Wurm Needs Change
Flesh Wurm isn’t a escape skill, it’s a minion that can be used to escape.
Reduce it’s casting time can be useful, I will be happy about that, but it’s a minion skill and it last untill killed or activated.
The only thing you have to do is place it before you need it.
With my MM I’m a “close-holder” and I put it in range to make it hit the enemy that come to steal my point and at the same time in a safe place that make it to not be hitted by the enemy AoE skills, making it a useful minion for attach and defence.
Anyway, ANet don’t want to make us able to “teleport” or “leap”, making us able to escape when needed. We have only the chance to turn back where we’ve still been (flesh wurn and spectral walk), making us barely unable to flee from a fight.
All minions should be 3/4s cast anyway, but Wurm isn’t meant to be used as an unplanned escape, you are supposed to use it as a pre-planned one before entering combat.
Would be nice if we had a trait that allowed us to reverse the effect on Wurm. I.e, you teleport and spawn a wurm where you land instead of destroying it.
All minions should be 3/4s cast anyway, but Wurm isn’t meant to be used as an unplanned escape, you are supposed to use it as a pre-planned one before entering combat.
That’s great and all but it would serve better as an unplanned escape. Currently it is not reliable and worth taking over any other stun breaker. Too many times you are required to go into plague form to survive or lich form to speed up the kill, it comes with the class due to our mobility. Necromancer relies on making clutch plays and the wurm stops you from doing so. If you are moa’d R.I.P. If your vamp runes proc, R.I.P.
Flesh wurm is perfectly viable, you just have to use your brain and know a good spot to set it up before a fight.
If you have a free spot on a build and the point of your build isn’t to stall and die on a point with Unholy Sanctuary to keep it from being decapped, then wurm should always be considered.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
Flesh wurm is perfectly viable, you just have to use your brain and know a good spot to set it up before a fight.
If you have a free spot on a build and the point of your build isn’t to stall and die on a point with Unholy Sanctuary to keep it from being decapped, then wurm should always be considered.
Please don’t be condescending i.e telling others to “use their brain”
Back to the topic, wurm is never considered in any of my builds because of how unreliable it is. Maybe if I’m on battle of khylo thats about it. I would much rather have spectral armor, walk, well of power or plague signet to keep me alive in order to win the fight and support my team better. The only reason it is not considered is because it can be destroyed and its as simple as that.
Flesh wurm is perfectly viable, you just have to use your brain and know a good spot to set it up before a fight.
If you have a free spot on a build and the point of your build isn’t to stall and die on a point with Unholy Sanctuary to keep it from being decapped, then wurm should always be considered.
Please don’t be condescending i.e telling others to “use their brain”
Back to the topic, wurm is never considered in any of my builds because of how unreliable it is. Maybe if I’m on battle of khylo thats about it. I would much rather have spectral armor, walk, well of power or plague signet to keep me alive in order to win the fight and support my team better. The only reason it is not considered is because it can be destroyed and its as simple as that.
Up until the big patch, wurm was actually the meta for condi Necro in sPvP. BUT… to date, I have fought maybe 5 Necros who actually used the Wurm well… and by that I mean I was left there thinking “Woah… where’d the Necro go” and then I realized they wurmed away. In other words, most people don’t know how to use it. A lot of my friends who want to try Necro don’t want to take wurm because they aren’t comfortable with having to pre-cast it – which is what you have to do… pre-cast.
I play sPvP at generally high MMR and have almost no trouble with using Wurm. This might be different in team vs. team environments (I don’t know, I don’t do those, but I think if you placed it far away it’d be fine. The enemy team probably isn’t going to walk a 2000 range just to kill your wurm when there’s a teamfight going on). So in other words, Wurm is viable. Wurm and SWalk are still viable, and condi Necro is realllyyy strong but with all the free condi clears running around it can be irritating to play because your whole burst is just washed away with a push of a button or a random trait proc (-cough – ele -cough-). That was a tangent tho..
With that being said, I wouldn’t mind wurm being changed to something like a Spectral skill which functions like Chronomancer’s F5, where you’d place a glowing green portal, and then the next time you push it you just teleport in its direction.. and it can’t be destroyed.
