WvW Necro builds?
Conditions is a very very good WvW spec. It is better than power because you can do some serious AE dmg, which is the name of the game in WvW. Spack up those conditions and then spread them to 600 range AE, its brilliant.
Conditions is a very very good WvW spec. It is better than power because you can do some serious AE dmg, which is the name of the game in WvW. Spack up those conditions and then spread them to 600 range AE, its brilliant.
I should have specified, while I do like the AE damage for attacking keeps and towers, I dont usually hang out with the zerg, I’m usually part of a small group of friends that backdoors supply camps and such, about 70% of the time.
Same here =) But if you hit 2-3 people with it, its still more dmg =)
You’re right, I’d like to be able to 1v1 as well, even if it doesn’t come up much in WvW, I feel like all I can do in those scenarios is use my conditions on someone and run in circles, DS if I get low.
Maybe I have to reroll if I want that though, pity.
I guess. I do pretty well 1v1 tho, no problem there. Having DS makes you able to hold out till the conditions starts to kick in. But I usually win the 1v1s I get into.
I’m pretty sure Conditions is even more single target damage too when you get the stacks up, although you have less burst.
However, take an axe and focus or axe and warhorn. Then take Well of Suffering and Well of Corruption. That’s where your damage will come from mainly – the focus is more damage focused with conditions whilst the warhorn is more about mobility and crowd control.
A staff or dagger+offhand will do fine for your second set. Spectral Armour or Spectral Walk may be good other utility skills for the last one , but it’s really up to you what you take. Consume Conditions msut be your heal. Lich Form for your elite – properly power stacking here will make your Lich Form do really great damage – and if you run with a Mesmer, their group quickness bubble+Lich Form is really quite spectacular.
Time To Leave [GTFO] – a WvW Guild
Piken Square server
To be honest I’m running a 15/20/0/20/15 build in wvwvw. I’m not 80 so its just my theorycrafting. I took life and plague blast grant might for stacking, castable wells, and life transfer heals allies, I took shorter well duration and I forget (will post build when I’m at home) and 15 into the bottom tree for spectral armor at 50%. I don’t see anyone with this build and the level I’m at its doing prettykittenwell for wvwvw. Just stack might from afar, drop your wells, and life transfer. I prefer using plague form over lich, its les obvious and not many people use the spam blind (plague 2). I can hold of groups of people with plague spamming constant blinds while my guild aoes from afar. Comments questions and critiques welcome (when I post the link)
In WvW is where I feel I thrive the most, I run a very tanky and survivable build. People don’t realize how wonderfully tanky Plague Form is, because your HP gets nearly doubled and your toughness gets doubled, on top of that you can blind, cripple and weaken the target at will. I’m able to run in the middle of a crowd alone while in Plague Form, deal nice damage with poisons and bleeds and still manage to get out alive before it ends.
On top of that I like using Spectral Walk a lot since it not only lets me run away if I get overwhelmed but also let’s me use it to run in the middle of a crowd and more easily cast whatever it is I need to cast and then easily and safely teleport out of there.