Why the hate?

Why the hate?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Seraph.2845


Let’s cut to the chase, I created Necro after reaching level 80 with Thief’s DB build and so far I quiet like it, in fact imo this class is one of the easiest class to play, especially when you have non-minions build that just constantly spewing numbers.

My Necro is currently at level 30+ and at first, I was kinda lost to which what build I should go for, so I went to forums to know about different builds but to my surprise, there are so many criticism in regards to this class, e.g.: not being strong enough or something along those lines. I solo’ed two veterans with ‘well build’, kill packs with ‘corruption build’ and I rarely have down times.

So what I don’t get is that, what are people whining about? the bugs does not make the class unplayable; in fact I went through high spawn rate areas without much of an issue in regards to this. I can even survive better than my thief using necro.

Why the hate?

in Necromancer

Posted by: nachtnebel.9168


There are a lot of threads that explain our problems with this profession: The huge amount of bugs, the low killspeed, the lack of diversity, …

I wouldn’t call it hate, we are just annoyed cause this profession seems to lack a lot of love.

Salix Babylonica (Necro), Tharnath (Guardian), N Faculty (Mesmer),
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)

Why the hate?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cls.9346


Sooo you made it to lvl 30 in pve with a necro. Well done.

Why the hate?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Seraph.2845


There are a lot of threads that explain our problems with this profession: The huge amount of bugs, the low killspeed, the lack of diversity, …

I wouldn’t call it hate, we are just annoyed cause this profession seems to lack a lot of love.

Granted this class have a lot of bugs etc, but I have to disagree on killing speed. Stack enough bleed and poisons, coupled with well (corruption maybe), I say we can kill pretty quick. Also, some posts on Necro section even suggested we are condition damage build? Maybe a little bit of burst, therefore wouldn’t that be the play style of Necro anyway i.e.: killing not as fast?

Why the hate?

in Necromancer

Posted by: nachtnebel.9168


Wait until you reach 80. At your current low level everything is easy as hell. Not that PvE is difficult at all, but below 80 it’s still a lot easier.

And for burst damage: We can’t do it, at least if compared to what all other professions can do. The highest DPS currently possible are achieved as a conditionmancer.

Salix Babylonica (Necro), Tharnath (Guardian), N Faculty (Mesmer),
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)

Why the hate?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sieg.8439


I’ve been feeling a bit down in the dumps about the profession after reading through the Necro forums here for a bit, and played my alts for a while to get a break.

But when I finally tried some sPVP and WvW today with my 80 Necro for the first time, I had a blast. Had a lot of 1v1 and only lost once when on an even footing. The strange part of it all was that I’m running a Dagger/Dagger+Staff MM build, which seems to be the least celebrated.

In dungeons and PVE, the only times I’ve had real trouble were times that everyone in the group was having trouble (CoE, I’m looking at youuuu).

Sure, the profession may need some love in balancing and especially in bug squashing, but it’s really not terrible from my experience. I honestly think the mass of complaint threads is one of the main things hurting the general view of Necro. Once a large amount of people start complaining that it’s bad, people start to believe it.

Hoopa doopa.

Why the hate?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


These threads bother me a lot. Our solo PvE capabilites are just fine, I don’t think anyone says differently. Necro’s completely fall below the curve when fighting world bosses, thanks to the 25 bleed stack cap and pathetic power options we have.

Then if you go to PvP as a necro, we have 1 viable build, which yes, is very strong. But that’s it, we have no diversity, forced to run with the same build game after game, with only a slight margin to change traits/utilities around.

Why the hate?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Miseris.7498


Are you kidding? Is this a joke?
Go to some SPvP on your necro at rank 10 or better then compare it to SPvP on your thief, or better yet to a Warrior or Guardian.

Why the hate?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mathemagician.7314



The one build we DO have is not ‘very strong.’ It’s just somewhat viable.

‘Very Strong’ is something along the lines of Bull Rush → 100 Blades’ing 2 players to death simultaneously at Windmill and capping it by yourself because they got blindsided by the sheer power. This is not something Necro is capable of. And I’m not saying Warriors are overpowered, they’re not. They’re just fine. Necro is just far behind the curve.

80 Necro: Yami Blind @ [US]Sea of Sorrows
Commander for [Sexy] of the Synergy Alliance

Why the hate?

in Necromancer

Posted by: forice.3165


i felt 1~40 is the hardest part of this game. and 40~80 is easiest. i have 80 mesmer. i feel more easier than when i was low level. everything is just easy. because i am very strong and i know every dungeons traps or secrets with exotic gears. and i got bored at mesmer and made a necromancer.

Why the hate?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641



The one build we DO have is not ‘very strong.’ It’s just somewhat viable.

‘Very Strong’ is something along the lines of Bull Rush -> 100 Blades’ing 2 players to death simultaneously at Windmill and capping it by yourself because they got blindsided by the sheer power. This is not something Necro is capable of. And I’m not saying Warriors are overpowered, they’re not. They’re just fine. Necro is just far behind the curve.

So, the only way for a build to be considered strong is if it has burst damage and works as a pub stomper? I see.

Why the hate?

in Necromancer

Posted by: They are hashes.4523

They are hashes.4523

People whining are level 80, when you get there you will understand.
Its like day and night.

Why the hate?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Solinox.6251


Ive got a lvl 80 necro and I definately enjoyed the journey, fun class with plenty of PvE survivability. I enjoyed pretty much everything about them.

PvP or WvWvW on the other hand is a different story, while I still havea lot of fun and can certainly lay down a can of whoop on people from a distance I can never be the first into a fight or its a simple 1-2-3 dead situation most of the time. Even with death shroud you only delay death another 3-5 seconds.

Wouldnt take much to get us up to par as a class in PvP, a few tweaks and im sure other classes will be crying about our OP-ness.

