With addition of a new condition called torment and access to burning, some classes do not have enough condition removal to remove other important conditions like poison, bleeds, fear (terror traited). Torment, cripple and other condition are shielding more damaging conditions such as burning or stacking bleeds.
This post is very disturbing. People played so long vs underpowered Necromancers they now feel they have the right to remove every condition a Necro puts on them because they once could.
That is the whole reason Necromancers were underpowerd in the first place! Why they needed a buddy like an Engi always with them to lay cover conditions, it was not a self contained class. (And need a buddy to peel for them being focused – still a problem if they don’t kill the opponent(s) super fast).
A condition Necromancer is getting about 75% of their damage from conditions, you are not supposed to be able to remove every single one.
That would be like if a warrior’s opponent could negate 75% of their direct damage.
Now you have to actually pay attention to what is on you and carefully choose when and what to remove, instead of just spamming a removal whenever you see any condition, which used to get the job done vs Necro sadly.
I don’t quite agree… I agree that it felt a bit clunky to have nearly all your damage depending on bleeds…
But yeah… I got easily a stack of about 10 bleeds up in 5 secs… The best multiple condition cleans have a cooldown of roughly 20 seconds…
I applied poison, chill and cripple to cover my bleeds and when the right moment came, boom, doom and fear mark and my opponent was dead. The only way to counter this was burning stun breakers and all cleanses which left the opponent open for conditions again…
Conditionmancers didn’t need any more damage, they needed survibility to have a chanse of avoiding a focus of 2+ people.
Instead ANet decided to basically give us torment (= 4.5 bleed stacks, about +500dps for 10 sec) and a 50% damage increase to doom (with terror, for me that is about +1.5k damage) when close to your opponent, which is nearly in every case. Not increasing the survivability which we lack but the damage we already had.
As a necromancer player, I do not think it is balance to push all players to have a full condition cleanse build just because of one profession being in the game
Doom never had damage applied unless traited and terror has always been around and has not been buffed. It was moved to the master tier. The duration of fear from doom got an increase in duration based off of how close they are to us. Statements like these make me think people are just jumping on the necro bandwagon. I agree some of our attacks hit really hard but if people want to know how to counter the conditionmancer on their class they can send me a whisper in game or a pm on the forums. I am more than happy to help.
it’s just funny that you tell me that doom doesn’t do any damage without terror ^.^
do you guys read whole posts and follow the threads or just randomly read some highlights?
as a power necro; i can tell you that my doom does damage (not much; but it does)
edit for pic
My bad. I guess it does. That damage is so intense man. ;p
People should stop the crying over dooms stand alone damage though.ikr? (i was just being pedantic)
- but it is useful for instantly getting someone in combat from range (meaning they cant wp whilst feared – which would particularily annoying on borderlands, if you managed to drop them)
True but most CC does the trick. I don’t know why people want fear nerfed to the ground as it is one of our only CC other than flesh golem kd and sprectral grasp and those skills are meh.