But I personally think the skills’ fine as is. It also has a 32 sec recharge now, down from 40. Just sayin’
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Flesh wurm is perfectly viable, you just have to use your brain and know a good spot to set it up before a fight.
If you have a free spot on a build and the point of your build isn’t to stall and die on a point with Unholy Sanctuary to keep it from being decapped, then wurm should always be considered.
Please don’t be condescending i.e telling others to “use their brain”
Back to the topic, wurm is never considered in any of my builds because of how unreliable it is. Maybe if I’m on battle of khylo thats about it. I would much rather have spectral armor, walk, well of power or plague signet to keep me alive in order to win the fight and support my team better. The only reason it is not considered is because it can be destroyed and its as simple as that.
Up until the big patch, wurm was actually the meta for condi Necro in sPvP. BUT… to date, I have fought maybe 5 Necros who actually used the Wurm well… and by that I mean I was left there thinking “Woah… where’d the Necro go” and then I realized they wurmed away. In other words, most people don’t know how to use it. A lot of my friends who want to try Necro don’t want to take wurm because they aren’t comfortable with having to pre-cast it – which is what you have to do… pre-cast.
I play sPvP at generally high MMR and have almost no trouble with using Wurm. This might be different in team vs. team environments (I don’t know, I don’t do those, but I think if you placed it far away it’d be fine. The enemy team probably isn’t going to walk a 2000 range just to kill your wurm when there’s a teamfight going on). So in other words, Wurm is viable. Wurm and SWalk are still viable, and condi Necro is realllyyy strong but with all the free condi clears running around it can be irritating to play because your whole burst is just washed away with a push of a button or a random trait proc (-cough – ele -cough-). That was a tangent tho..
With that being said, I wouldn’t mind wurm being changed to something like a Spectral skill which functions like Chronomancer’s F5, where you’d place a glowing green portal, and then the next time you push it you just teleport in its direction.. and it can’t be destroyed.
But I personally think the skills’ fine as is. It also has a 32 sec recharge now, down from 40. Just sayin’
The argument that only 5 necromancers use wurm correctly displays that it is good is a very weak one at that. I also play at a high MMR rank, I’ve got over 5k games under my belt and 3k being on necro. I live and breathe necromancer, and cannot find any situation to use it effectively.
Flesh wurm is perfectly viable, you just have to use your brain and know a good spot to set it up before a fight.
If you have a free spot on a build and the point of your build isn’t to stall and die on a point with Unholy Sanctuary to keep it from being decapped, then wurm should always be considered.
Please don’t be condescending i.e telling others to “use their brain”
Back to the topic, wurm is never considered in any of my builds because of how unreliable it is. Maybe if I’m on battle of khylo thats about it. I would much rather have spectral armor, walk, well of power or plague signet to keep me alive in order to win the fight and support my team better. The only reason it is not considered is because it can be destroyed and its as simple as that.
Up until the big patch, wurm was actually the meta for condi Necro in sPvP. BUT… to date, I have fought maybe 5 Necros who actually used the Wurm well… and by that I mean I was left there thinking “Woah… where’d the Necro go” and then I realized they wurmed away. In other words, most people don’t know how to use it. A lot of my friends who want to try Necro don’t want to take wurm because they aren’t comfortable with having to pre-cast it – which is what you have to do… pre-cast.
I play sPvP at generally high MMR and have almost no trouble with using Wurm. This might be different in team vs. team environments (I don’t know, I don’t do those, but I think if you placed it far away it’d be fine. The enemy team probably isn’t going to walk a 2000 range just to kill your wurm when there’s a teamfight going on). So in other words, Wurm is viable. Wurm and SWalk are still viable, and condi Necro is realllyyy strong but with all the free condi clears running around it can be irritating to play because your whole burst is just washed away with a push of a button or a random trait proc (-cough – ele -cough-). That was a tangent tho..
With that being said, I wouldn’t mind wurm being changed to something like a Spectral skill which functions like Chronomancer’s F5, where you’d place a glowing green portal, and then the next time you push it you just teleport in its direction.. and it can’t be destroyed.
