-Definiton of a bloodmage
(skip to question, the introduction/definition is just a bit context, not necessary to answer my question)
Greetings fellow necromancers,
First a short (might be a bit longer) introduction to my problem:
I like the concept of being a bloodmage or a so-called hemomancer and when I began playing GW2 I chosed the necromancer with this concept in mind.
I thought, a necro is able to use bloodmagic because it is partly mentioned in novels and movies and it fits overall the whole necromancer-being-the-ruler-over-the-dead-theme.
So, I created a necro and began to play. The first bloodmagic-like ability I ´ve noticed was Dagger2. A really nice looking ability which made me thinking, I could really be a bloodmage in this game. Then I got to level10 where I saw the bloodmagic-traitline and I was even more thrilled to play my necro as a bloodmage. Unfortunately, when I finished the bloodmagic-trait, I was a bit disapointed because the whole traitline was more supportive than I thought and a bloodmage is many but not a supporter.
Furthermore there were not that much traits to heal me or to suck out the life out of enemies like the dagger2 does.
However, I kept playing my necro and was looking for more possible ways to make my necro a bloodmage. Healing Power sounded like something that would support my idea so I decided to stack this stat to increase my heal through significant abilities like heal on dagger2 or healing through attacking the enemy whith dagger1. I got disappointed again because even with high Healing Hower I didn´t noticed increased healing like I thought it would. I did a little research and figured out, that Healing Power is crap, healing to Healing power to be precise.
Now I was looking for bloodmagic-builds but all I found was condition, condition and more condition-builds.
Sadly, I don´t like conditions.
However I decided to delete my necro although he was level80 already. Sounds stupid but I stuck with this idea to play a bloodmage and my necro was created just to support this idea. I deleted him then and stopped playing GW2. Unfortunately, the other classes were boring to me, just the necro brought me something like fun.
Probably nearly a year later GW2-HoT was on sale. I´ve got the notification and chosed to play it again, to give it a new chance but now not for creating a bloodmage.
I installed the game, created a necro again, received the level80-boost and used the boost straight up on my necro. Just a few weeks later I finished the reaper-traitline and invested a lot time to make my necro a power-reaper.
End of story-time (partly)
This was all a year ago, now my power-necro is near his first birthday and I really enjoy playing him, although that conditions are better.
Probably, some of you did notice the release of Diablo3´s necromancer, of course you did.
I´ve followed the release and saw that this necromancer can be played as a full bloodmage, together with life-sucking abilities and a well designed blood-theme.
My previous idea to play my necro as a bloodmage came back in mind, together with the fact, that GW2´s necromancer can´t be played as one.
(Very)Long story short, I would like to ask you, what is needed to make that possible ?
What do we need to make our necromancer into a bloodmage ?
Which buffs(ability-wise) and which gamechanges or reworks do we need to play a necromancer as a bloodmage ?
I would really appreciate your ideas, suggestions and of course opinions, even if you don´t want a bloodmage in GW2.
This is the first text of its size I have written completely in english. Please excuse any grammar issues or grammatical flaws (probably both).
In return I apologize for any sickness, that might be caused by reading my text.