Why should I be a Necromancer?
Because nothing in this game is as satisfying to me as stripping people of their defenses when they need it most.
Corrupt Boon, Well Of Corruption, Spinal Shivers (both focus #5 and trait), Dark Path (Path Of Corruption trait which converts 2 boons in to conditions) and Unholy Feast. All of which you can have in your possession at any given time. Meaning none of these are too much for your utility bar, weapon slots or traits.
This is just IMO of course, but as I said nothing is more satisfying to me than going “oh, what’s that? I see you have Stability.. Now it’s Fear!” -Maniacal laugh-.
That, and Necromancer is just a durable profession. Of all the professions that can build for high DPS (Berserker), Necromancer still has the highest vitality and can still stand a few slaps to the face even full glass. The only downside to Necromancer that I’ve ever found is that we have no way to disengage from a fight, but if you choose your battles carefully (speaking from a WvW/PvP perspective) it rarely proves to be an issue. On top of that, running is too mainstream anyway. I personally enjoy staying with the fight until only one of us is standing. So for me at least, Necromancer is, and as far as I’m concerned given that I’ve tried every profession, always will be, my favorite profession.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
As a different reason, because we can single-handedly wreak havoc in large groups of enemies, especially in WvW. Well of Corruption, Well of Darkness, Reaper’s Mark, Chillblains, Plague, and Spectral Wall are all massively disruptive to entire groups of players and, again, can all be taken together.
In addition, necros are the strongest group healers in the game. People don’t use them as such, but with Mark of Blood, Well of Blood, Transfusion, and Renewing Blast, we can put out insane amounts of healing to groups. They may get upset about having a light field, but at 1k healing power, it provides the same healing as 4 blast finishers in a water field, also with 1k healing power for each blaster. Light fields are also underrated due to projectile and whirl finishers cleansing conditions. Renewing Blast can heal for an astounding 795 per ally per blast with that same healing power.
Because you played since 2005 with Necromancer in GW1, you liked it so much and then waited so many years until they come out with a massive hype and the promise of an awesome game with an awesome world for your “last fantasy adventure” on a MMO.
… then you realized late in time that it was all an hoax.
That Necromancer wasn’t the same. Those gods creator weren’t the same. That idea wasn’t the same anymore.
Zerker lich…that is all.
Nothing like dueling a thief in WvW and using your marks under your feet to tell when they are about to back stab you in stealth.
Because you have an entourage of sycophants willing to do your bidding.
@Junkie.7460 will be honest , dont do it …. it will be a miserable experience.
There’s a couple of reasons why I play necro.
#1: I like debuffing. One of my favorite roles to play is red mage, and necro is a class with a lot of debuffs. Cripple, chill, weakness, vulnerability, blind, poison, immobilize, all spread en mass with epidemic. The boon corrupting is nice to have, too.
#2: Necro is a low maintenance class. On my engi or ele I am constantly swapping attunements or kits, trying to maximize damage while also maximizing might stacking from combo fields. But the necro is a simple class, that works with less effort. I can just sit back and life blast a bunch of enemies, no muss no fuss.
#3: Necros are tanky. On my other classes (particularly ele and thief), I have to constantly time invulnerabilities and dodges to avoid being killed, and even then a few errant blades can down me. But the necro can take quite the abuse and keep on going. The high amount of passive health means that there is plenty of room for error, which I can use due to how clumsy I am. Normally the passive defenses class is warrior, but from what I’ve seen with warriors I’m not interested in playing one at all.
#4: Necros are the underdog. I’m a fan of the underdog. Necros are underestimated because a lot of people don’t play them, so it is empowering to perform amazing feats as a necro.
Arachnid said most of the reasons
I think another interesting thing about the necro is the subtle learning curve.
Learning a necro isn’t very hard but performing well can be more difficult. Of course it depends on what build but each build has its own learning curve. The subtlety is how well you can know your limits and all the small details when playing.
Most other classes rely on very direct forms of defensive or offensive play like buffs or escapes to defend or a singular (main) dps skill. Though some necro builds can be similar to an extent, what I’ve found is that it’s really up to the necro to play the situation rather than play the “class”. I’m not sure if that makes sense lol.
What I mean is relying solely on the classes abilities won’t get you very far. You have to pay more attention to what the opponent is doing, what buffs they have on, positioning, hindering terrain, etc. This can be said for classes in general but the necro I find benefits from this subtle element of gameplay than most. At least I think it’s what makes a really good necro.
Condi plague in WvW is so fun and also bombing a corpse that enemies are trying to res is cackles.
focus on Dungeons, Fractals and Raiding.
Why should you be a Necromancer?
If you have to ask, you’ll never know.
Go make one and try it!
win 19/20 matches within the first day of making a necromancer and going to pvp…. Didn’t even know half my weapon skills and used minions as utility skills when I got my first 15 kills in my first match. Still not intirely sure what I’m doing….
cuz being a mass of death, sickness, and poison walking around with a personal entourage of undead minions isnt enough of a reason?
cant think of another sry
Nope. Its more fun that way
I’ll list 10 reasons.
1. Very Tanky.
2. Amazing counter to guardians.
3. Lich form is by far the best elite IMO.
4. Has the most access to the ‘Fear’ condition.
5. Minion master builds are good for level progression.
6. Using the staffs marks is a great counter to a thieves stealth.
7. We have amazing condition removal, hell, we can even eat conditions to heal.
8. Like one of the posters above said, you strip the enemy of defences and reassurance of victory.
9. We can stack huge amounts of vulnerability by using just 1 skill.
10. Deathshroud can save you from embarrassing deaths like falling from large heights. You can even tank 2-4 people for a short while, while DS is active.
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I’m trying psych myself up to roll a necro since it’s the profession I have the least experience with.
It’s just tough because necros are so weak in PvE compared to other professions and in PvP, they just feel so…slow. I main a thief, so the high-passive defense and low mobility of necro is the polar opposite of what I generally enjoy in PvP.
Yeah, switching from Thief to Necro or vice-versa is incredibly difficult to do. They are rather polar opposites in playstyle.
because with the proper condi build your unbeatable in any 1v1 and can win most 2v1s ^^