Who is the easy target ?
Another necro…
Nemesis live-stream channel - focusing mainly on Guild Wars 2, League of Legends and Dota II.
Anyone not running CC/condi removal.
lol. How am I “starting something”?
Your argumentation does in no way support that a necro is the easiest kill for a necro, just that you kill him fast if you get a lucky transfer… which btw might as well apply to your opponent, and by your logic that would make you the “easiest” kill for him.
Lets suppose you are a condition necro , a mínion necro would be an easy target ? What is the most difficult ?
Lets suppose you are a condition necro , a mínion necro would be an easy target ? What is the most difficult ?
I thought you meant in general, cause if we are going to go into specifics then… it depends on the build, the attacking player’s skill and position, the defending player’s skill and position and a few other variables…
Even the fact that… let’s say… class X must press 12341123 to kill class Y… some players might find that very easy, others very hard… so if you want an exact answer, there is none…
But a general answer yeah… still a necro… All other classes in general bring something to the table that makes our conquest a struggle… condition immunity, stealth… full heal, moa and so on…
The only class you can truly put in the ground at the same skill level is another necro, they amplify each other’s damage… it’s a mind game, who gives in first to “waste” their condition transfer, and who dodges on time… 3rd variable would be CC and LOS… so it’s a mind game between stacking + burst stacking + CC + loss + dodge, like a very complex rock paper scissors, what ever it is it will end fast… unless both players suck, at which case they can pew pew pew pew for hours…
Nemesis live-stream channel - focusing mainly on Guild Wars 2, League of Legends and Dota II.
Another necro is the easiest to kill, anyday..
I’d prefer fight guardians, they can’t runaway, they can’t instantly put tons of damage or conditions, they’re just defensive.
I find melee classes in general easy to kill, even more so guardians or thief with my 30,20,0,0,20 set up.
S P E L L B O R N —~--Necro —~--Sylvari lvl 80
I Kira I —~--Ele —~--Sylvari lvl 80
Using the top 100 TPvP players as the norm is wrong, I am pretty sure those 100 players are less then 0.01% of gw2 population. I think using the average player is more justified.
If we are talking about the best of the best of each class I am very sure you will find every single one of them hard to fight, no mater class.
S P E L L B O R N —~--Necro —~--Sylvari lvl 80
I Kira I —~--Ele —~--Sylvari lvl 80
So many players have shown that being in the top 100 tPvP only proves how much time you’ve invested in that game mode.
The fact that you believe that top 100 is the one place where the most skillfull players hang out and everyone else who isn’t should strive to be there (because “it’s the only way up”), is but a testament to your arrogance.
Clearly you’ve reached a level of skill that is not just unattainable if you don’t play among the top sPvP population, but can’t even be comprehended by a lowly commoner like myself.
So forgive me when all I hear from you “making a point” is: “wayne, wayne, necro is weak… except when I play against another necro, they are easy because I’m the best necro there is!”
I have to agree that a necro is the easiest target for my necro. It all depends on the players of course but one thing is sure, a necro cannot get away from me and I cannot get away from him/her. In the end one of us will die, and I cannot say the same for any other class.
All other classes can reset the fight and run like hell from me and while I could kill them, they are gone so no kill for me.
Even my rabbit rank guildie says to target necro…..
Yup… that’s what i keep saying haha…
Nemesis live-stream channel - focusing mainly on Guild Wars 2, League of Legends and Dota II.
Thief is easy to kill as a necro.
Ele is easy to kill as a necro.
Mesmer is easy to kill as a necro.
Necro is difficult given they’re both on the same skill level.
Warrior and guardian will usually prove difficult.
As always everything depends on specs.
In WvW my guild tends to target Necros first for focus firing if we see any in range.
We’ve started running Mesmers more often in havok groups just to give the few others left still running Necro some clone cover chaff/invis.
I have to agree with everyone saying necro is the easiest to kill as a necro. On equal skills, it is the easiest class for me to bring down, it can’t escape nor evade any of my damage. You count 2 dodges, then bomb away.
We’re like thugs in a wheelchair on a slippery hill with boxing gloves, we fight till someone’s down.
Edit: @Flow: Other classes do have option to completely get away from us without retribution. Yes it count as a win for the necro if you fight on a point, but you didn’t won anything in the “Kill” departement.
OP’s asked who was the easiest class to “Kill”. Necro can’t run away, so it wins this by default.
Panhauramix Guardian/Pistoleros Engineer/ Orbite Thief
Gates of Madness – Leader of Homicide Volontaire [HV]
(edited by Panhauramix.2784)
I have to agree with everyone saying necro is the easiest to kill as a necro. On equal skills, it is the easiest class for me to bring down, it can’t escape nor evade any of my damage. You count 2 dodges, then bomb away.
