Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
Let’s start a positive thread!
Why do you love your Necromancer(s)?
What are some of the most memorable moments you’ve had with it?
What made you choose to main a Necromancer?
Do you miss it when you’re playing something else?
There isn’t much for me to say other than that over the course of the last 3 years, my love has only strengthened. I have 2 main characters, a Ranger and my Necromancer, but my Necromancer I’ve always considered to be my “true” main. She’s my oldest, most played and the character I learned the most about GW2 on.
I’ve had my differences with the profession but I always come back. It’s the only truly satisfying class to me and I couldn’t be more happy that it was one of the first ones I ever played.
What made me choose to main it? I’m a bit of a “dark” individual IRL. I’m a huge horror and metal fanatic with a disturbed sense of humor. The brooding caster is always one of my go to choices in games that provide it although, truthfully, it’s bows and snipers that I I’ve always chosen first prior to Gw2. I’m not sure what it was about Necromancer that appealed to me more than Ranger at the time but I do recall how pleased I was when I began reading the skills. Back when Blood Fiend was our starting heal, I was so enthralled by this disgusting creature floating next to me that I almost immediately knew I was never going to look back on the choice I’d made.
I know how many people feel like Necromancer is a weak class or that it’s poorly designed but I also know how many people love it as much as I do. So if you feel like gushing, please share! The Necromancer section has always had the best community and I want to see some more of that trademark support.
Random picture of my Necromancer diving in Cursed Shore attached below because reasons.
Scythe :>
I love necro because it’s perfect for casual solo play in PvE open world.
I hate necro because a lot of it’s features feel unpolished and useless in group content.
because I love DoT and if I want to be lazy I can just summon a bunch of minions and pretend like I’m trying.
I love my Necro and chose her as my main because I have slow reaction times, I am bad at timing blocks and dodges but the Shroud is very comfortable and easy to use. I feel clumsy and squishy without Shroud when I play other professions. I always play good survivability classes in MMORPGs so Necro is perfect for me!
Aesthetics and skillset. When I started, I tried almost all classes, got them to 20-25 and deleted. Necro was the one that sticked, and remains my main for 2 years now.
Because I always love the death themed professions in games. It’s just a shame Necromancer gets held back because of “thematics”.
I actually really like the idea of our shroud (even if i complain alot about it, though thats more because the implementation is a bit lackluster). I also like to play the dark mage archtypes in my rpgs so its not surprising that i also played necro in gw1 (though ritualist was my main).
I love my Necro and chose her as my main because I have slow reaction times, I am bad at timing blocks and dodges but the Shroud is very comfortable and easy to use. I feel clumsy and squishy without Shroud when I play other professions.
I always play good survivability classes in MMORPGs so Necro is perfect for me!
If we are talking about pvp
Necro have the worst survivability of all classes. You can see it in pvp. Necro die fastest,necro die most/match. Almost every class at high level pvp kill it in 1v1. Why? Because other classes have high burst damage while they also able to avoid your damage too good or outlast your condi damage.
All other classes have some kitten good ways to avoid getting damage. Be it dodges, damage mitigation,block,invu,shields,evade,stealth, teleport/mobility/kite, good health regen. Some of them also able to do damage while having 100% damage mitigation.
We only get 2 dodges and 33% damage mitigation and try to survive the burst going on nowdays with that. You also get a bit of shroud “if the enemy allows you to gain LF” thats enough for about 1-3 seconds before you are again in caster form if very high burst going on. Sometimes people attack me with so high burst damage usually its one of the melee classes or a mesmer,ranger they are all cancer of the game. because i have to “eat” all incoming damage. So im left with like 8k hp against a player that have high burst and a lot of ways to avoid my damage+heal. I only can beat other necros,eles and engis but also have a minimal chance to beat others only if you already have a lot of LF before the fight start. Without LF you are dead. If you have LF and you go shroud they will just burst you out of it in seconds or they just kite you + movement imparing conditions, avoid damage till you drop shroud then kill you in caster form as you do like 0 dps in caster form against anyone that play a class that have burst.
