WvW Scouting (as Necro)

WvW Scouting (as Necro)

in Necromancer

Posted by: LezardValeth.9453


Last night I scouted for my server and had quite a fun time, but I was too lazy to change my build so I had to improvise on the spot.

For the sake of scouting solo, what would you guys recommend in terms of traits and skills? Obviously spectral walk and equip a warhorn for the swiftness and bungee cord escape. What about Signet of Whatever its called that gives 25% to your movement speed, should I replace it with the trait that gives you movement speed when you have a dagger equipped?

Just want to hear different opinions.

WvW Scouting (as Necro)

in Necromancer

Posted by: flow.6043


No one should ever use Quickening Thirst or Signet of the Locust in combat. Wasted trait, wasted utility slot.

As to the scouting you can do as a necro, if all you want to do is go from one side of the map to the other and report whatever you see in map chat then I don’t think you need a specific build or even class for that.

WvW Scouting (as Necro)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Roe.3679


Flesh wurm and spectral walk, and probably run spectral wall and plague if to plan on scouting exclusively, because those provide some teleports and the ability to stall for awhile. Flesh wurm has saved me from zergs from time to time, and with the proper set up you can get pretty close with SWalk and Flesh Wurm, then get out of there instantly

I would plan on getting chased down by thieves and warriors though. People know a necro is done if they can catch them in combat, so you might get chased off more than another roamer. Although, I’ve used that little fact to draw people away from a zerg and pick them off while I’m in a dueling spec and they are specced for zergs. Good times.

WvW Scouting (as Necro)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rym.1469


You can consider taking Runes of Speed instead of Traveler runes. They’re cheaper and vitality is always welcome stat for necro

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144

WvW Scouting (as Necro)

in Necromancer

Posted by: jpersson.7368


Just want to hear different opinions.

My opinion is that necro:s aren’t an escape class. We do have some nice mobility tricks when in a fight (you’ve got some good suggestions already, and I would like to add Tainted Shackles), but as a scout I try not to get into fights to begin with.

If I’m facing a fight I’ll probably loose, and if they try to chase me down, I usually end up dead no matter what. I would say our only safe escape is fatal drops. Going underwater can deter some hunters.

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