We’re like thugs in a wheelchair on a slippery hill with boxing gloves, we fight till someone’s down.
Yes… and easy stomps… if you try to stomp a mesmer or a thief, you know he’s going to waste another 4 seconds of your precious team fight time… not a necro though, focus fire – kill – stomp – GG.
Nemesis live-stream channel - focusing mainly on Guild Wars 2, League of Legends and Dota II.
Going from my WvW experience, solo & zerg, I would say:
ranger (longbow pew pew kind)
thief (d/x)
I’ve never been slaughtered so fast and consistent as by a certain necro, dhuumfire/terror specced (with pain inverter).
Fused with my Shroud
(edited by Smoke.9273)
any class that is too slow to run or too stupid to fight you head on
For me the easiest to kill is a toss of the coin between Necro and Ranger. Wither the Necro maybe there because I know its weaknesses and what to look out for, so it probably helps.
But I tend to find if I focus a Necro or a Ranger they die quicker and more times than any of the other classes and have less escape options.
Next ones I tend to find depends on the build and/or weapons you are running. Some classes like Guardian are easier when you have boon stripping. Warrior is a nightmare and especially the hammer warrior if you don’t have foot in the grave expect to spend most of the time flying around like a ping pong ball.
Thief and Mesmer have alot of stealth and evade skills which can take longer to kill them. Engineer has elixir s and toolbox 4 that allows them to have a nice period of immunity to zip in and out of the action.
Elementalist is the one I struggle with the most I tend to find they can zip away and regen up and get back in quicker than I can get myself topped back up.
Nemmeister – lvl 80 Engineer
Jay Knot – lvl 80 Warrior | Rusty Colt – lvl 80 Thief
I totally agree with the fact that we’re strong 1v1, while fighting on a point or in a duel setup to fight it to the death. If someone is trying to stick with us till the end, it should go bad for him (wheelchair, slippery hill, boxing gloves)
But what is really happening in a non duel setting, they run off tail between their legs, get out of combat, regen, come back and take you down 1v1 again with no DS left and your utilities on cooldowns.
Necros can’t do that to other necro. We fight till the end, with nuclear bombs as knuckles. The first one to hesitate is doomed.
So who’s the easiest class to kill/down as a necro: Another necro. Of course it should be 50/50 against a equal skilled necro opponent, but it’s still far better than 30/70 or 0/100 against other professions that can run away.
Panhauramix Guardian/Pistoleros Engineer/ Orbite Thief
Gates of Madness – Leader of Homicide Volontaire [HV]
everyone else took it to mean that in a group fight the other necro is the easiest to take down
Wich class is the easiest to kill as a necro ?
Maybe you didn’t read the very first post, but it doesn’t say: which class is easiest to focus as a group? “…as a necro” implies that you’re fighting alone.
Another Necro is the easiest to kill.
Most of the other classes can disengage, meaning that you can’t kill them if they don’t want to be killed. Necro may be the slowest class in the game, and the soft CC that the necro does have is no substitute. Even Terror makes you chase.
Guardians are the easiest for me to kill. Especially in WvW when I boon strip like crazy. It’s sad how weak they are without them. And blocking does nothing when your marks are unblockable. Second on the list has to be the thief. I know they have a lot of ability to escape but in truth most are predictable. Put some major cc on them and nuke the hell out of that house. After about 5 seconds pop DS and use life transfer to stop there heal channeling. Stomp when they appear again.
This point of view is strictly as a WvW Roamer.
(edited by Storm of the Ages.9076)
I always enjoy running into a Ranger or Mesmer in WvW with my Condi Necro.
Both die relatively quickly if you manage to get your heavy condi’s on at beginning.
I have been running power alot lately and I have a pretty easy time with thieves, rangers, and other Necros.
I think the point about other Necros being easy to kill is that they are generally predictable as to what they can do offensively and have no real defensive cooldowns. If someone just spams everything they have mindlessly then they deserve to die quickly. A well played necro, though, can be terrible to play against.
a 30/20/0/0/20 necro is the easiest to kill.
+1 flow
can’t say before the fights begin
Another necro or a zerker thief that melts like butter in the desert sun in a few hits.
If you wanna get into specifics about the necro fights I’ll break it down as I have experienced it in WvW (don’t have too much experience fighting other necros in spvp because I usually don’t see many of them and when I do they aren’t after my point)
- Condi necro > MM nero
- MM necro > power and/or wells necro
- MM necro > or = hybrid
- Hybrid < Condi (some of the time)
- Condi = Condi if player skill level is equal. It all comes down to who broke under pressure and used their condi clear first
Breaking down into specifics even further:
- MM > or = Dhuumfire builds but > terror builds (in my experience)
- Dhuumfire > power/wells
- Hybrid > or = Dhuumfire if played well
- Terror > power
Maybe I missed some but those are the ones I commonly encounter, and again these are from my personal experience in WvW against other necros. I will say though I ran into a roaming DS based type build the other day that was pretty hard to take down. I almost didn’t make it. I tried to party them to ask about it but I think they assumed I was going to troll them and left, oh well. As for other classes, while rangers, mesmers, ect can be taken down, their escapes usually get them away before I can do it. They know I can’t chase them or force them to stay there so they don’t bother trying to fight it out with me.
