Crystal Desert
What happens to Path of Corruption?
Crystal Desert
Or any other trait for that matter that deals with shroud?
All traits are tied to skill number 1 to 5 or(F1-F5 in case of Scourge).
Reaper’s Might — Shroud skill 1 grants might.(Manifest Sand Shade)
Path of Corruption — Shroud skill 2 now additionally converts boons into conditions. (Nefarious Favor)
Transfusion — Shroud skill 4 heals and partially revives nearby allies. Up to five downed allies near you teleport to your location while you’re channeling shroud skill 4. (Garish Pillar)
Unyielding Blast — Shroud skill 1 causes vulnerability. (Manifest Sand Shade)
Dhuumfire — Shroud skill 1 inflicts burning on your target. (Manifest Sand Shade)
All traits that trigger on entering/exiting or while in Shroud will work only with F5-Desert Shroud.
(edited by mazut.4296)
Assumimg you mean on scourge. Any trait that affected shroud 1-4 works on F1-4 respectively. Traits that works on entering or exiting shroud work on F5.
Thank you much people.
Crystal Desert
In short, path of corruption is so much more powerful with Scourge than it was with Reaper or base Necro. Same with Dhuumfire.