Who is the easy target ?

Who is the easy target ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: SrebX.6498


Rangers or Guardians imo ….
Corrupt boons will rune any Guard’s day, also they have a really low hp pool
And rangers are just pretty moderate at everything, I’m not having much trouble killing them

[EG] Ethereal Guardians, Fort Aspenwood
Violette Glory [Warrior]
Bala Rama [Herald]

Who is the easy target ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Gwalchgwn.1659


I’m not a necro, just surfing around because I’m bored. But I just wanted to add on nemesis’ comments:

Theoretically your own class is always the easiest to “learn to beat”. It’s easier to learn what to watch for and what the weaknesses are from your own build (by losing) than to learn what another class (your opponent) weaknesses are by winning. Once you are an average player, anyone below average (in your own class) will be easy. While against other opponents the variation will be bigger.

This “average” isn’t 50/50 btw. There’s a very big disparity between under-average players compared to above-average players. Above-average players are ppl who main the class. There are a lot of players that play alternate classes, which means some of their professions are under-average in a serious fight (let’s not assume zergvzerg).

It’s not politically right but, some players just are better in the game in general than others, combine it with more experience in one class (if they main it) it’ll make it easier to beat his own class then another class (NB. He’ll have an easier time beating any other class if it’s played by a less skillful player, but read the first paragraph again).

Ring of Fire
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]

Who is the easy target ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: aspirine.6852


Lol Btw all I gotta say is that Nemesis was just saying that since condition transfer is such a necro staple that fighting another necro can be an opportunity if you play your skills right.

You could explain why necro with build A beats necro build B, but a general statement “necro>necro” is either false or off topic.

I’m just talking personal experience, I have had so many fights that I could have won but they choose to run away. And we cannot chase and for me that makes another necro the one I win the most against. If we had more escape or chase it could be different. And oh yes I am talking WvW 1-1 not pure pvp.

Who is the easy target ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nemesis.8593


Lol Btw all I gotta say is that Nemesis was just saying that since condition transfer is such a necro staple that fighting another necro can be an opportunity if you play your skills right.

You could explain why necro with build A beats necro build B, but a general statement “necro>necro” is either false or off topic.

I’m just talking personal experience, I have had so many fights that I could have won but they choose to run away. And we cannot chase and for me that makes another necro the one I win the most against. If we had more escape or chase it could be different. And oh yes I am talking WvW 1-1 not pure pvp.

Exactly my point…

That’s what i keep saying… necro’s easiest target is another necro… highest number of wins will be vs another necromancer, since you will not have a draw…

Vs any other class you may lose… or you may draw, but rarely win… unless they are bad, then you win because you are better…. good players force a draw by running… that doesn’t count as a win, not in my book at least.

Nemesis Youtube channel - necromancer & mesmer tutorials, PvP and more…

Nemesis live-stream channel - focusing mainly on Guild Wars 2, League of Legends and Dota II.

Who is the easy target ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: flow.6043


I’m just talking personal experience, I have had so many fights that I could have won but they choose to run away. And we cannot chase and for me that makes another necro the one I win the most against. If we had more escape or chase it could be different. And oh yes I am talking WvW 1-1 not pure pvp.

I stand by it, for a hypothetical matchup of necro v X, and especially from personal experience in both WvW and sPvP: it’s not that easy to escape a necromancer.
Of course this depends on your build to some extent, for example a necro who uses Spectral Grasp will have a better chance at not letting his opponent get away than another one who doesn’t.

And it’s certainly not true that every class except the necro has the means to get away like a thief or sword/GS warrior. A guardian, engineer, ranger…? Yes they have some mobility skills, but not enough to guarantee a safe escape whenever they want.

Also, speaking from my experience: people usually don’t run from me. The ones who manage to do so once in a while will always come back to finish the fight, and those players are just skilled enough to pull off a reset (which is not easy at all) but not skilled enough to win. The best players I’ve encountered don’t need to reset a fight against me.

So you can say all you want, other (equally skilled) necros are definitely not the easiest to take down.

Who is the easy target ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Valheru Baal.9456

Valheru Baal.9456

Lol Btw all I gotta say is that Nemesis was just saying that since condition transfer is such a necro staple that fighting another necro can be an opportunity if you play your skills right.

You could explain why necro with build A beats necro build B, but a general statement “necro>necro” is either false or off topic.

I’m just talking personal experience, I have had so many fights that I could have won but they choose to run away. And we cannot chase and for me that makes another necro the one I win the most against. If we had more escape or chase it could be different. And oh yes I am talking WvW 1-1 not pure pvp.

