What traits should I be focusing on?

What traits should I be focusing on?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cyndrome.7268




As the topic title states, what traits should I be focused on?

I use Scepter/Dagger + Staff weaving in DS. Currently level 60. I do not use minions except for minor exception of the fiend sometimes

  • Fiend is too buggy for me to use all of the time.

Currently I have 15/25/10/0/0 but I’m questioning the 15 points in Spite – does power really do much for me with this weapon setup?

What traits should I be focusing on?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


Power does very little. You want traits/gear that boost condition damage or ones that boost or apply additional bleeds. Such as hemophilia and enfeebling blood both are in curses and Mark of evasion which is in blood, utilise these to maximise bleeds stacks on your targets.

What traits should I be focusing on?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mackster.9726


If you’re using DS regularly for damage, then power will be helpful. I personally put points in Spite on my condition build (which it seems you’re doing with the scepter?) for the increased condition duration as well as the Major Trait that gives Might on Life Blasts. I also like to take either the increased Mark damage or the Retaliation in DS.

The only really “must have traits” are the Curses line for all of the condition benefits that it gives.

What traits should I be focusing on?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Arathanis.7485


The ones that aren’t bugged and actually work.