But I personally think the skills’ fine as is. It also has a 32 sec recharge now, down from 40. Just sayin’
The argument that only 5 necromancers use wurm correctly displays that it is good is a very weak one at that. I also play at a high MMR rank, I’ve got over 5k games under my belt and 3k being on necro. I live and breathe necromancer, and cannot find any situation to use it effectively.
I almost always see you on Warrior though..
And by “I only saw 5 Necros use it” means most Necro’s DON’T know how to use it effectively. When a Necro uses it well, it will leave you confused for a sec and they’ll probably port somewhere out of lie of sight. I’ve seen very few Necros use it to that effect. Most Necros either put the wurm too close to the fight or in a highly visible spot. Or they wait too long before porting.
I dunno, maybe it’s a weird skill to use for most people. I’m not opposed to any improvements (and it COULD use some – like the blast occurring where you use it, not where you port to, or maybe a 3/4 cast time as Bhawd said), but personally, I think it’s ok.
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I can only think of two times in the past three months that my wurm was destroyed by an enemy, either from accidental cleave or focused fire. One was by a D/D ele spamming lightning whip in a skirmish off of mid on legacy, and the other was by a roaming thief on temple, and it was my fault for placing it bad before I learned better.
Wurm lets you disengage from a 1v2 situation more reliably than with anything else. You can also do pure wonders with it and Transfusion, which can sometimes make people accuse you of hacking.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
Wurm lets you disengage from a 1v2 situation more reliably than with anything else. You can also do pure wonders with it and Transfusion, which can sometimes make people accuse you of hacking.
Do you start Life Transfer and then quickly wurm away and the guy goes still teleports to you? If that works… that’s genius.
So that could work with SWalk + Wurm… to tele your downed friend over 2000 units xD
(if the stars aligned :P )
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Oh I wurm first, then Life Transfer. DS cooldowns and no utilities in shroud would prevent the method you described.
I’ve used this method successfully at the mid points on Forest, Kyhlo, and Legacy, and its a viable tactic on a few other nodes as well.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
The problem with flesh wurm is that if you really want to use it as an escape it isn’t going to be hitting much at which point it is inferior to other escapes because of the cast time (also that it can bug out). If they made it a much quicker cast it would work better as an escape, and if used as a minion to actually attack it will still have the same counterplay. Necros need a skill that just quickly ports them away, so making this happen would be good.
The other option is to increase its range a bunch, effectively giving necros an auto disengage like portal, but single person. It would be effective for the home defense role. Despite this, I think instant ports are really entertaining and add depth because they can be combo’d with skills. I imagine a day where focus and dagger 2 get burst buffs and necros could be doing things similar to guards now. Of course with the necro theme attached to it. They could also give us a ported target like Judges intervention through spectral walk.
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.
(edited by zapv.8051)
Flesh wurm is perfectly viable, you just have to use your brain and know a good spot to set it up before a fight.
If you have a free spot on a build and the point of your build isn’t to stall and die on a point with Unholy Sanctuary to keep it from being decapped, then wurm should always be considered.
Please don’t be condescending i.e telling others to “use their brain”
Back to the topic, wurm is never considered in any of my builds because of how unreliable it is. Maybe if I’m on battle of khylo thats about it. I would much rather have spectral armor, walk, well of power or plague signet to keep me alive in order to win the fight and support my team better. The only reason it is not considered is because it can be destroyed and its as simple as that.
Up until the big patch, wurm was actually the meta for condi Necro in sPvP. BUT… to date, I have fought maybe 5 Necros who actually used the Wurm well… and by that I mean I was left there thinking “Woah… where’d the Necro go” and then I realized they wurmed away. In other words, most people don’t know how to use it. A lot of my friends who want to try Necro don’t want to take wurm because they aren’t comfortable with having to pre-cast it – which is what you have to do… pre-cast.
I play sPvP at generally high MMR and have almost no trouble with using Wurm. This might be different in team vs. team environments (I don’t know, I don’t do those, but I think if you placed it far away it’d be fine. The enemy team probably isn’t going to walk a 2000 range just to kill your wurm when there’s a teamfight going on). So in other words, Wurm is viable. Wurm and SWalk are still viable, and condi Necro is realllyyy strong but with all the free condi clears running around it can be irritating to play because your whole burst is just washed away with a push of a button or a random trait proc (-cough – ele -cough-). That was a tangent tho..
