Why are necros so underrated?

Why are necros so underrated?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nuno.7458


Necro has insane DPS with bleeds, insane AoE with epidemic and staff, insane power if build for it (death shourd hitting for 5k), when building a conditionmancer you can use Rabid gear which turn you in a complete beast tanking every kitten possible while regening health back from life siphon and dealing major damage with 25 bleed stacks.

And even so i see so few necros! Plus when im joining a party to dungeon they all keep asking if i could swap my class.

srsly are necros that bad? because in my eyes they are really strong…

/end rant

Why are necros so underrated?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drachshyish.2319


What necros do is not as clearly visible as what other classes do… Conditions hit over time, there is a cap on em which limits the number of stacks there can be – alot of wasted DPS if there is more than one condition focussed build on the team.

In many cases it seems that what necros are intended for is not quite as effective as was intended to start with.

Why are necros so underrated?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Spartyr.6795


I also feel that at least through level 20, their weapons skills are kind of underwhelming. I have difficulty creating synergy between weapons unlike Elementalist, Thief or Warrior. The ranges on weapons skills for Necro are just…odd.

This kind of leads to boring gameplay, imo. Dagger with Necro compared to dagger with Ele or Thief are like night and day in terms of fun. I have a hard time leveling my Necro because of this. It’s fun because there is thought to it, but bland at the same time.


Spartyr – Norn Thief
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community

Why are necros so underrated?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Deimo.2615


Take some gold and materials and start leveling via crafting
0 to 80 equals 7.5 crafting disciplines from 0 to 400 :P

Why are necros so underrated?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nuno.7458


@Spartyr i agree with you, mainly conditionmancers are useless early game because of the lack of traits, its almost impossible to stack 10 bleeds without spending some points in the curses trait tree. but after you get that essential trait points in curses and blood magic you will start to feel how necros really are. IMO this is one of the reasons that necros are so underrated because people can’t be arsed to level a character that they don’t feel.

@Drachshyish the problem with bleed stacks its very complicated, in fact if there is anny other bleed stacker on the team, necros dammage will be reduced for sure.
But ArenaNet can’t just add a player’s bleed cap instead of a target bleed cap, cuz that will turn in every one building for bleed stacks and stacking 125 bleeds in a target.

The only solution i see its raising the bleed stack cap, but i dont see arenanet touching on that….

Why are necros so underrated?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bas.7406


They aren’t bad, but attrition class means no fancy numbers, and lots of odd conditions for power builds. The Condimancer has access to great reapplication of a ton of conditions, but can’t apply them as fast as a few other classes. The power builds aren’t burst as in big numbers, but more burst as in pulsing numbers from wells. The Minionbuilds are fantastic, but if played incorrectly can have issues.

Finally, for a long time we had numerous bugs that caused us to not be able to perform up to expectations, this led people to beleive we are horrible. When the patches got fixed the theory stuck. I am fine with that. I enjoy rezzing that dead warrior repeatedly while not having to dodge or stealth away like the thief.

Dark, brooding classes are typically on the lower end of playstyle, but there are other reasons for Necro’s lack of play.

Why are necros so underrated?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bas.7406


@nuno – Great point on bleed capping. If there wasn’t one everyone would be a condition spec as it’s extremely powerful. In this instance bringing 2 condition spec’d players, 2 power specced and 1 tank/support build is the optimum way to play.

Why are necros so underrated?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Feni.4306


Corrupt boon is just the greatest skill alive for me. I love playing my necro most in wvw for those moments when the d/d ele or boon guardian goes charging right at your group. You know who I’m talking about, those guys with insane armor and 24/7 protection so they’re use to just doing whatever they please and never dying. I love destroying that confidence.

That feeling when the Guardian pops save yourself and I convert it all, nothing beats it. Or the ele who buffed himself and starts channeling churning earth almost always has stability on so it’s a free fear before I fear him again.

Underrate me all they want, I’ll never stop loving my Necro. I did however get tired of conditionmancer she’s been like that since pre-release. I recently went d/f with all knight stats and it works surprisingly well. Just I kinda have no choice but to swap to staff on sieges.

Warrior – RĂ­se[MoM]. Guardian – Ekria. Necro – Reimia. Engi – Feni Navi
Tarnished Coast.