Where from here?

Where from here?

in Necromancer

Posted by: EndoChronik.3507


So, I’ve randomly been playing GW2. On and off.
I’m mainly on my 80 Necro, but got a Thief 27.
I’m going for a power build which has a bit of crit and crit dmg.

I really don’t know what to do right now. I’ve got a magic find set and some random rare armour pieces here and there.
Any time I do log on I just sit at Karkas and then log off after about an hour or two.
Sometimes I go sPvP for a bit.

Everytime I try to go to Arah absolutely nothing goes right. Sometimes the instance isn’t even up, other times the people I’m with can’t clear it. This has caused me to give up on getting tokens since I’ve got no one reliable to do it with.

I just joined a guild to see if people would run stuff, but no one’s really online.

Is this just me? Or do other people randomly struggle like this? Everything feels so slow.

What should I do? While I wait for responses I’ma continue killing Karkas, yaaayyyy…

Where from here?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ishi.8075


Look for an active guild. There are several active guilds on SBI that focus on PvE and/or PvP.

Next step – http://gw2lfg.com/

I use this when I can’t find a group either in my guild or on SBI. While there have been some bad groups, the good groups by far out way the bad groups.

As far as just killing Karkas, you will have that again in the next update on May 14th (I think).

Select your server here and at least try to do a major event or two. You get a rare or exotic once per event guaranteed. I usually try to do a dragon or two, fire elemental, maw, and shadow behemoth while I am online if all their timings are correct.


Hope this helps out.

Ishimaru Taiki – Engineer (80)
Butterfly Sonata – Mesmer (80)
Can’t wait for the Revenant! :)

Where from here?

in Necromancer

Posted by: EndoChronik.3507


Ahh, brilliant, thanks! This is exactly what I was looking for. Gameplay feels messy without a goal lol.

Where from here?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ishi.8075


No problems, glad to be of assistance

Ishimaru Taiki – Engineer (80)
Butterfly Sonata – Mesmer (80)
Can’t wait for the Revenant! :)

Where from here?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kisses.1054


I think you need to find a guild where people are actually online. The more you like the people, the more you will enjoy the game, it will feel less dead etc. In the meantime, jumping puzzles and pvp (not tpvp but spvp or wvw) is some stuff u can do solo, if you like either of those things. Maybe u can aim to complete all the JP, or to get dungeon master title, or to get a hybrid/condition/tank armor set, or a certain skin, or champion slayer title etc depending on what u like.

Where from here?

in Necromancer

Posted by: HiSaZuL.2843


^^^ That pretty much more then anything else. MMOs are all about fun with others rather then solo experience but its important too. Find an active guild someone to chat with while you are doing w/e the hell you are doing. Go from there.
are also your friends. Dragon timers are good way to score easy loot. You said you have MF gear so put it on dragon chests have best loot tables so there is some benefit. Even if MF does next to bloody nothing.

Where from here?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


MF is nice I suppose, I for one do not not use it because best loot is mainly from chests, which as devs have said b4 is not affected by MF.