With that being said, I wouldn’t mind wurm being changed to something like a Spectral skill which functions like Chronomancer’s F5, where you’d place a glowing green portal, and then the next time you push it you just teleport in its direction.. and it can’t be destroyed.
But I personally think the skills’ fine as is. It also has a 32 sec recharge now, down from 40. Just sayin’
The argument that only 5 necromancers use wurm correctly displays that it is good is a very weak one at that. I also play at a high MMR rank, I’ve got over 5k games under my belt and 3k being on necro. I live and breathe necromancer, and cannot find any situation to use it effectively.
I almost always see you on Warrior though..
And by “I only saw 5 Necros use it” means most Necro’s DON’T know how to use it effectively. When a Necro uses it well, it will leave you confused for a sec and they’ll probably port somewhere out of lie of sight. I’ve seen very few Necros use it to that effect. Most Necros either put the wurm too close to the fight or in a highly visible spot. Or they wait too long before porting.
I dunno, maybe it’s a weird skill to use for most people. I’m not opposed to any improvements (and it COULD use some – like the blast occurring where you use it, not where you port to, or maybe a 3/4 cast time as Bhawd said), but personally, I think it’s ok.
yea zojoel confirmed Necro best NA, fgt
Bringer of Gainz
Flesh wurm is perfectly viable, you just have to use your brain and know a good spot to set it up before a fight.
If you have a free spot on a build and the point of your build isn’t to stall and die on a point with Unholy Sanctuary to keep it from being decapped, then wurm should always be considered.
Please don’t be condescending i.e telling others to “use their brain”
Back to the topic, wurm is never considered in any of my builds because of how unreliable it is. Maybe if I’m on battle of khylo thats about it. I would much rather have spectral armor, walk, well of power or plague signet to keep me alive in order to win the fight and support my team better. The only reason it is not considered is because it can be destroyed and its as simple as that.
Up until the big patch, wurm was actually the meta for condi Necro in sPvP. BUT… to date, I have fought maybe 5 Necros who actually used the Wurm well… and by that I mean I was left there thinking “Woah… where’d the Necro go” and then I realized they wurmed away. In other words, most people don’t know how to use it. A lot of my friends who want to try Necro don’t want to take wurm because they aren’t comfortable with having to pre-cast it – which is what you have to do… pre-cast.
I play sPvP at generally high MMR and have almost no trouble with using Wurm. This might be different in team vs. team environments (I don’t know, I don’t do those, but I think if you placed it far away it’d be fine. The enemy team probably isn’t going to walk a 2000 range just to kill your wurm when there’s a teamfight going on). So in other words, Wurm is viable. Wurm and SWalk are still viable, and condi Necro is realllyyy strong but with all the free condi clears running around it can be irritating to play because your whole burst is just washed away with a push of a button or a random trait proc (-cough – ele -cough-). That was a tangent tho..
With that being said, I wouldn’t mind wurm being changed to something like a Spectral skill which functions like Chronomancer’s F5, where you’d place a glowing green portal, and then the next time you push it you just teleport in its direction.. and it can’t be destroyed.
But I personally think the skills’ fine as is. It also has a 32 sec recharge now, down from 40. Just sayin’
The argument that only 5 necromancers use wurm correctly displays that it is good is a very weak one at that. I also play at a high MMR rank, I’ve got over 5k games under my belt and 3k being on necro. I live and breathe necromancer, and cannot find any situation to use it effectively.
I almost always see you on Warrior though..
And by “I only saw 5 Necros use it” means most Necro’s DON’T know how to use it effectively. When a Necro uses it well, it will leave you confused for a sec and they’ll probably port somewhere out of lie of sight. I’ve seen very few Necros use it to that effect. Most Necros either put the wurm too close to the fight or in a highly visible spot. Or they wait too long before porting.
I dunno, maybe it’s a weird skill to use for most people. I’m not opposed to any improvements (and it COULD use some – like the blast occurring where you use it, not where you port to, or maybe a 3/4 cast time as Bhawd said), but personally, I think it’s ok.
Why are you lying? I haven’t played my warrior in months.
am I one of the five necro ? ;p
Oh I wurm first, then Life Transfer. DS cooldowns and no utilities in shroud would prevent the method you described.