I just like the playstyle. Most peoples play the classes that have OP survivability/mobility + burst damage all in one. i’ve tried them but i don’t like the playstyle of those classes some of them i felt too easy and rewarding which i don’t like if the game wins for me against people that don’t have any chance because my class has better survivability/burst damage.
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
I love my Necro and chose her as my main because I have slow reaction times
If we are talking about pvp Necro have the worst survivability of all classes. You can see it in pvp. Necro die fastest,necro die most/match. Almost every class at high level pvp kill it in 1v1.
Well, you need quick reactions in PvP so I obviously don’t play it at all. I’m slow like a sloth.
Sometimes when I am on my necro, I like to spam epidemic and pretend I’m a sewer rat going around spreading bubonic plague in medieval Europe.
I stuck with Necromancer because of build variety.
Most professions did not have such distinctive play styles to choose from.
I used to main lock and priest in wow so for me it was a natural crossover. I went in blind besides that, as i knew there would be differences. Aside from that i like the idea of being an at range character with some more tank’ish abilities. That along with the general idea of a necromancer really kind of grabs at my horror fan side of things. I also generally don’t like the style of play of most in your face melee classes.
I love Necro cause I love to strip naked and run thro thorny bushes, bang my head against a brick wall, wake up screaming and going thro gameing mouses like there is no tomorrow.
Its what kept me in this game for 4y to put it simple, some say Mesmers has highest skill-cap.. well try play a class that always has everyones attention and noway to change that.
(edited by Ravezaar.4951)
ive always played necromancers/warlocks in games, so it felt like a natural transition. i tested it out in the beta and loved it immediately
i do miss the big team fights in wvw though, back when aoe didn’t cap. would find a guardian, corrupt boons, and then epidemic and watch the zerg start to fall apart… beautiful…
but ive always preferred hindering my opponents to gain the upper hand as opposed to strengthening myself, and the ability to corrupt boons just makes it all the sweeter.
sadly, i do feel like a target in pvp, though that’s just like every game with a dark caster isn’kitten so ive become accustomed to that. but it would be nice if at the very least anet would start off necros with a 50% life force pool. then we have at least a bit of survivability when the games start
it does feel held back in the name of “theme”, which no other class appears to suffer from. our survivability comes from conditions rather than boons, blinds, weakness, fear, cripple, et cetera coupled with our shroud. and id be okay with this, but with the current dynamic of the sheer amount of condi clear almost every class can bring not only just for themselves but for their allies as well, it just reduces our survivability drastically and doesn’t really give us much to work with. then you have to think of the power creep and the fact that shroud hasn’t really scaled well with that. so not only has our condition portion of survivability been drastically reduced, but also our shroud portion.
that being said i do still love my necro and can’t really imagine playing anything else for as long as i have, but i would still love to see anet address some of the issues we face
Because in GW1 it was a powerhouse of a class. One day, Anet will pull their heads out and actually give us options that aren’t full condition or stay in death shroud.
gravedigger when it connects.
gravedigger when it connects.
So you don’t love it that often then?
gravedigger when it connects.
So you don’t love it that often then?
Necro stealth:
When my opponents can’t see me because I’m a necromancer and I do really crazy things with LoS.
I literally killed a Warrior in a teamfight and walked away after everyone else on my team died, because the three opponents that were still alive forgot about me.
Played a Necro in GW1. I always play a Necro, but GW2’s may be my most favorite. I don’t die I heal with every hit, every well, every minion munch, and every time I rez a player. I walk into a field of Pocket Raptors where some Ele or something is downed, quickly switch to Shroud, suck the little buggers dry, then rez the dude. I walk out without a scratch. I solo Champs in PvE.
The only thing that can kill me is falling without Gliding properly ;D
No other class I play can I just go out and do ANYTHING and get away with it.
Oh, and I love “The Crossing.” Perfect Staff for a Necro, sexy as hell.
Necro forever
((No, I don’t PvP, so I don’t / can’t comment on that.))
(edited by Gryphon.2875)
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