Why Lich Form...Makes Me Feel Like A Reject.

Why Lich Form...Makes Me Feel Like A Reject.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


Lich = Epic (still dont know why they kitten out Badazz), all other arguments invalid (it would only get better if it went to BWE/demo version where 4 and 5 were mutually exclusive auras of chill/poison and fear, 3 being spawn 2 jhorros on a 4 second cooldown and spammy mark for 5? vuln stacks and on use dropping a Phylactery that made you invul till destroyed.

On another note id like to get a cosmetic item that lets me change it to the orr wraith and/or baelfire avatar only in green, black and light blue, the norn is kinda getting old.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

(edited by Andele.1306)

Why Lich Form...Makes Me Feel Like A Reject.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Softspoken.2410


Honestly? Screw the haters, Lich Form is a powerhouse. The massive boosts to Power and Precision alone practically guarantee it. 2-5 are largely circumstantial, which is an accurate description of 85% of the game so why should Lich be different?

Saying “You couldn’t have won without using your elite!” is such a pointless complaint. Why else do I have an elite skill, if not to win with it?

Edit: Man I just cannot get over that someone would actually whine at you for using your elite skill. Because what, you’re supposed to go easy on them and let people kill you?

Mixing insults with your post is like pooping in a salad.
It’s pretty obvious, and nobody’s impressed.

(edited by Softspoken.2410)

Why Lich Form...Makes Me Feel Like A Reject.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Lich is like giving warriors a 100b that they can use while moving, with no CD, and a guardian there to peel for them.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
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Why Lich Form...Makes Me Feel Like A Reject.

in Necromancer

Posted by: reedju.5786


I can only assume you are talking about using lich in duels or maybe possible hot join? Personally, in actual tournaments it isn’t even close to cheap. You have to advertise yourself as a giant billboard allowing focus with only 1 skill to peel with, while boasting less burst than many other classes can put out in less time. Sure 1v1, if played right it is very hard to kill but far from impossible.

You can be cc’d forcing you to cast your 5, you start getting condis stacked on you like crazy, your stability can be corrupted and you essentially become 10x version of a normal necromancer ping pong ball. It is good, but don’t feel bad about using it, it is a legitimate tool with a legitimate counter. Actually very good example of the risk/reward paradigm.

Black Avarice

Why Lich Form...Makes Me Feel Like A Reject.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


LOS form? Tell them to l2p. It’s a good ability for teamfights when used well but if you lose to a lich 1v1 you’ve got some serious problems.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

(edited by Mammoth.1975)

Why Lich Form...Makes Me Feel Like A Reject.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

I don’t know where you find these people that complain about Lich Form; there are way worse elites out there in terms of cheese content. For example, Entangle is way more cheese than Lich, and so is Moa Morph. Really anyone ragging you about using Lich has a L2 kitten ue, so don’t let it bother you.

Why Lich Form...Makes Me Feel Like A Reject.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Azraeel.1238


Is it fine for them to use their elite, and not for you? How hypocrite of them!

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Why Lich Form...Makes Me Feel Like A Reject.

in Necromancer

Posted by: HiSaZuL.2843


Lets see here… mesmers can turn you into a chicken in your lich form and wail at you. The fact that it overrides EVERYTHING speaks for itself. Time warp – enough said.
Thiefs summon >3< pretty @#$%^ powerful minions. There is their mega op 100b too but w/e.
Guardians… well… as the favorite faceroll class they either have a healing god-mode or damage god-mode… take your pick.
Then there are rangers with their blasted entangle. Or stability+fury+swiftness for 20 seconds…. hows that worse then lich? Ontop of affecting pet too.
Engineers have supply from the sky… which again provides minion support+heals+stun not as massively op but its onpar at least
Warriors are a tossup here… they don’t have iwin elites but they are solid nonetheless.

Why Lich Form...Makes Me Feel Like A Reject.

in Necromancer

Posted by: hamsteak.1368


when i played a power necro i would use it in 1v1 just because i knew my enemy would melt before me

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Why Lich Form...Makes Me Feel Like A Reject.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


I think the complains have more to do with the fact that your best case scenario is often to just spam 1….. like HS spamming thieves who get ripped on for spamming 2. I think it certainly should be noted as something from the outside looking in as a “L2P” issue, becuase all you have to do is autocast 1, and run around, and you are now hitting for massive damage at 100% crit rate constantly with no facing requirement.

I would much prefer the active skills on the lich form were better and worth using, and the number 1 skill was less spam friendly. It is very easy to look at lich and call it a skill-less ult, because well…. it is to a large degree.

Buff the active skills so we have a reason to use them and I think people would complain less. Also change the freaking model, that is punishment enough in WvW no matter how strong 1 is.

Why Lich Form...Makes Me Feel Like A Reject.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Login.5102


Moah makes my lich a reject

Why Lich Form...Makes Me Feel Like A Reject.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

I always pop the Mark of Horror when I’m in Lich Form just because 5 bodies from one skill is quite handy.

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Why Lich Form...Makes Me Feel Like A Reject.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


I always pop the Mark of Horror when I’m in Lich Form just because 5 bodies from one skill is quite handy.

But in doing so, you waste that extra 1.5 lich attacks for 3-4K damage you could have put out, which the little rats will struggle to do. Dropping the cast time on those marks would go a long way to making lich form more interesteing.

Why Lich Form...Makes Me Feel Like A Reject.

in Necromancer

Posted by: wiazabi.2549


Misleading title i thought you were telling us why not what others take is on lich form :<.

People may not like it but there is no other option, but lich form is abit Zzzz most of the time you just pop it to spam #1 (maybe the reason why its not autoattack by default is to make us actually do something when using it).

1on1 close gap, pop lich spam #1 collect bag, even in zergs it just lich spam 1 and possible 3.