Exactly my point…

That’s what i keep saying… necro’s easiest target is another necro… highest number of wins will be vs another necromancer, since you will not have a draw…

Vs any other class you may lose… or you may draw, but rarely win… unless they are bad, then you win because you are better…. good players force a draw by running… that doesn’t count as a win, not in my book at least.

If we observe this question from the side of other classes not being able to run away from you, I would say necros are best against Necros, Guardians, Rangers, Engineers (although the last two can build to be pretty evasive with great escape mechanics). Warriors , mesmers, thieves and eles, has so many escape skills, that if they decide not to fight you they will just run away (Usually its a too late call and they ll die before they could do that, except from thieves. Its almost never too late to escape with a thief).

The OP is not about WvW only, so being able to chase someone away in sPvP for example counts as a win. And some earlier comments took it into account while you did not. I dont blame you for it since the OP’s quiestion is not specified and it is impossible to give a correct answer.

I disagree with your comment about the highest number of wins will be against necros. Because the reality is that the highest number of wins will be against warriors, and guardians. There are tons of players playing those 2 classes and most of them sucks with it hard both in SPvP and WvW. I think if I could show a statistic about how many other classes I ve killed 1v1 those numbers would be way higher than others due to their popularity.

What I love about necromancer is that you can build to be extremly useful against large numbers while also being able to be a duel god. Since its kind of a rock paper scissor game there is no good answer for the OP’s question.

Who is the easy target ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Scarran.9845


I’m just talking personal experience, I have had so many fights that I could have won but they choose to run away. And we cannot chase and for me that makes another necro the one I win the most against. If we had more escape or chase it could be different. And oh yes I am talking WvW 1-1 not pure pvp.

A guardian, engineer, ranger…? Yes they have some mobility skills, but not enough to guarantee a safe escape whenever they want.

Engineer? That’s puzzling because if you have played an engineer they definitely have the tools to guarantee a safe escape in a 1v1 scenario . Elixir S which makes them evade all attacks for 3 secs this is normally in alot of engineer builds wither it be traited or skill. Automated Response 100% reduction in condition duration at 25% health which is very handy.

Add onto that Shield 4 that has 3 sec reflect projectiles and push back opponents and Toolbox 4 with 3 sec block attacks, that is more than enough to get the Engineer to safety. You can even have Rocket Boots which allows to them to leap a great distance also, and net turret to immobilize you and that’s not including the stun you get from supply crate. Add onto that the stealth that they get from combining their fields.

They have more than enough means to escape if they want to and albeit not every one of those are going to be in all engineer builds but id be surprised if at least half are not in their builds.

The problem being is that we are not saying Necro’s are the weakest class we are saying what is already known, we have no mobility and little in the way to stop opponents from disengaging from us. Thus meaning that we are all in wither its walking away or being carried away.

Axere – lvl 80 Necro
Nemmeister – lvl 80 Engineer
Jay Knot – lvl 80 Warrior | Rusty Colt – lvl 80 Thief

(edited by Scarran.9845)

Who is the easy target ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: flow.6043


Elixir S

Invulnerability doesn’t mean mobility, you won’t create any distance to your opponent with that skill alone.

Automated Response

If you have this trait and play against a condition build (like full dire) you don’t need to run away. Against a power necro this will do almost nothing, maybe prevent you from being blinded or immobilized.

Add onto that Shield 4 that has 3 sec reflect projectiles and push back opponents and Toolbox 4 with 3 sec block attacks

We have so many unblockable skills, add Greater Marks and you’ll not be able to block much else. And projectile reflection… what projectiles? Maybe a power necro’s Life Blast..

and net turret to immobilize you and that’s not including the stun you get from supply crate.

Necros also have some sources for immobilized, and then there’s of course fear… even makes them run away from you! Still, that doesn’t really mean necros have mobility or that they could run away from more mobile classes.

Rocket Boots which allows to them to leap a great distance
the stealth that they get from combining their fields.

Now those two I agree on, but seriously… unless you combo the leap with a smoke field, just rocket jump (range 900) away from me: if I can catch you with Chillblains (range: 1440 with Greater Marks) you don’t get away any further.

…and little in the way to stop opponents from disengaging from us.

Like I said, it depends on the build, and it’s just not as easy as you make it sound.
Also, most people aren’t mentally prepared to have an escape plan ready at any time. For example, you could use supply drop on your opponent, but who runs away after that instead of trying to finish the fight right in the middle of all the turret support?

