What minion is best for tanking?

What minion is best for tanking?

in Necromancer

Posted by: gammarik.9426



Hi all!

I am playing my Necromancer on a Condition Build with 2 Minions. Right now i am using the “Shadow Fiend” and “Flesh Golem” but i was wondering if there is a minion that is better at tanking the mobs i fight, than Shadow Fiend? My build is going to be based on Condition Damage and Vitality, so as i don’t use Toughness i will lose my health easily, which means my minions will need to tank the mobs. It is not neccesary for them to tank but it would make it easier for me to survive.

Thank you in advance!


Milasta Gandil – Human Thief – 80
Agzea – Sylvari Engineer – 80
We, Team Reem [REEM] on Ruins of Surmia, want you! /w me in-game!

What minion is best for tanking?

in Necromancer

Posted by: nolop.8095



In terms of aggro the scorpion thingy (I forgot it’s name) is best.
In terms of survial it’s definately the golem.

What minion is best for tanking?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uskon.2519


I recall Flesh Wurm being pretty tough (for a minion), but Shadow Fiend and Flesh Golem are probably the best, and even they can easily get 1-hit KO’d >.<

What minion is best for tanking?

in Necromancer

Posted by: gammarik.9426


Thank you both I decided to go for Bone Fiend and Flesh Golem for my build

Have a nice day!


Milasta Gandil – Human Thief – 80
Agzea – Sylvari Engineer – 80
We, Team Reem [REEM] on Ruins of Surmia, want you! /w me in-game!

What minion is best for tanking?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Relair.1843


The bone fiend will get aggrod first almost every fight, but has the hp and defense of a wet paper bag, even fully traited. If you want something to tank for you its not gonna be him. None of our pets really will aggro and keep a mob on them for long with you attacking too, like a ranger pet. That being said, the flesh golem and shadow fiend are definitely the toughest, and the wurm can take quite a beating too like others have said. Surprisingly, good old Mr. Wiggles the floating meatbag, aka blood fiend is usually the last pet to die, they upped his defense awhile back and he usually lasts quite awhile.

What minion is best for tanking?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uskon.2519


Indeed, whenever my minions got wiped the “floating meatbag” was indeed the last one standing over 90% of the time, but I guess that’s partially because he doesn’t get enough aggro and tends to stay farther away

What minion is best for tanking?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

Noooo bone fiend is the worst minion for anything remotely related to tanking (the “scorpion thingy”). It takes about 2 good hits and is gone. It is good however for mild CC because it can immobilize, but the fact that it spends more time dead (re-dead I guess would be the case for an undead minion lol) makes it pretty much a liability rather than a help. Shadow fiend and Flesh Golem are the best minion tankers, and honestly my shadow fiend can take more hits than ol Fleshy sometimes. Just make sure whichever minion you’re settling on to use the +50% hp trait on them or they’re paper.

~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…