Worst troll build ever, or stroke of genius?

Worst troll build ever, or stroke of genius?

in Necromancer

Posted by: tboneking.2531


So I recently got my necro to lvl 80, and rather go for a legitimate build like scepter condis or dagger deathshroud cannon, I went for the “what is this guy doing???” factor. The goal was to actually offer a fair amount of support for the whole team while tanking and dealing light to moderate damage the whole time. (not shown on the link is the omnomberry ghosts) My question is, did I succeed? Or is this build a waste of space?


Worst troll build ever, or stroke of genius?

in Necromancer

Posted by: spclight.1690


maybe a staff to lay down some aoe marks?

Worst troll build ever, or stroke of genius?

in Necromancer

Posted by: EremiteAngel.9765


I think it is a stroke of genius for PvP

Scourge Demo Weekend Roaming Video:

Worst troll build ever, or stroke of genius?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ragnar the Rock.3174

Ragnar the Rock.3174

Seeing as how your not caring about damage output so much I would suggest swapping out vampirism rune for forge. The 10 seconds of protection & extra toughness will help

Or you could go with traveler runes. The extra run speed is nice & will allow you to get offhand dagger instead of warhorn which is great for condition transfers.

This could also work well if paired with cleric amulet. (less crits but more toughness & allot more damage.

Lastly I agree with SPClight is correct. A staff will work wonders with the amount of healing power you have & will allow you to survive allot more damage outside of death shroud.

Worst troll build ever, or stroke of genius?

in Necromancer

Posted by: tboneking.2531


The reason I went with warhorn was the 10 ticks of damage that each proc the lifesteal, which was also the point of the precision (lifesteal on crit). Is the precision part a real waste of time?

Worst troll build ever, or stroke of genius?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


use staff instead of axe/focus, and pick up the 25% movement trait from your dual daggers in the blood magic traitline. the vampirism runes are a good idea because it gives you a little sustain + some invulnerable deathshroud healing

i would also take wells siphon health off and use deathly invigoration instead, you get more health that way, because you will find yourself going into deathshroud more often than not and you cant lifesteal while in deathshroud so you may as well get a burst of healing coming out of it.

take well of blood off and put consume conditions because condis will hardcounter this build

you want to try to sustain your lifeforce so unholy sanctuary actually gives off some heals so i would take off focused rituals and spec into letting deathshroud drain 50% slower

imho necro sustain is terrible and needs to be buffed.

magi amulet is the way to go for the crit siphon and try using sigil of blood instead of air, this is a tanky build you want to support your teammates and yourself

may be take off the crit siphons and put on Life Transfer heals allies? that would mean taking off magis and using cleric instead

http://strawpoll.me/3648686/r Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

(edited by Jelzouki.4128)

Worst troll build ever, or stroke of genius?

in Necromancer

Posted by: tboneking.2531


Yeah I think thats a pretty fair analysis, those are pretty much all the thoughts I had going into making this build. In all honesty (about to catch so much flak for this) I used this build in pve ( I know dps is all that matters but screw it). However on Dec. 2nd I will be taking this into pvp and I will definitely take your suggestions into consideration (and switch to consume conditions, that skill is a must).
The problem with taking away elements of lifesteal imo is that it quickly dominoes into not using lifesteal at all, much like your post actually did. First you take away the wells, then theirs no point in traiting for wells so you dont use wells, you use spectral skills which focus the build even more on death shroud and pretty soon you dont life steal at all. Imo lifesteal is an all or nothing thing, as it really offers your allies nothing so using them partially would seem to detract from your role as a healer or from your dps. but yeah clerics is a really tempting way to go.

Worst troll build ever, or stroke of genius?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

I don’t read into necros too much but this looks a lot like a gw2 version of a Life transfer + grenths balance kinda of build.

Tanky , does it damage through Death shrouds and life stealing( on swaps )
i had a tinker only thing i could find that wasn’t worth using was the sigil of peril.

the condi duration for the vunrability skills didn’t change much at all. swap to sigil of blood , at 47% with ether fury or spotter 6,0,2,6,0 ranger you’ll be getting those crits to prot the sigil of blood every 5secs .

near 1/4 hits will proc it and with wells it will Grant it will proc when using wells.
damage+ more life stealing.

seem like it could be good in those 2vs1 situation / holding a point till back up arrives (if the team has a Dedicated point to point roamer) thief/mesmer or ranger.

Worst troll build ever, or stroke of genius?

in Necromancer

Posted by: tboneking.2531


In case you guys were curious, I actually did out the math and hypothetically in the first 10 seconds of combat, with well of suffering locust swarm and the dagger auto (as well as a lightning strike procing life steal, it actually works) I steal roughly 3k hp

Worst troll build ever, or stroke of genius?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

It kinda looked like the suicide well bombing build i used in that arena map.


SW> run into group> axe 3> WoB > staff 4 > WoC > WoS > SR or plague if ppl are down..

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

Worst troll build ever, or stroke of genius?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


If shutting down opponents is your goal, try something like this, too. If you really want to heal allies, play another profession.


Worst troll build ever, or stroke of genius?

in Necromancer

Posted by: hennrick.4623


Well, so I was not the only one :D I got from chests 2-3 ascended cleric pieces and was wondering how I could use them! So I wrote down a build and tested that, but since I am still a noob it did not work well and prefered to study more the meta…

I tought about getting thoughness so I could abuse the high health pool and the life force, daggers for quick attacks and syphon procs. Precision looks really good, but for survival toughness overshadows vitality on a necro. Guess should be compared how much you syphon with precision and how much you mitigate with thoughness: Magi for highs and lows and cleric for a more conservative play.

This is my personal build
I feel it can have a true lot of improvement, especially runes, but I follow more or less the same thing as OP: a lot of presence in fight, being able to recover, reduced weaknesses to cc. I did not picked up death into life because power is not the highest stat here, Reaper’ s protection in order to survive in the thick of the fight and some CC’s: i plan to hassle and stick to a target while regenerating and giving healing benefits to allies.

EDIT: changed build. proposing the pvp version has more sense.

EDIT: also, i want to say that Focus 4 skill hits multiple times ( but much less), grants regen and vulnerability and has half the cooldown and it’ s ranged, but his trait in power is tier 2 and is easier to get.

(edited by hennrick.4623)

Worst troll build ever, or stroke of genius?

in Necromancer

Posted by: HeadCrowned.6834


I tried several comparable builds but I felt that it didn’t really work.