Ranger… I don’t think I’ve ever lost to a ranger. I remember a very good spirit ranger downed me once in a top ranked solo arena match, but he still died. Never even close in wvw
Another Necro. Not because I’m so amazing, but because most Necros are faceroll condi builds. When faced with a tanky power necro most of them really don’t know what to do and easily perish at my hand.
Another Necro. Not because I’m so amazing,
good call on the disclaimer, you wouldnt want to upset flow…
What about Mesmers and engies ?
for me I think guardian is the easiest target
take some time but can’t resist condi pressure forever
also guardian is really friendly comparing to angry warrior with that “perma” CC xD, smart memser with those illusions, or thief abusing his stealth
Another Necro. Not because I’m so amazing,
good call on the disclaimer, you wouldnt want to upset flow…
No, he just gets it. Draehl explained that his build is stronger than the one most people are using, unlike others who simply assume they would win against the same class because they are a better player than their opponent.
If you check fodem’s post history you’ll notice that he’s created the same thread in every class subforum. And (not to my greatest surprise at this point..) in every thread there are people stating “another class X”, on the basis that they know the class better than others.
Now, what’s the point of a thread like this if everyone assumes they will win because they are more experienced? Why make the distinction between classes at all, if you make your assessment based on scenarios where you fight worse players than yourself?
Anyone not running CC/condi removal.
I’ll commit the hubris of quoting myself.
And then pontificating.
There is a reason I said something non class specific as my answer. What do necros get a lot of regardless of spec? What do they have issues with regardless of spec?
A lot of the specific examples fall under what I was talking about; builds/players that either did not bring anti- CC/condition abilities; and often did not bring an offensive CC tool or three to the fight either, expecting pure damage to win.
Skimp on those too much and in a straight up cage match a Necro has a kitten good chance of outright winning 1v1. Cage match implying the opponent is unwilling or unable to withdraw/reset the fight.
I normally play a Power build in wvw, and I think the easiest target is probably Ranger, then Thief, then Ele. Necro is also easy(because they have no escapes lol), but obviously that comes down to skill level.
As power, I find Mesmers to be very difficult(especially phantom PU build, so stupid). Warriors take awhile to kill, and Guardians can be rough but not usually.
Engi’s are like a wild card… but I dont meet many difficult ones.
Anyone not running CC/condi removal.
I’ll commit the hubris of quoting myself.
And then pontificating.
There is a reason I said something non class specific as my answer. What do necros get a lot of regardless of spec? What do they have issues with regardless of spec?
A lot of the specific examples fall under what I was talking about; builds/players that either did not bring anti- CC/condition abilities; and often did not bring an offensive CC tool or three to the fight either, expecting pure damage to win.
Skimp on those too much and in a straight up cage match a Necro has a kitten good chance of outright winning 1v1. Cage match implying the opponent is unwilling or unable to withdraw/reset the fight.
This. This right here. If we are talking about using a wvw roaming condition necro (which I believe we are) I submit my opinion based on personal experiences:
I run 30/30/0/0/10 full dire, S/D + Staff, Consume Conditions Epidemic SoL Corrupt Boons and Flesh Golem. My traits include Terror, -20% corruption skills, +30% minion damage, path of midnight and dhummfire ( I know this community is not a fan of dhummfire but it gets results)
Who are my easiest targets? Basically anyone who underestimates me. That includes either playing poorly, not having condition removal/stability/stun breakers, or anyone who thinks I’m an easy kill because I’m a necro. These people I just pepper with conditions and fear them away for the kill. On the opposite hand the ones that kill me the easiest have the most CC/stunbreaks/and condition removal or immunity. It’s no coincidence that I find the latter fights much more fun.
Now of course the question is which class and so I would have to say Guardian: their natural high armour and lower health makes the particularly vulnerable to conditions, and their often used stabilty is an easy corrupt into fear.
Even my rabbit rank guildie says to target necro…..
Just quoting for propper recognition. ^^
That’s what i tell my guildies in mapchat too when im playing transfer necro.
“target me”! XD
Even my rabbit rank guildie says to target necro…..
Just quoting for propper recognition. ^^
That’s what i tell my guildies in mapchat too when im playing transfer necro.