Ah… yeah.. forgot about that.
The other option is to increase its range a bunch, effectively giving necros an auto disengage like portal, but single person.
I think increased range is pretty reasonable. Mesmers got their Blink as a 1200 range now as baseline (before it was 900) so increasing Wurm range to something like 1500 would be pretty nice. It would make teleports more reliable as well (sometimes when you put it on a ledge and you’re outside of the 1200 range and you tele, your character teleports to the base of the ledge instead of on top of the ledge because you were too far). Mesmers get their whole class buffed and their Blink as well.. and with Revenant around the corner…
@Jelzouki maybe it wasn’t you, but I saw a warrior named Jelzouki several times and I checked the username and it was also Jelzouki. Coulda been someone with a similar username.
@gin maybe xD would need to see your character ;D
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(edited by MethaneGas.8357)
Flesh wurm is perfectly viable, you just have to use your brain and know a good spot to set it up before a fight.
If you have a free spot on a build and the point of your build isn’t to stall and die on a point with Unholy Sanctuary to keep it from being decapped, then wurm should always be considered.
Please don’t be condescending i.e telling others to “use their brain”
Back to the topic, wurm is never considered in any of my builds because of how unreliable it is. Maybe if I’m on battle of khylo thats about it. I would much rather have spectral armor, walk, well of power or plague signet to keep me alive in order to win the fight and support my team better. The only reason it is not considered is because it can be destroyed and its as simple as that.
That is the primary reason why Wurm is absolutely garbage. Anyone decent that has ANY awareness of the game will seek out your wurm and kill it, effectively rendering that utility slot useless. Why would you play with 1 less utility slot? Considering that a necro’s current and most useful role in a team is point holding and 1v1s Wurm is probably the worst utility to use. It’s a counterable stunbreak. I never let any necro running Wurm EVER port to it. Or I keep tabs on it and I know where he’ll port to at all times. It’s the kittentiest form of escape since its a big-kitten brown beacon of “HEY I’LL BE TELEPORTING HERE WHEN I GET PRESSURED” and if you have to escape from a fight using it then you may as well stay on point and die and you’ll be more useful. Considering a that basically anything but a warrior/engi won’t give a kitten about the crappy wurm port you just used you’re better off using something that will allow you to sustain and stay in the fight for longer.
If you’re putting Wurm in a spot where someone can just walk over and kill it you’re using it wrong. You can easily put it in a really inconvenient spot for the enemy to target it without wasting a ton of damage to kill it (Wurm has base 10k HP, if someone wastes 10k damage in a fight and you still lose…), on top of the time it takes. The only time Wurm is easily countered is when you plop it back on a point to be able to back-rotate, and even then you can see it taking damage and jump out of the fight if you are being attentive enough, and even if you don’t you made the enemy waste a few seconds to kill it where they weren’t capping the point.
The flesh wurm Is just fine. It’s a defensive skill you pre-place near a point to add additional damage while you fight and provides a disengage if you end up needing one. If you’re running death nova, it also punishes your enemy for meleeing it by giving them poison and weakness. The skill even gives you life force when you teleport, making it easier for you to shroud if the enemy chases. At worst even if the enemy is ready to port after you to give chase or someone waits next to the Wurm for you, you’re still making them spend time trying to get you, and every second you buy counts.
All in all the skill does a lot of things, not even mentioning that it let’s you teleport up to specific ledges making it that much harder for the enemy to follow you or even let you get up to a better position a lot more quickly, it will even attack a player well outside of your range if you target them and attack.
The Wurm does a lot of things and is honestly pretty kitten good. It’s a stun break that is heavily geared towards Minion masters though, in other builds you’d be better off with spectral armor or something.
If you’re looking for an “oh kitten I need to get out!” Skill, necromancer isn’t the class for you.
S/I/F engineer Z/R/D guard
(edited by striker.3704)
“flesh wurm provides a disengage” Really? you think this skill is going to get you away from a competent ele, thief or war? Also, 10k damage to kill it is like 3 seconds at most for burst classes, which leaves you -1 utility. That’s totally worth it in most fights.
