I’ve got 2 necros, I run one in full zero top to bottom, and he was my main long before HoT, all the way back to launch. The other condition, much newer (thanks 80 boost) I was so excited about the reaper spec. The new shouts looked awesome, and so did the greatsword. I was a bit iffy on the design of Reaper Shroud. But the traits looked so kitten sweet that I had figured out several sweet builds before the livestream ended. I’ve played every permutation of power necro, minions, shouts, vampire and every strange hybrid I could come up with. Even the few things that have been on MetaBattle as the patches have evolved. Tonight I dropped reaper, to try my refined pre Hot build. Spite/Soul Reaping/Death. And it rocks. My dps puts my reaper build to shame. I have my eye watering big critical numbers again. I have a reason to use main hand dagger again. I have survivability again. Lich form feels like an elite again, and not just an excessive cool down on a minion sunmon. I ran fractals, and I could watch my big gnarly crits chopping of chunks of health bar left and right. It finally felt like I was the reason mobs were going down again. I actually got to use my focus offhand again. It was amazing. Reaper just doesn’t do that.
So for folk wanting to do something other than the viper horror build, I thought I’d share my build here in more detail. Because it’s fun, the rotation is smoother than any reaper build I’ve messed with, and well… I missed hitting for 15k on axe 2. I missed hitting for 13k on dagger 2. I missed hitting for 10k in shroud, and I really really missed hitting for 12k lich form 1 spam with quickness from a friendly chrono.
The whys, use axe focus as your man damage set. Open with 4, 2 to build life force. Then drop blood is power for the might, then well of suffering for the huge damage and vulnerability. If @ 100% life force Shroud and autospam until you reach 50%, of not use dagger warhorn 5, auto. Rinse and repeat. The rest of your kit can be used situationaly. Break bar attention on warhorn 4 dagger 3, and shroud 3 and dagger 5. Dagger 2 makes a great self heal, and can be used at range while closing to melee range for LF building. The auto on axe sucks, but when on axe, get into shroud asap.
The big critical numbers are silly.
Death magic traits are only for exploiting as much power as possible. Drop condi in shroud give you a reliable cleanse, so you never have to worry about Blood is Power’s self bleed. Power from toughness and doubled in DS, is just a nice solid boost to damage. The elite trait corruptor’s fervor is goes off on your vulnerability stacks, proving more toughness to be converted to power.
I missed this build. I’m both glad to have it back and using it again. And I’m also bumbed that reaper doesn’t hold a candle to it.
(edited by BrokenGlass.9356)