So.. I know I’ve been posting alot lately. I think this will be my last topic for a bit.
Imagine you are in a team with a mesmer a thief a warrior a guardian whatever…
Who’s going to get the focus fire?
Not the mesmer, too much time wasting on clones and invis…
Not the thief, too many invis dodges to bother with…
Not the war he has too much stability and mobility
Not the guardian, that’s like saying “focus the tank”. Too much sustain.
So who’s left? You. The big fat necro waiting to get pounded on. “the necro is the most dangerous if he’s left alone too long” NO freaking duh. Anyone is. Anyone who is not being attacked and is left to constantly do damage will be the one dealing most the damage… makes sense.
So I know even playing against any necro that thats the person to hit first. Why? Because he’s the EASIEST target. Not because im afraid of his damage. Or his aoe’s, which btw are constantly useless because my team is cleansing like crazy.
So when you say “gotta focus dat necro or else..” It’s not because of any or else… It’s because hes the easiest target of the bunch. He/she is the easiest one to kill. For all the health and all the blah blah, the necro is the one that will die first. Because he has nowhere to go and no way to defend himself properly.
This is just a simple truth. Right now there is an insane amount of condition cleansing. So most players go MM. Minionmancers are the only safe route to surviving a decent period of time. But you will still die first. You can only dodge twice… Your blinds are limited and not so life-saving.
Thing about our blinds. They are in the form of WoD, Dagger 5, Shadow fiend… And I think thats about it XD Which can all be dodged or maybe blocked aside from WoD which only lasts for 5 seconds every maybe 40 seconds. So blinds are not that reliable.
They’re now wanting to reduce the amount of weakness we can produce so there goes another hit to our defense. Our DS is near-useless unless you just spec all LF and just want to be present at the team fight for a while.
SO… yeah. There it is. Share your thoughts about it all even though we’ve been through it all many times before. XD
When you really just look at the necro they probably have the lowest sustain potential of any class in the game. Maybe they have the highest aoe potential but thats only if your enemies are like blunt objects, moving nowhere and picking their noses. Our aoe is incredibly easy to escape and all on high cooldowns.
The real theme here I want to relay the most is WHO ELSE? Who else are they going to focus? They cant land a successful hit on the rest of your team let alone see them. So who’s it gonna be. Oh, yes. The big doofus standing there all by his lonesome.
Our dps is good, but compaired to other classes its terribad. Our aoe is good but has so many counters its almost a blessing from grenth himself that they actually did what they are intended for. Our sustain is ok.. but lets face it; It’s also the worst in the game. Our mobility is the worst. Our cc is the worst. Our blah blah blah XD
I’m just ranting now I’m sure. But there you have it. Nailed to the ground as another post described.
And to say one more thing.. I get it. We can do well.. IF. And it’s a very big if. We don’t have an all-purpose build like every other class where you feel really safe whatever is thrown your way that you can handle it. No. Any build you choose there will be a very common counter (not a specific build or anything). But like I said, something like a mobile ranged dps, or a hard ccer, or a bunker, or another necro lol.