Who is the easy target ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nemesis.8593


Lol Btw all I gotta say is that Nemesis was just saying that since condition transfer is such a necro staple that fighting another necro can be an opportunity if you play your skills right.

You could explain why necro with build A beats necro build B, but a general statement “necro>necro” is either false or off topic.

I’m just talking personal experience, I have had so many fights that I could have won but they choose to run away. And we cannot chase and for me that makes another necro the one I win the most against. If we had more escape or chase it could be different. And oh yes I am talking WvW 1-1 not pure pvp.

Exactly my point…

That’s what i keep saying… necro’s easiest target is another necro… highest number of wins will be vs another necromancer, since you will not have a draw…

Vs any other class you may lose… or you may draw, but rarely win… unless they are bad, then you win because you are better…. good players force a draw by running… that doesn’t count as a win, not in my book at least.

If we observe this question from the side of other classes not being able to run away from you, I would say necros are best against Necros, Guardians, Rangers, Engineers (although the last two can build to be pretty evasive with great escape mechanics). Warriors , mesmers, thieves and eles, has so many escape skills, that if they decide not to fight you they will just run away (Usually its a too late call and they ll die before they could do that, except from thieves. Its almost never too late to escape with a thief).

The OP is not about WvW only, so being able to chase someone away in sPvP for example counts as a win. And some earlier comments took it into account while you did not. I dont blame you for it since the OP’s quiestion is not specified and it is impossible to give a correct answer.

I disagree with your comment about the highest number of wins will be against necros. Because the reality is that the highest number of wins will be against warriors, and guardians. There are tons of players playing those 2 classes and most of them sucks with it hard both in SPvP and WvW. I think if I could show a statistic about how many other classes I ve killed 1v1 those numbers would be way higher than others due to their popularity.

What I love about necromancer is that you can build to be extremly useful against large numbers while also being able to be a duel god. Since its kind of a rock paper scissor game there is no good answer for the OP’s question.

You may have a point here… you would win percentage wise more against necromancers since they can’t escape… so if you win you win, unlike other classes…

But the is a way higher amount of warriors and guardians… so even if you win percentage wise less against them, it might still have the raw number higher…

I agree with your point of view… interesting… very interesting…

Nemesis Youtube channel - necromancer & mesmer tutorials, PvP and more…

Nemesis live-stream channel - focusing mainly on Guild Wars 2, League of Legends and Dota II.

Who is the easy target ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: MethaneGas.8357


Probably a glass longbow ranger :P

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YouTube Channel

Who is the easy target ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: pierwola.9602


You may have a point here… you would win percentage wise more against necromancers since they can’t escape… so if you win you win, unlike other classes…

I stay in the fight because there is always a chance for winning not because i can’t run away.
In 1v1 you have only 1 target so ….

Who is the easy target ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nemesis.8593


You may have a point here… you would win percentage wise more against necromancers since they can’t escape… so if you win you win, unlike other classes…

I stay in the fight because there is always a chance for winning not because i can’t run away.
In 1v1 you have only 1 target so ….

PvP is not RNG, there isn’t always a chance to win… there are only probabilities…

If you are almost full CD and less then half HP from a previous fight you’ve just won, and you see me on the horizon… do you stand and fight ? You will lose…. why would you stay and lose when you can escape, as a thief… mesmer… warrior… elementalist…

But if me as a necro are almost full CD, and half HP from a fight i just won… and i see a thief on the horizon… by the time i turn around to run i am already 1 shoted…

Nemesis Youtube channel - necromancer & mesmer tutorials, PvP and more…

Nemesis live-stream channel - focusing mainly on Guild Wars 2, League of Legends and Dota II.

Who is the easy target ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: pierwola.9602


If you are almost full CD and less then half HP from a previous fight you’ve just won, and you see me on the horizon… do you stand and fight ? You will lose…. why would you stay and lose when you can escape, as a thief… mesmer… warrior… elementalist…

That won’t be a tie because you didn’t even start the fight

But if me as a necro are almost full CD, and half HP from a fight i just won… and i see a thief on the horizon… by the time i turn around to run i am already 1 shoted…

We are talking about necro v necro (1v1 not 1v2). When i will see you(as a necro) on the horizon i will just run away and you can’d do anything to stop me. (tie?)

p.s It’s not my problem that you put everything on 1 card (full cd)

(edited by pierwola.9602)

Who is the easy target ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nemesis.8593


If you are almost full CD and less then half HP from a previous fight you’ve just won, and you see me on the horizon… do you stand and fight ? You will lose…. why would you stay and lose when you can escape, as a thief… mesmer… warrior… elementalist…

