed. Don’t build for luck.

Well Build +80% Bleed Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: LastDarkness.7390


Add Tuning Crystals and +40% Condition Duration Food as well. Also of course the Scepter build +33%.

You may also wanna try the trait that drops a bleed mark on the ground when you dodge.

The problem with many condition builds with as XiL makes a good point is they focus too much on condition damage with any reasonable build means about 1,210 damage a second with around 10 stacks of bleed. They sacrifice utility and survivability.

Well Build +80% Bleed Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: tjharlow.7435


So your saying I should take the 20 in spite out and put 10 of that to get the 33% Scepter and possibly the last 10 for larger unblockable marks?

I have two other 80s btw. An 80 Guardian and 80 Ranger – so far I think Necro is my favorite.

I don’t do Team sPvP. Organized anyway, if I go into sPvP it is Random only. I do PvE and WvW. My guild is heavy WvW.