WvW Necro Build (Power) 2014

WvW Necro Build (Power) 2014

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dorn.3270


Hello all, I would like your honest opinion about this build before I go and spend huge amount of gold in it. If it is even worth any time or so and so. So any advice is welcome. Oh and i mostly run with my guild so that’s that.

Thoughtful charr

(edited by Dorn.3270)

WvW Necro Build (Power) 2014

in Necromancer

Posted by: Chad.3825


For a power build, your power is insanely low. As a necro if you’re caught you’re essentially dead so it’s not really worth the time to invest into anything but a glass cannon. Even if you build tanky enough to be able to get out of a train, you’re trading too much spank for tank. Right now (I believe) the meta is going towards 6/2/0/0/6

Min/Maxed 6/2/0/0/6:

Of course it has full infusions (that’s how you min/max) but even if you remove them it’s still really strong. Expensive… but strong xD. Weapons don’t really matter just as long as you have staff and not running scepter you should be good. I love D/Wh but if you prefer axe, A/F and A/D both work

Above is just what I run but in general, I wouldn’t use Celestial on necro. Healing power is worthless because siphoning barely scales and condi damage isn’t needed when meta guards/wars are running such high -condi duration. Condis won’t do anything :/. If you’re running with your guild, you should have perma swiftness during fights and while running so Trav runes probably won’t be used as often as you want them to. Also Corrosive Poison Cloud isn’t as great as it looks. The weakness goes completely against your build as you’ll do less damage for the duration and the pulse is not per second, it might be every 3 (Not 100% sure).

If my build is too glassy you can change pretty much all or most of the armor to Cava stats but you’ll lose a lot of prec through it so you may have to end up min/maxing again and/or running some assassin’s stuff over zerk.

Just for reference, I run in a skill group (only like 20-25 on per night) on T2 and die probably once or twice a night on my build. Timing dodges (plus energy sigils) and positioning is all the defense you should need.

WvW Necro Build (Power) 2014

in Necromancer

Posted by: Munkee.3951


I have about 2500 power and 24k HP in full zerker with the exception of my weapons and trinkets. not sure if celestial is the way to go here.

WvW Necro Build (Power) 2014

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dorn.3270


For a power build, your power is insanely low. As a necro if you’re caught you’re essentially dead so it’s not really worth the time to invest into anything but a glass cannon. Even if you build tanky enough to be able to get out of a train, you’re trading too much spank for tank. Right now (I believe) the meta is going towards 6/2/0/0/6

Min/Maxed 6/2/0/0/6:

Of course it has full infusions (that’s how you min/max) but even if you remove them it’s still really strong. Expensive… but strong xD. Weapons don’t really matter just as long as you have staff and not running scepter you should be good. I love D/Wh but if you prefer axe, A/F and A/D both work

Above is just what I run but in general, I wouldn’t use Celestial on necro. Healing power is worthless because siphoning barely scales and condi damage isn’t needed when meta guards/wars are running such high -condi duration. Condis won’t do anything :/. If you’re running with your guild, you should have perma swiftness during fights and while running so Trav runes probably won’t be used as often as you want them to. Also Corrosive Poison Cloud isn’t as great as it looks. The weakness goes completely against your build as you’ll do less damage for the duration and the pulse is not per second, it might be every 3 (Not 100% sure).

If my build is too glassy you can change pretty much all or most of the armor to Cava stats but you’ll lose a lot of prec through it so you may have to end up min/maxing again and/or running some assassin’s stuff over zerk.

Just for reference, I run in a skill group (only like 20-25 on per night) on T2 and die probably once or twice a night on my build. Timing dodges (plus energy sigils) and positioning is all the defense you should need.

Thx for your response and nice build , I will definitely listen to your advice.

Thoughtful charr

WvW Necro Build (Power) 2014

in Necromancer

Posted by: nearlight.3064


I sometimes run a similar or nearly identical trait set up to you, but I run it with zerker/assassins armor/weapons and zerker, cavalier, knights trinkets.

Celestial is only really good on eles and rangers, since we scale pretty poorly with healing power and you won’t need condition damage with your wells.

Also I wouldn’t take corrosive poison cloud, the self weakness is a bad idea. You’re better off taking a stunbreak or another well for that slot.

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
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WvW Necro Build (Power) 2014

in Necromancer

Posted by: Holl.3109


Celestial is almost never the way to go on a necro…

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WvW Necro Build (Power) 2014

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ravezaar.4951


Dont go full Zerker go PvT instead trust me on this. Same amount of Power and all that nice Vit+Tou. Against good Guilds if u do big fight in WvW/GvG a zerker geared person is dead before hand, a zerker Nec without a Stunbreaker as your build shows forget it.

You do more then enough dmg as PVT

Underjordens Furste 80 Necro Piken-server
Servant of Dhuum

WvW Necro Build (Power) 2014

in Necromancer

Posted by: adozu.6398


full zerker on a necro is fine so long as your positioning is good and you’re not lagging. try rune of vampirism maybe, they are a get out of jail for free card every 60 seconds that works really well in zergfights.

WvW Necro Build (Power) 2014

in Necromancer

Posted by: nearlight.3064


I recommend mostly zerker and then anywhere from 1.1-1.4 k toughness from trinkets, or putting 1 or 2 points in death magic or possibly from melandru runes (lifesaver rines). You shouldn’t really need a stunbreak if you’re in a good group, because unless you react very quickly the damage of the stun has been done, so mealndru, s duration would be more helpful imo. The top fighting guilds typically run triple wells on their necros and give them stability enough when it counts. Foot in the grave is very nice as well especially when you have very low FPS or lag.

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

WvW Necro Build (Power) 2014

in Necromancer

Posted by: FinalPatriot.8034


What other rune options would work? Those runes of strength are really pricey right now.

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“Shatter Me!”
“I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.”

WvW Necro Build (Power) 2014

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hausaurier.9438


Runes of Scholar! Less might-duration but more crit-chance and cheaper i think