“target me”! XD
I blame the icon system… I used to be able to dress up like a mesmer and I wouldn’t get focused as bad. It was sort of like a masquerade ball.
Yo mama!!!!
ahem I mean… The correct answer would be the most complex. But the simplest answer is probably whoever has the least escapes or the one with the build which your build counters.
bad thread but easiest target is every class
Blackgate Apexprime.enjin.com
I’d just like to say, this thread was posted on every class forum and yours in the only one which has devolved into internal arguements.
A proud day for the necromancers!
Gunnar’s Hold
For a condition-based necromancer, I feel the easiest target is probably a mesmer. Apart from only a few select builds, mesmers are severely lacking in good condition removal. Unless they have an entire segment of their build specifically devoted to cleansing, a condi-specced scepter necro who has homed in on a mesmer will make them weep.
Guardians can be fairly easy for necros to deal with but only when certain utilities/traits are involved. Guardians tend to have relatively low HP for condition or condition/hybrid necros to prey on, and a properly (or luckily) timed Spinal Shivers / Chill of death, Corrupt Boon or Well of Corruption can SERIOUSLY mess with a guardian’s defensive abilities.
I’ve not played my necro with a power-based set quite long enough to be sure what the EASIEST target is, but I often do quite well matched against condition necros. I have the means to cleanse/return their conditions to them as well as a much higher direct damage output than they usually expect which usually leads overconfident condiswarmers to an early downed-state.
In my opinion easest class to kill as a necro is in :
-Tpvp- other necro-(most players when lose fight use mobility and run or/and restart fight) – know necro cant escape, he cant restart fight, so if noone help him he will win or die. If someone wil come to help me i know he will not run- just die.
-WvsWvsW- other necro- lack of mobility and escape from bad fights make him easiest target- weery easy target on Focus Fire, CC lock/Dps train. Most fight with other class end with a 3 diferent ways:
1. I kill him/die becose he will not escape/ i cant escape,
2. I start to win fight but he escape or restart fight- until i will make mistake and die (most do it on 30% hp or lower when losing),
3. we fight enought to come frends of mine/him- if come my frends he run if come enemy frends i die.
We all know that mobility is a King in wvsw.
This points are only to a fight with a good player, if You fight a bad one thats no matter Tpvp or wvsw:
- all are easy to kill in my opinion
(edited by KlausKNT.9302)
I would it’s a tie between ranger and engie.
I wouldn`t say necros are the easiest class as it goes more toward who outpayed who, and not who`s the easiest class to beat.
So flow points was pretty accurate in this regard. I don`t get why Némésis took it so personnaly anyway.
(edited by Poplolita.2638)
Lol Btw all I gotta say is that Nemesis was just saying that since condition transfer is such a necro staple that fighting another necro can be an opportunity if you play your skills right.
It is a mind game. Because you’re tying to time your skills and predict when they’ll transfer and so on.
I think his reply was pretty simple.. it was an opinion.. I really didn’t hear him say “Another necro.. because I am the best necro in the universe….”
My first thought when reading his post was “Seems fair..”
I do think that a good guardian can be trouble. At the same time a good necro can easily out-play me in a condition fight. But like he said, the OP asked and he answered. Why put words into his mouth?
He gave a simple opinion and you pounce on the guy like wtf lol xD
Lol Btw all I gotta say is that Nemesis was just saying that since condition transfer is such a necro staple that fighting another necro can be an opportunity if you play your skills right.
And I argued that “another necro..” being the easiest opponent can only imply 2 things:
1. you believe that a 50/50 chance of winning against the same class is better than anything you could do against any other class, as in: the necro is the weakest profession of them all atm, which is simply not true.
2. You assume that your opponent is weaker than you. But any kind of argument involving “other class X players are less skilled than I am” is off topic.
You could explain why necro with build A beats necro build B, but a general statement “necro>necro” is either false or off topic.
Lol Btw all I gotta say is that Nemesis was just saying that since condition transfer is such a necro staple that fighting another necro can be an opportunity if you play your skills right.
…And I argued that “another necro..” being the easiest opponent can only imply 2 things:
1. you believe that a 50/50 chance of winning against the same class is better than anything you could do against any other class, as in: the necro is the weakest profession of them all atm, which is simply not true.
2. You assume that your opponent is weaker than you. But any kind of argument involving “other class X players are less skilled than I am” is off topic.
You could explain why necro with build A beats necro build B, but a general statement “necro>necro” is either false or off topic.
:P well you could if you wanted to but it’s not neccessary since the OP is..
“What class is the easiest to kill as a necro?” not, “What class is the easiest to kill as a necro, and why do you think that?”
so since the OP did not include that the reply must explain themselves then its actually not off-topic to just give the name of a class.’