It isn’t even about if this skill is good or not for me (which it isn’t). If your placing it where it can still attack, it can be killed easily, if you don’t it’s inferior to other ports because of the cast. That’s just a fact, and one I would like to see remedied by lowering the cast time significantly.
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.
I said disengage, not escape. It isn’t a traditional port, it is a minion skill first and a defensive port second. Also no other port skill gives life force and attacks your enemies for you.
S/I/F engineer Z/R/D guard
Okay, so you just got a free 3 seconds of taking no damage and a burst build just wasted their entire burst, and that isn’t worth a utility slot? That ends up having the same effect as a 3s invuln to their damage or 10k damage from them you didn’t take, on a 36s CD; absolutely worth the slot. If you can’t win the fight with that kind of free lack of pressure from the enemy, you would have lost with anything.
I said disengage, not escape. It isn’t a traditional port, it is a minion skill first and a defensive port second. Also no other port skill gives life force and attacks your enemies for you.
See you say that, but everyone here is saying you should place it where people can’t attack it, which generally means it isn’t getting much functionality as a minion. Also, I would take instant cast over 10% LF every single second of the week. They shouldn’t have lowered the cd either, now it’s hard to work in the buffs the skill needs to be competitive.
Okay, so you just got a free 3 seconds of taking no damage and a burst build just wasted their entire burst, and that isn’t worth a utility slot? That ends up having the same effect as a 3s invuln to their damage or 10k damage from them you didn’t take, on a 36s CD; absolutely worth the slot. If you can’t win the fight with that kind of free lack of pressure from the enemy, you would have lost with anything.
Spending 3 seconds to blow someones 32 second CD util that they will not be able to get off again if the fight lasts that long because of its huge cast time is most definitely worth it. Specially when burst skills, not combos, from burst classes are on 5-10 second cds. It does not at all have the same effect as an invuln, only takes one person to kill wurm. Absolutely not worth the slot over something like spectral armor, which will buy me more time than that, and not require ridiculous setup. I’d also rather have plague signet, far more reliable, and let’s me get rid of a immob in combat.
The things you guys are saying that are nice about wurm are nice, but your ignoring all the negatives to justify your position. Wurm isn’t a bad skill, but it isn’t as good as our other utils and certainly is a tier behind other ports. Which despite it being a minion skill has always been it’s main use in any meta build outside of MM (and even arguable for MM).
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.
Ridiculous setup? It only requires you to press one button before a fight -_-
To date I have only seen very few people actually kill my wurm. It does happen in sPvP (mostly from other Necros), from time to time, but not that often… which is weird since the skill managed to climb its way into the meta for a lil while and you’d expect more people to know what it does… Anyway… even people from Abjurned seem to be walking right past the wurm in their stream.
And if you do notice someone killing your wurms then you can easily place it farther away… or if it’s something like a thief you can port to the wurm and kitten them up :P
Or Chilblains —> Wurm port = weakness, 6 poison stacks, chill.
I dunno how it is in hardcore 5v5s but in most normal sPvP (which is what most people play anyway) it’s not a huge issue. I guess they could up its health even more, or give it more toughness to make it a bigger nuisance to kill.
Either way with Reaper just around the corner, gone will be the days of perma-root and mobility which needs brains.
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(edited by MethaneGas.8357)
It casts too long and has too high a recharge to make it a worthwhile minion OR teleport.
Truth be told, I wish that its overcharge would be to make it teleport to its owner, rather than destroy it. Then I think I might use it a lot as a turret.
Flesh wurm is perfectly viable, you just have to use your brain and know a good spot to set it up before a fight.
If you have a free spot on a build and the point of your build isn’t to stall and die on a point with Unholy Sanctuary to keep it from being decapped, then wurm should always be considered.
Please don’t be condescending i.e telling others to “use their brain”
Back to the topic, wurm is never considered in any of my builds because of how unreliable it is. Maybe if I’m on battle of khylo thats about it. I would much rather have spectral armor, walk, well of power or plague signet to keep me alive in order to win the fight and support my team better. The only reason it is not considered is because it can be destroyed and its as simple as that.
