Will this D/D build work?

Will this D/D build work?

in Necromancer

Posted by: mompen.7952


This is for small guild groups in WvW, but mostly roaming, since I’m a loner.


I like the close and personal style of dagger-dagger (also playing a “theef”).

With this build I would have 3.5k attack (with food buffs), nice thoughness, alot of HP (at least for me, since I normally run with 12-15k on my theif). I make up with the loss of Critical Chance with the Deathly Perception in SR.

Was thinking of the newly buffed Ogre-runes for this. Thoughts?

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

Will this D/D build work?

in Necromancer

Posted by: flow.6043


In a full power build, there’s no need to take a carrion staff (with sigil of malice) or food with 70 condi dmg.
Power all the way is better. I’d maybe mix in some Berserker gear here and there.

Runes: You should check out Pack runes, they are the perfect addition to power builds with a low crit chance. Or Runes of Strength if you Life Blast with Reaper’s Might a lot.

Traits: Quickening Thirst is a waste. Movement speed is generally overrated on necros. I get that you feel slow coming from a thief, but even with +25% you won’t be running away from anyone. Besides, you have Spectral Walk for the occasional swiftness.
So I’d probably move those points to Spite for Close to Death.

Skills: Spectral Wall could be good sometimes but I’d probably take Well of Power instead. On the other hand, if you’re having troubles with life force regeneration, the more spectral skills the better.
For (solo) roaming: golem>plague.

Sigils: on swap/crit > static bonus. Go with energy, leeching, hydromancy, fire, air…

Will this D/D build work?

in Necromancer

Posted by: mompen.7952


Thank you for your response flow.

I feel that 25% increased movement speed is a must, or else I feel like I’m running in mud up to my knees, lol. But as you mention, I have Spectral Walk. And I can equip the signet that gives me +25% movement speed, and just change it out when I’m entering battle.

I will check out those runes.

I tried this build and changed some points to Spite for Close to Death. It’s truly an advantage that I’ve played thief a lot, the most are melting with this setup. I didn’t buy me a new armor-set tho, I went with full zerk on all armor and trinkets. I still have a good chunk of health tho.
But maybe jump into some Valk armor-sets?

And I ment to have Golem as my elite, chose the wrong one ;-)

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer