Why does everyone think necros are so bad?

Why does everyone think necros are so bad?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Stine.5723


There is a lot of negative posts about necromancers being a joke. To me I find it kinda weird because I love the class and I find myself to be really good with it. I know they still have bugs but they really aren’t as kittenome people say. In pve and spvp this class has been great with really no major issues. The build I currently use is as follows:

Traits -
Curses : 30
Death Magic : 20
Blood Magic : 20

Skills -
Consume Condition
Bone Fiend
Shadow Fiend
Bone Minions
Flesh Golem

Weapons -
Staff (naga with quick casting helps alot guys!)

In spvp I have versed all classes and they were all fair fights (some builds can counter others of course). Most of the time I find myself to be on top of the score boards in both normal games and tournys (although it doesn’t mean everything). So I wonder if the people complaining about necros not used to the style and not know how to use them to their full potential? let me know what your thoughts are.

[MEAN] Necromare

(edited by Stine.5723)

Why does everyone think necros are so bad?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Archmagel.1350


What are these Haunts you speak of? Have you mastered DS so well that you were given a special skill!? =O (Lol, I know it is Shadow Fiend, just messing with you)

Onto the topic, there are a whole slew of things, but they can be found in your friendly neighborhood bug list and throughout this section of the forum. I honestly don’t know how you could be doing well with a MM build. I roflstomp them (20spite/25 curse/25Death and main staff with rare switches), along with many other classes. But, if you can, I am sure others would love to watch you play it, and maybe get some pointers.

Fort Aspenwood~ Archmage Logan(80 Necro)
(“Big Hat”)Praise the Sun!

(edited by Archmagel.1350)

Why does everyone think necros are so bad?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Parakeet.6083


I don’t think that necros are as bad as many people think, they are one of the few classes with good boon removal and therefore counter bunkers or any class that tries to use boons very well.

Why does everyone think necros are so bad?

in Necromancer

Posted by: jaif.3518


Coming from an elementalist, I’m finding the necro generally more towards my style. Tougher, more focused. However, like the elementalist there’s a lot of traits that need help. Beyond that, the bugs are pretty glaring and I really think the axe is woefully underpowered.


Why does everyone think necros are so bad?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rainu.6871


From what I’ve understood, there are many reasons people dislike necros at the moment:
- There are a lot of bugs, it’s getting better (e.g. the Chillblain with greater marks was fixed) but it still makes necros feel a bit weak.
- Minion AI is horrible and lead to them being detrimental in many dungeons, leading to MM not really being a viable build for dungeon.
- Conditions do nice damage over time and can be good for dungeons, the problem here is more that the way condition stacking works mean that if a group has more than one condition user then the overall damage will be lowered.

What all this leads to is the necro feeling a bit underpowered compared to the other professions. They do have some nice qualities as well of course, DE farming in Orr is very easy with a staff.

Why does everyone think necros are so bad?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Seras.5702


necros arent bad at all. in fact, they’re one of the more interesting professions to play. What the complaints are all about isn’t imbalance or boring utilities or lack of synergy. It’s the bugs. It’s all about skills not working like the tooltip says it should. Things like wells healing our foes. Things like signets not removing, but copying conditions. If they worked right, we’d be so happy. Also, our traits need a little rearranging imo, and the 5pt Death trait needs to be either removed or improved and made into a major trait.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)