Where should my last 10 points go?
Could put those last 10 points into Soul Reaping for Foot in the grave (3 second Stability) which is nice for PvE/PvP and you get 10% more Life Force.
Or you could also the superior 30/20/0/0/20 Fearmancer build with burning, very strong atm.
(edited by Rok.5260)
I think that the FOTM build is 30/20/20/0/0
30 spite gives 30 Condition duration (which also affects Fear), gives you Dhuumfire.
20 in Curses is enough for Terror.
20 in Death Magic gives you both Mark cooldown reduction and Greater Marks for Unblockable Mark spammage.
Of course if you are going for a more defensive build ignore what I just said. :P
You could put the last 10 in Soul Reaping if you don’t already have Soul Marks. Gives you 3% LF when marks are triggered. That’s assuming your first master trait was Master of Terror
PvP R29 Necromancer
Level 80 Necro / Level 80 Thief
You could grab stability on DS, DS cool down reduction or soul makes, or maybe dagger reduction in blood. There is also reaper’s protection, too.
I would probably go into SR for one of those traits.
Thanks for the advice guys