Why isn't life force displayed to players?

Why isn't life force displayed to players?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mega Skeleton.8259

Mega Skeleton.8259

I noticed that Revs show their resource bar (sometimes?), why don’t necros show life force yet? It’s kinda crazy that this has never been implemented, even though you can see our health bar while in DS. It would benefit allies and enemies both.

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Why isn't life force displayed to players?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Loki.9412


Take a closer look at the necrosis bar in ds, under the red hp bar is greyish coloured bar that represents his life force. Having it visible before its popped though would be a bit unfair, like showing remaining cooldown time on a utility.

Why isn't life force displayed to players?

in Necromancer

Posted by: silvermember.8941


I noticed that Revs show their resource bar (sometimes?), why don’t necros show life force yet? It’s kinda crazy that this has never been implemented, even though you can see our health bar while in DS. It would benefit allies and enemies both.

How exactly would that benefit our allies? Necro is a selfish class, we care about no one but ourselves. Also why would i want to help our my enemy?

also same reason why we don’t see a thieve’s initiative.

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Why isn't life force displayed to players?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mega Skeleton.8259

Mega Skeleton.8259

Because it’s frustrating when fighting a necro (even as a necro) to have no idea how much LF they have. It’s not quite the same as initiative, since you will have to punch through it most the time. As far as helping our allies, they would have a better idea of whether not we’re about to die and they need to support us immediately, or can reasonably expect us to save ourselves. I’m forseeing wasted healing in raids when necros pop ds to stop themselves from dying. It would be cool if allies could be aware.

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Why isn't life force displayed to players?

in Necromancer

Posted by: flow.6043


I absolutely agree.
This has been suggested a few times on the forums already, including once by myself.

Of course this matters less for allies since you can see a necro’s lf in the party UI anyway, but I really think enemies should have access to the same information. Not only would they get more of a feedback on how and when necros generate life force in combat, but it’s also a good tell on whether or not to enge a necro at all.

Also, there’s a different side to this coin here. Another popular community request is to have our life force reset to a certain amount when out of combat. This way you’d always know a necro has, let’s say 30% at the start of any fight. Still I’d like to see an opposing necro’s lf bar in addition to that.

Why isn't life force displayed to players?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mega Skeleton.8259

Mega Skeleton.8259

Like I can see the argument for wanting to see other resources, and then the slope of being able to see their endurance, but IDK, something just seems like it reads a little different to me when its 20k+ EHP. Maybe I should just shut up and take my combat advantage, though. I play with spectral traits so I have insane LF gen.

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