Cheers to A-Net, did a pretty ok job at the class overall. I look forward to seeing what happens over the next few months.

Why the hate?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Seraph.2845


Honestly, I haven’t tried WvW or any PvP for Necro, but if say clothed-class die a lot, it was supposed to be like that? Hit hard but lightly armored.

Judging by the amount of people recommending level 80 playthrough, definitely have to try that.

Why the hate?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Seraph.2845


These threads bother me a lot. Our solo PvE capabilites are just fine, I don’t think anyone says differently. Necro’s completely fall below the curve when fighting world bosses, thanks to the 25 bleed stack cap and pathetic power options we have.

Then if you go to PvP as a necro, we have 1 viable build, which yes, is very strong. But that’s it, we have no diversity, forced to run with the same build game after game, with only a slight margin to change traits/utilities around.

What is this build? Can you link it?

Why the hate?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


The standard condition-mancer build, it’s probably been posted a lot.


Something like this, last utility is for personal preference.

Why the hate?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Angry Flying Squirrel.3041

Angry Flying Squirrel.3041

The standard condition-mancer build, it’s probably been posted a lot.


Something like this, last utility is for personal preference.

LOL and i thought i was the only one what used that sigil on the Staff. Although i am thinking of changing it out to 60% bleed crit just because. Criting on the marks and getting another stack of bleed might be worth it. But you would only get at most two stacks so perhaps not.

I don’t run that build (been meaning too but have yet to get around to it). I have a similar build just with the use of wells.


Why the hate?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


I see no reason not to have sigil of energy on seconadry weapon, dodging is vital against everyone and that extra one willl come in handy so often. I figured everyone had already come to that conclusion…

Why the hate?

in Necromancer

Posted by: A Volcano.2510

A Volcano.2510

To the OP:

I think the people who do not like necro currently fall into 2 categories:

(1) Those who played a necromancer in GW1 or some other game, and feel the theme is wrong. There is not much that can be done for these guys. If what you do not like is largely cosmetic, then there is not much that can be done on the matter. My advice would be to reroll engineer or mesmer.

(2) Those who played necro during bwe1 and loved it but do not like it post-nerf. These guys can still play necro. They just need to wait until in the buff/nerf cycle the necro gets buffed a little more.

My own opinion: If you just take the current necro and play it, it is obviously viable. People are just whining and playing some other profession than the one that exists. If they would just open their eyes and play what is out there, they would realize it is fun and exciting.

Why the hate?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Angry Flying Squirrel.3041

Angry Flying Squirrel.3041

Lets just forget those of us that know how much the Necro is broken due to Bugs.


Why the hate?

in Necromancer

Posted by: chuiu.4985


The standard condition-mancer build, it’s probably been posted a lot.


Something like this, last utility is for personal preference.

Epidemic for last utility seems best choice. This build also works for pve with the utilities BiP, Epidemic, and CPC.

Why the hate?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


Epidemic is the most over-rated skill a necro has imo, at least for PvP. I eihter use spectral walk, well of darkness, BiP or flesh wurm.

Why the hate?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Anarchium.8046


People whining are level 80, when you get there you will understand.
Its like day and night.

I’ve got a level 80 necro and I don’t understand all the boo-hooing. The class has problems but it isn’t broken like so many would have us believe. The play styles it offers are more subtle and nuanced than most other classes, and unskilled players will feel like it underperforms (generally because they only know to look for big hits, which the necromancer doesn’t tend to offer).

That’s not to say the class doesn’t need some attention — it does. The issues seem magnified because the class isn’t as straight-forward to play as, say, the warrior or ranger, and a lot of people simply don’t get it. (This is a problem with the elementalist, too.)

Why the hate?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Deepblue.1237


Let’s cut to the chase, I created Necro after reaching level 80 with Thief’s DB build and so far I quiet like it, in fact imo this class is one of the easiest class to play, especially when you have non-minions build that just constantly spewing numbers.

My Necro is currently at level 30+ and at first, I was kinda lost to which what build I should go for, so I went to forums to know about different builds but to my surprise, there are so many criticism in regards to this class, e.g.: not being strong enough or something along those lines. I solo’ed two veterans with ‘well build’, kill packs with ‘corruption build’ and I rarely have down times.

So what I don’t get is that, what are people whining about? the bugs does not make the class unplayable; in fact I went through high spawn rate areas without much of an issue in regards to this. I can even survive better than my thief using necro.

You did Well on PVE easy mode.

Now go to PVP and test your might.

Come back after that.

Good Luck

Why the hate?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Terok.7315


Let’s cut to the chase, I created Necro after reaching level 80 with Thief’s DB build and so far I quiet like it, in fact imo this class is one of the easiest class to play, especially when you have non-minions build that just constantly spewing numbers.

My Necro is currently at level 30+ and at first, I was kinda lost to which what build I should go for, so I went to forums to know about different builds but to my surprise, there are so many criticism in regards to this class, e.g.: not being strong enough or something along those lines. I solo’ed two veterans with ‘well build’, kill packs with ‘corruption build’ and I rarely have down times.

So what I don’t get is that, what are people whining about? the bugs does not make the class unplayable; in fact I went through high spawn rate areas without much of an issue in regards to this. I can even survive better than my thief using necro.

You did Well on PVE easy mode.

Now go to PVP and test your might.

Come back after that.

Good Luck

Basically this.

The PvE challenge is pretty simple, mobs auto-attack and may or may not have lots of health depending on whether or not the mob is an elite. Any class can decimate veterans and scores of centaurs. The problem is when you start to fight enemies that have sentience. All those bugs listed at the top of our sub-forum cause the necromancer to be out of whack in the balance department.

Vile Necromancer||Defender of the Beastgate||Slayer of Moa’s