That is the primary reason why Wurm is absolutely garbage. Anyone decent that has ANY awareness of the game will seek out your wurm and kill it, effectively rendering that utility slot useless. Why would you play with 1 less utility slot? Considering that a necro’s current and most useful role in a team is point holding and 1v1s Wurm is probably the worst utility to use. It’s a counterable stunbreak. I never let any necro running Wurm EVER port to it. Or I keep tabs on it and I know where he’ll port to at all times. It’s the kittentiest form of escape since its a big-kitten brown beacon of “HEY I’LL BE TELEPORTING HERE WHEN I GET PRESSURED” and if you have to escape from a fight using it then you may as well stay on point and die and you’ll be more useful. Considering a that basically anything but a warrior/engi won’t give a kitten about the crappy wurm port you just used you’re better off using something that will allow you to sustain and stay in the fight for longer.
Personally I think it just depends on your role. If you’re main role in the team is to do 1v1s on sidepoints, I find wurm to be invaluable to getting out of a 1v2 scenario. And it can also be useful for disengaging from focus fire in teamfights. And I honestly have rarely had people kill my wurm, mainly it only really dies from moa or me burning plague early which is another matter entirely..
But if the point of your build is to hold a point forever until you die to keep points ticking, kinda like the builds that you run, then yeah wurm wouldn’t do anything for you.
I take wurm if I’m playing some celestial variant focused on 1v1ing things, but I don’t when I run a tankier pointholder type bruiser.
Also, while not the best generalization of the meta, Noscoc sometimes takes wurm, even now, when they fight teamfight oriented comps like radioactive, and on one of his streams he remarked that using wurm in WTS may have made their oRNG matchup go a lot smoother, since their comp was heavily teamfight oriented, and he ended up stalling on points most of the time while his team capitalized on that tactic.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
(edited by nearlight.3064)
I’m not really opposed to a cast time reduction tbh, but wurm is great. I use it all the time in pvp and like bawhb said its very useful to avoid bursts. I also use it to make sure my heal doesn’t get interrupted as consume is so telegraphed. Combine it with swalk and you can do some cool mobility tricks too. If you know all the wurm placements, getting the high ground in certain fights can shut out things like rampage and give you some space; as well an ez option to los.
Okay, so you just got a free 3 seconds of taking no damage and a burst build just wasted their entire burst, and that isn’t worth a utility slot? That ends up having the same effect as a 3s invuln to their damage or 10k damage from them you didn’t take, on a 36s CD; absolutely worth the slot. If you can’t win the fight with that kind of free lack of pressure from the enemy, you would have lost with anything.
Wow bhawb really? You’re seriously going to sit there and tell me a wurm leads to a 3 sec invuln? Okay so let’s get this straight nobody would waste utility or weapon skills on a wurm it just gets cleaved out, real easy to do so. My OP says wurm is unreliable. The fact that porting in this game is completely unpredictable and you may never know what situation you’re in does not help your cause. What if in this scenario you have to help far but you placed your wurm near mid or home? Okay well now when you activate your wurm it sometimes ports you to places that aren’t in your favour. It’s just so unreliable. Porting needs to be at the hands of the player entirely and in this case it is a waste of a utility slot. Wurm needs faster cast time so it can serve both of its functionalities well. It can be a wurm for those of you who don’t take foot in the grave, but all in all the port is why you take it and it needs help.
Wow bhawb really? You’re seriously going to sit there and tell me a wurm leads to a 3 sec invuln? Okay so let’s get this straight nobody would waste utility or weapon skills on a wurm it just gets cleaved out, real easy to do so.
The person I was responding to was making the assertion that it was easy to just turn and kill Wurm in 3 seconds. If you have placed Wurm appropriately, it is far outside of cleave range, unless Anet has tricked me and added a bunch of cleave that has a 600 radius. This means any time or damage spent on killing Wurm is time and damage the enemy could have been using to pressure you, but isn’t. So yes, if you don’t get attacked by an enemy for 3s while they use up 10k of their damage to kill Wurm, you have effectively nullified 3s of their offensive pressure, the same way a 3s invuln would have.
What if in this scenario you have to help far but you placed your wurm near mid or home? Okay well now when you activate your wurm it sometimes ports you to places that aren’t in your favour. It’s just so unreliable.
