Why is dagger so strong?
Remind me, do the thief attacks hit multiple foes?
Well we are a cloth wearing class that has to get into melee to get dagger to hurt, that alone is worth it doing much damage. Thief dagger auto attack is not where the action is, and never was so dont compare the two, they dont have to spam that to do damage whereas necros do. The 2 skills fulfill entirely different roles, necros is main damage of their entire weapon/skill setup whereas for the thief its just something to do while you regenerate enough initiative to do another Heartseeker (or cloak and dagger).
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You can’t evaluate balance around 1 skill only.
100% World completion.
Remind me, do the thief attacks hit multiple foes?
No not on dagger, on sword yes.
Because the other skills are worthless, so you can have great fun bursting enemies down with your powerful autoattack.
But don’t worry, Thieves can actually stack more damage booster via trait than Necromancers, so their autoattack is still stronger than the Necros’.
I don’t really understand the reason for the question.
Allow me to reverse it if you will:
Why are the thief’s non-auto attack abilities from daggers so much better than the necromancer’s non-auto attack abilities?
I don’t really understand the reason for the question.
Allow me to reverse it if you will:
Why are the thief’s non-auto attack abilities from daggers so much better than the necromancer’s non-auto attack abilities?
The point is the auto attack is so strong dps wise there is no point in using any of the other dagger skills. In fact I can’t seem to find another necro weapon skill that even comes close to the auto attack dps of the dagger.
That’s a very different question, and a much better one.
Attack 2 is a superiority attack in 1v1 (whether a mob or a player). It does around 4k damage, but heals me for 1.8k. Depending on the opponent and your own personal toughness/armour, that might be a lot better than attack 1. Bear in mind though, that attack one (a complete chain) will generate 10% LF, which is about 2.5k hp for me.
Attack 3 is epic. 3s immobilise – add in 30 points in Spite for 30% duration and then 40% from pizzas, and you’re rooted someone for 4.5s. There’s a reason this is on a long cooldown – it’s insanely useful in PvP and PvE. The most commmon use for this is fixing someone in place for wells.
Also, in PvP it stops your opponent from turning – so you can use it, drop wells while circling around to their back and you’ve got a solid 5s of attack 1 plus 5 ticks of WoS and WoC.
Generally speaking, attack 3 is the fight decider for me. If I use it and my opponent has no way out, I normally win there and then.
Skill Coefficients
Dagger 1’s 3rd attack, Necrotic Bite, has the highest skill coefficient available to a Necro (on a per-hit basis). Interestingly enough, Putrid Mark has nearly the same coefficient on a weapon that typically has higher damage and Life Blast (above 50% LF) has the highest of all.
So, if you’re just looking for big numbers on single attacks your best attacks that will give you the biggest numbers are Necrotic Bite, Putrid Mark, and Life Blast (holding a staff and above 50% LF).
That isn’t to say those abilities are “the best.” It just means that those attacks will give bigger numbers than other attacks at our disposal.
Generally speaking, abilities which require melee (short) range to hit are designed to do more damage. Also, keep in mind that the thief has a lot more tools to stay on their target than a necromancer does. So, I’m thinking the difference in damage is intentional.
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Melee will always do more damage than ranged and since dagger is our only melee option its only natural its our best source of damage.
Compare necro dagger 1-chain base damage to warrior axe 1-chain base damage. Add up the chains and smile at the disparity.
you are misinformed checked it myself it doesnt do more damage.. you might have the impression because sometimes the crits are higher but in reality you attack slower. all the auto atks thiefs do are double strikes. in all fairness ti should be higher because thats where necros get there burst from that and maybe reapers touch spam.. but it sadly it isn’t.