Which bugs are top priority for you?

Which bugs are top priority for you?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Daiva.2394


As we all know, there are plenty of bugs that pests the necro community, but which of them affects you (and your build) the most?

For me, it’s easily:

  • Chillblains and Greater Marks not working well together.
  • Transfusion not scaling with Healing Power. To be honest, I’m a bit iffy about this one; if it’s truly a bug, then how can it not be fixed? Every heal for every other class (as far as I’m aware) works fine. If it’s not a bug, but intended, I sincerely urge reconsideration — maybe it would have to be balanced by lower start amount, but not gaining anything on one of the bigger necro support skills (read: heals) by investing into the attribute dedicated to improve it just doesn’t make sense.
  • Chilling Darkness not working with Plague of Darkness. This is a big deal, but I mind less than about the others. Probably mostly because I’m not a fan of the elite — it’s boring to not be able to do anything other than moving and spamming one of three abilities for 20 seconds, but none of the others are any better for a support necro (at least not in WvW, where the flesh golem gets instantly nuked in fights).
[CIR] — Blacktide
Dai Va — Necromancer
Dae Va — Elementalist

Which bugs are top priority for you?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cls.9346


“Chillblains not working well” good one. Actually not working at all… Definitely top priority, I could really use that chill for kiting and groupfights.

Oh and the plague signet bug would come right after Chillblains for me.

(edited by Cls.9346)

Which bugs are top priority for you?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sherpa.7901


i say first fix some of the DS ui and mechanics then focus on the rest, imo we got too many traits for DS and i can barely use half of em in a good rush without sacrificing 79% of ‘’2nd hp bar’’… after that ya go for the rest

Which bugs are top priority for you?

in Necromancer

Posted by: antimatter.2579


So it’s come to this… quite frankly “All of them”. There shouldn’t be any bugs there they all bother me. I tend to switch my spec a lot and every time I do that something’s bugged.
Note: I love playing my necromancer despite that.

“Sa souvraya niende misain ye.”

Which bugs are top priority for you?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ahmon.1730


Not being able to stack conditions in PVE. This goes for Bleed, Burning and Poison. kitten is dumb as hell.