Then you need to use it more. It is absolutely a bit wonky, except it is 100% consistent in its behaviors. If you place Wurm in a location, every location that it can/can’t teleport you to that location successfully is constant always, you’ll never place it in the same spot and teleport from the same spot, with different results. This means you might need to spend time learning the appropriate spots to use it, and you might have to think when you activate it to make sure you’re in a valid teleporting location, but this is all true for every shadowstep in the game.
Should it have a bit faster cast? Absolutely, so should all minions. But people are acting like Wurm is completely useless because if you stand next to it it’ll die and be useless, or you can’t just randomly run into 5 people in full zerker gear and expect to be able to go “oh wait that was stupid time to use my escape to save my dumb self”. All you have to do is pre-place it and you’re fine.
All minions should be 3/4s cast anyway, but Wurm isn’t meant to be used as an unplanned escape, you are supposed to use it as a pre-planned one before entering combat.
Yes, Wurm its personal one way “mesmer portal”.
My idea is when you use the wurm you switch places. The wurm burrow and emerge at your previous location and either knock down enemies or single pulse of big damage and poison field. On top of that it keeps its single target slow range attack untill it dies. On death explodes(not traited) and deal damage and again place poison field.
Alternatively it switch place and immediately explode dealing damage, knock down and leave poison field.
All minions should be 3/4s cast anyway, but Wurm isn’t meant to be used as an unplanned escape, you are supposed to use it as a pre-planned one before entering combat.
Yes, Wurm its personal one way “mesmer portal”.
My idea is when you use the wurm you switch places. The wurm burrow and emerge at your previous location and either knock down enemies or single pulse of big damage and poison field. On top of that it keeps its single target slow range attack untill it dies. On death explodes(not traited) and deal damage and again place poison field.
Alternatively it switch place and immediately explode dealing damage, knock down and leave poison field.
Both of those concepts would be a nerf. The first makes it so that if your.wurm isn’the killed by the enemy you have no escape. The second removes the only effective deterrent from people rushing down the wurm.
S/I/F engineer Z/R/D guard
What are you talking about o.O
Right now the wurm deal slow low damage and it explodes when you teleport to it. (90% of the time this explosion is wasted!!!)
But if you are under pressure and you teleport away the wurm will switch places with you and knock down and explode in the face of the enemies that you just escaped from. How is that a nerf?
(edited by mazut.4296)
Swapping places with the Wurm and having it immediately die would be a good change. Keep the blast finisher/poison (knockback would be fine too, but maybe a bit strong), it allows non-MM to proc fields and get away while using the poison, and MM would be able to use Death Nova.
However, it has to die when it swaps or it makes the skill a fair bit worse.
when they added the los changes they pretty much killed the creative uses for wurm. only in PvP is it still viable. Pve and wvw its mostly useless now. Can’t put it on walls to break siege, can’t use it as a reliable teleport because sometimes it acts like there’s no viable path even if you could physically walk to where you placed it without even jumping, and in pve you can’t place it out of reach of bosses as a safety escape (such as lupi where you could put it on the far back wall where it never got hit or spawned grubs) . the fact its teleported still work reasonably well in PvP shows me it was an intentional (but unwarranted nerf) and is the reason it never makes it on my skill bar anymore in any game mode
Flesh Wurm isn’t a escape skill, it’s a minion that can be used to escape.
Reduce it’s casting time can be useful, I will be happy about that, but it’s a minion skill and it last untill killed or activated.The only thing you have to do is place it before you need it.
With my MM I’m a “close-holder” and I put it in range to make it hit the enemy that come to steal my point and at the same time in a safe place that make it to not be hitted by the enemy AoE skills, making it a useful minion for attach and defence.
Anyway, ANet don’t want to make us able to “teleport” or “leap”, making us able to escape when needed. We have only the chance to turn back where we’ve still been (flesh wurn and spectral walk), making us barely unable to flee from a fight.
Soo.. No teleports ? – Flesh wurm / DS2 & No leaps ? RS2. & barely unable to flee ? Relentless Pursuit trait.
Aka. A good use and knowledge of precast spots for wurm = escape options
Next to that, there isn’t anything like ‘close-holder’ anymore because you will either be outmanned other points or you will get 2v1 and DIE because you take wurm for damage instead of escaping