So to make a comparison, you can go over to SWTOR and find the Mercenary bounty hunter first on everyone’s target list as well.
When a class is constantly first on the hit list it means they are the easiest to kill and the weakest class.
The longer I play this class the more my opinions align with Bhawb’s.
This game in particular is a little like street fighter, if 1v1 the necro can do “ok” with only one class to counter, but as soon as the second class appears, the advantage shifts to classes that can:
Reset the fight easily through movement/stealth.
Reset the fight through healing/boon stacks.
Take on multiple CC attempts through access to stability.
Apply a lot of hard CC
The necro has none of these things, and its survivability is nowhere near the amount it needs to withstand CC’d focus fire, unlike warrior who has this passively, a ton of counter CC (in the base weapon yet and not really needing to fill traits to achieve paltry defense.)
In SWTOR, the devs seem to be paranoid of making a class that is too powerful at range in the Mercenary and they extremely overvalue armor when it is just a bit of mitigation. That class has a few of the same issues as necromancer, very little mobility and CC defense.
In this game the devs overvalue DS by a lot which is also just a bit of mitigation. It does nothing to put you in a position from which you can do offense like a stability or leap can. Creative use of TP and fear goes a little way but you still have to set up a 2 shot target just to move back into position while the timer is ticking away.
Additionally I feel pigeonholed into MM for SPVP just to survive some hits in the first place and keep the enemy from just being able to beeline me and maybe dodge one well. Sure it’s all yoloq but I can yoloq with any other class and do better with less effort I always feel.
Wells: Offensive wells are easily dodged by characters that know what they’re doing. Defensive wells don’t last long enough for serious defense vs. their cast times. I can dodge about half incoming damage with a 50 second well of darkness CD on necro or push 2 again on s/d thief or a leap on any other class and dodge 100 percent damage and reposition by comparison.
It’s not just DS being overvalued, it’s that the lack of mobility is undervalued and access to non-traited/utility movement and CC hurting necros a lot.
I quit this game in disgust over the state of necro quite some time ago and I come back to find Dhuumfire addressing a ‘burst window’ option in a line where no one will take it over under 50% health bonus damage (on all abilities) trait, maybe it was meant to help address condi damage in DS but it’s not in the condi line, a non game effecting heal in DS and none of the core problems with this class really addressed. The only decent thing is DS#5 but then again, my kiting skills on Necromancer were amazing but now with Torment in the game I no longer bother to kite and always fight ‘all in’.
The rest of the game changes are nice but kitten it I want necro to be decent in the meta and it is just not and I could play anything else and do any job a necro can do better.
Due to the burst and antiboon nature of the necro, in any build but a MM bunker it is more like a thief in that it needs a window to get in and out and shatter boons or apply power burst or condi burst and live since everyone will target it due to lack of defense. The thief has escapes and stealth to force the entire enemy team to drop target and the necro has none.
The idea of attrition on necro does not exist. Every time I see a necro video lately outnumbered it’s either bursting downlevels or just being extra damage under cover of ele d/d or some crap like that. I’m not impressed ever until I see 2v1 in SPVP. MM Bunker is barely going to handle 3. Show me the videos and don’t type words here unless they are video links if you disagree. I’m perfectly willing to admit the fault is with me and not the class but I want to see proof that this class is valuable in SPVP lately.