That won’t be a tie because you didn’t even start the fight

But if me as a necro are almost full CD, and half HP from a fight i just won… and i see a thief on the horizon… by the time i turn around to run i am already 1 shoted…

We are talking about necro v necro (1v1 not 1v2). When i will see you(as a necro) on the horizon i will just run away and you can’d do anything to stop me. (tie?)

p.s It’s not my problem that you put everything on 1 card (full cd)

Ok then… you have somehow figured out to never get caught with CDs… or without LF, after you kill someone you are fresh to start again in the next 3 seconds vs another class…

What can i say, good job…

Nemesis Youtube channel - necromancer & mesmer tutorials, PvP and more…

Nemesis live-stream channel - focusing mainly on Guild Wars 2, League of Legends and Dota II.

Who is the easy target ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: pierwola.9602


You don’t count “tie”(opponent ran away) as a win but you count win v half death opponent as a normal/good fight.
What can i say, good job…

Who is the easy target ?
upscaled opponent(wvwvw)

(edited by pierwola.9602)

Who is the easy target ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nemesis.8593


You don’t count “tie”(opponent ran away) as a win but you count win v half death opponent as a normal/good fight.
What can i say, good job…

Who is the easy target ?
upscaled opponent(wvwvw)

Hahahha… i won’t even explain what i said, feel free to scroll up and see what i actually said in this thread if you are interested of having a discussion.

People quitting left and right, forums got more troll-ish… i remember a time when the forums were quite enjoyable, people were in game enjoying events… bleh… i don’t like this.

Nemesis Youtube channel - necromancer & mesmer tutorials, PvP and more…

Nemesis live-stream channel - focusing mainly on Guild Wars 2, League of Legends and Dota II.

Who is the easy target ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: pierwola.9602


You are wrong if you think that necromancer can’t run away, yea it’s hard when you fight versus a few opponents but here we are talking about normal 1v1 and in fight like that good necro will know what to do to lose that 1 enemy(necro).

So your post with “you win or lose v necro, 50/50” is wrong

(edited by pierwola.9602)

Who is the easy target ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: flow.6043


So your post with “you win or lose v necro, 50/50” is wrong

That was my argument actually, the mods deleted half of this thread though, so you can’t scoll up and read it anymore.

And that argument is not wrong if you don’t involve different builds and player’s skill. Because when people say something like “others don’t know how to play class X” they might refer to personal experience, but that hardly reflects on the actual strength or weakness that a necro has over a different class.
So yes, you could say upleveled players in WvW are the easiest targets for a necro, then again, that’s the easiest target for any class so it doesn’t really have any relevance to this topic.
You are either objective about a class’ abilities and pretend that two AIs are fighting each other (or maybe a clone of yourself is fighting you), or you subject your assessment to personal experience against opponents with different individual skill, at which point the distinction between classes becomes rather moot. The reality is, there is rarely a case where build/class wins over skill, not for me at least.

As to the observation that most people play a warrior or guardian these days: yeah, sure that might average to a higher kill count of those classes, despite them not actually being the “easiest target”. On the other hand, what if I told you that I fine tuned my build to hard counter stun warriors? And I actually win more fights against them than against necros..?
I didn’t btw, but it’s certainly possible. So my argument stands, you’d have to look at each build first, but that is not much of an argument if one player is just more skilled than the other.

Who is the easy target ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: pierwola.9602


By 50/50 i mean that there will be no tie in Necros fights (cuz we can’t espace) and from what i remember he said something like that not you.

So yes, you could say upleveled players in WvW are the easiest targets for a necro, then again, that’s the easiest target for any class so it doesn’t really have any relevance

Same as half death enemies …

(edited by pierwola.9602)

Who is the easy target ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nemesis.8593


I have red your opinions and i chose to respect them, may you guys have the best of luck in your PvP adventures in any circumstance, especially the classes you think deserved to be chased.
Good luck.

Nemesis Youtube channel - necromancer & mesmer tutorials, PvP and more…

Nemesis live-stream channel - focusing mainly on Guild Wars 2, League of Legends and Dota II.

Who is the easy target ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Druss.6917


What about Mesmers and engies ?

Engis no, rarely, if ever do I have problems with them. Mesmers, the only problem with them I have is if they ninja me from behind and shatter on me while I’m fighting someone else, or when they use one of their multiple escape tools to run away, which honestly is the problem we have with any highly mobile class.

“Come to me and die you stinking whoresons. For I am Druss, and This is Death!”