What's the most active necromancer setup?
I love the Necro, so don’t take this as a “doom and gloom, we are so underpowered” type of statement…
…but your post is screaming out as someone that would enjoy an Elementalist much more than a Necro, which is kind of the antithesis of your playstyle.
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 –
(edited by alanis.6094)
My main is an ele, and my first alt was an engi. I know the necro isn’t a perfect fit, but I’ve always liked the idea and appearance of the necro and the skills, so I’m hoping I can find a setup that is close enough to the playstyle I like to work.
Necro is generally slow, but use stuff with low CD’s then. Staff with low CD’s, scepter/dagger. And then use Epi. Epi will end up being a 12s CD, and Blood is Power will be 24s. Wurm since its 40s CD, only real teleport for necro, and only teleport stunbreaker we have. And then use golem since its low CD. Use the CD for death shroud. You can also lower the CD for minions too also. 32s for wurm, 48 for golem.
You’re going to laugh like a maniac when you get a full epi off though. My favorite is loading downed people with conditions and then using epi so it applies to those ressing him.
(edited by Berullos.6928)
Hmm necros generally have a lot of spammy spells…but if by active you mean:
1. Alot of variety; we have a lot of useless crap you wont use (Minions and some spectral spells), wells are awesome but have too long of a cooldown and people might simply move out of them, I love them but got too bored of them. So corruption is your only choice for useful low CDs.
2. Mobility: We have none very little compared to pretty much every class.
So..generally you’ll be casting a lot of things and switching back and forth between staff and whatever weapon you use to leave marks then DPS….but forget about the other two.
most active with most spammable skills would be a spectral focused necro with staff and dagger focus. skills spectral wall spectral grasp and spectral walk all wich have relative short cooldowns to have 1 more pretty short cooldown skill you can go with flesh golem as elite. get 20 in curses so you can take spectral atunement and the step to 25 curses isnt far then.. for the rest its a build focused on power and high crit. with some defensive measures from staff 10 in deathmagic for greater marks.
Minionmancer. You’ll be very actively shouting “FOR THE LOVE OF GOOD MOVE YOU BRAINLESS kittenS!”
Minionmancer. You’ll be very actively shouting “FOR THE LOVE OF GOOD MOVE YOU BRAINLESS kittenS!”
or if you use the golem..
“oh i’ll just sell some stuff at the trading post because my bags are.. oh my god where did those ..” blargh dies
thanks for pulling that champion brolem
Minionmancer. You’ll be very actively shouting “FOR THE LOVE OF GOOD MOVE YOU BRAINLESS kittenS!”
or if you use the golem..
“oh i’ll just sell some stuff at the trading post because my bags are.. oh my god where did those ..” blargh diesthanks for pulling that champion brolem
He does that but what he likes even more is train charging through the most dangerous enemies around
^ this in a hybrid build is very hands-on active playstyle.
blood is power, wurm/s.walk, epidemic are great bread and butter condition tools. Focus in putting points in curses and go from there.