Why Lich Form...Makes Me Feel Like A Reject.

in Necromancer

Posted by: WyldKat.4712


Two days ago I actually downed the mesmer who Moa’d my necro AS A MOA and would have got him if I didn’t have another teammate of his to stomp me after he downed me.

I’m still not quite sure how I managed that. But it was like the mesmer freaked when I started pecking him after running at him instead of away. ^^

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Why Lich Form...Makes Me Feel Like A Reject.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


I think the complains have more to do with the fact that your best case scenario is often to just spam 1….. like HS spamming thieves who get ripped on for spamming 2. I think it certainly should be noted as something from the outside looking in as a “L2P” issue, becuase all you have to do is autocast 1, and run around, and you are now hitting for massive damage at 100% crit rate constantly with no facing requirement.

I would much prefer the active skills on the lich form were better and worth using, and the number 1 skill was less spam friendly. It is very easy to look at lich and call it a skill-less ult, because well…. it is to a large degree.

Buff the active skills so we have a reason to use them and I think people would complain less. Also change the freaking model, that is punishment enough in WvW no matter how strong 1 is.

Problem being in a full power build Lich is hitting 6k per attack, and with that being around 6k DPS (a bit off from cast times) cleave, you’re practically throwing out 100b auto attacks (DPS wise). It would be very difficult for them to buff things to reach that. The 2 abilities (jagged horror/vulnerability mark) need to be made more utility based. 5 is still a huge asset to blow boons/condis off people, 3 is still a great CC tool, its just 2&4 that aren’t good to use in most cases.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Why Lich Form...Makes Me Feel Like A Reject.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Yendorion.2381


I use Lich form in Guild events to /dance tbh xD

Why Lich Form...Makes Me Feel Like A Reject.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


Problem being in a full power build Lich is hitting 6k per attack, and with that being around 6k DPS (a bit off from cast times) cleave, you’re practically throwing out 100b auto attacks (DPS wise). It would be very difficult for them to buff things to reach that. The 2 abilities (jagged horror/vulnerability mark) need to be made more utility based. 5 is still a huge asset to blow boons/condis off people, 3 is still a great CC tool, its just 2&4 that aren’t good to use in most cases.

You know, 2 is a ok increase in dps (if cast once) and despite my hate for jhorrs (and all undead rodents for that matter), spawning a total of 10 rodents to get slaughtered by boss aoe (notable being FABULOUS pink flames in CoF 1, Alpha spikes and shammy le freeze with more ham than ARRRHHHNOLDZ “Put that cookie down!”), but abuse the 5 hit limit on aoes is quite nice, sadly useless in pvp.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

Why Lich Form...Makes Me Feel Like A Reject.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Thresher.3049


I tended to avoid Lich except for ‘special’ occasions like doing a choke point defence, the buff-ripper #5 is quite good as well except the casting time.
Pump up 25 stacks of might, run 2 consecutive timewarps, then boom, boom boom shooting the green crap, watch the frontline of zergs hit the floor like 9 pins.

Pinot Noir (Necromancer) Pinot Blanc (Warrior)
KnT Blackgate

Why Lich Form...Makes Me Feel Like A Reject.

in Necromancer

Posted by: koopatroopa.5360


With the profession lacking key aspects compared to the others, I don’t feel guilty at all blowing people up with lich.

Why Lich Form...Makes Me Feel Like A Reject.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


I like Lich form very much. As an Elite skill, it is way far better than Mist Wolf, which I paid extra real money for.

The two things about Lich I would like changed are auto-attack is off by default and the form’s large size. I waste at least 1 second turning on the auto-attack and that delay can get longer if there is heavy lag. The large size of Lich means that the camera position/point of view is moved and can violate solid objects so my view is occluded, or the lich itself obstructs my view. This can be a huge problem in confined spaces.

I would like auto-attack enabled by default and for the Lich form’s size to be reduced.

Slots 2 through 5 are more for group support while #1 is direct damage but all are useful. The last 4 skills are just more useful in group play than 1v1.

(edited by Anchoku.8142)

Why Lich Form...Makes Me Feel Like A Reject.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


The two things about Lich I would like changed are auto-attack is off by default and the form’s large size. I waste at least 1 second turning on the auto-attack and that delay can get longer if there is heavy lag. The large size of Lich means that the camera position/point of view is moved and can violate solid objects so my view is occluded, or the lich itself obstructs my view. This can be a huge problem in confined spaces..

Thats kinda more of a thing from the past, Lich 1 was chilling all targets hit and 2 was a secondary “auto attack” (as in no/close to no CD) that spawned the sodding rats instead of a 5 minion mark spawn on (4&5 being auras), devs just didnt bother to change/check the transformations, Google GW2 press demo Sylvari necromancer.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

Why Lich Form...Makes Me Feel Like A Reject.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lord Vem.8649

Lord Vem.8649

The reason people don’t like it is because the best strategy with lich is 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1. You can throw a 3 in there if u want or a situational 5 but you really don’t have to for your enemy to die fast. People think of it as a free kill every 180 seconds. I say meh, whatever, we’re a little underpowered at spvp anyway.

Also fun tactic: summon the 5 minions right before it ends if you’re using staff. The regeneration on mark of blood is enough to keep those little suckers up for a while afterwards and they all do a bleed each so it can add up. Mostly that’s best for fighting pve champs though, not spvp.

Why Lich Form...Makes Me Feel Like A Reject.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


I like popping the little rats early, then right before the transform ends against PvE bosses. Not only do the ankle-biters add bleeds, they also make great fodder and a distraction to soak up damage for the group.

Why Lich Form...Makes Me Feel Like A Reject.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Unpredictability.4086


Tell them they have their own elite skill and were too late to use it or chose a sucky one.