barbed precision nerf

barbed precision nerf

in Necromancer

Posted by: Goldenrevolver.4371


…pls be a typo

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140

barbed precision nerf

in Necromancer

Posted by: flow.6043


It says 33% instead of 66% now.
Considering there’s absolutely no reason to have the trait cut in half, this has to be a typo. Then again… Anet.

barbed precision nerf

in Necromancer

Posted by: Falcon.8713


Barbed precision was and still is a crappy trait, the only thing nice about it now is the 20% increased bleeding duration passive.

BUT: Target the Weak: Your critical hit chance is increased by 2% for each condition on your target. Additionally you gain condition damage equal to 13% of your precision. Is a very nice change to the trait – Rabid Necros inc

My necromancer got upgraded to a scythe-wielding maniac.. I like it.

barbed precision nerf

in Necromancer

Posted by: Goldenrevolver.4371


rabid? sinister

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140

barbed precision nerf

in Necromancer

Posted by: flow.6043


Barbed precision was and still is a crappy trait

Dude, hand in your necro card on your way out :P

barbed precision nerf

in Necromancer

Posted by: Falcon.8713


rabid? sinister

If they imply sinister in pvp be my guest

My necromancer got upgraded to a scythe-wielding maniac.. I like it.

barbed precision nerf

in Necromancer

Posted by: Falcon.8713


Barbed precision was and still is a crappy trait

Dude, hand in your necro card on your way out :P

Let’s do some math:
Every critical hit you have a 66% (maybe 33% in the future) to give an enemy 1 stack of bleeding of 2sec (3 if traited) for a total of 300 damage (traited). For each extra bleeding you do that you might crit. The only thing is on a carrion necro you don’t have crit chance at all so the trait is just Inneffective. Next to that if you attack with scepter on a rabid amulet you only have 50% crit chance. So that becomes 66% of a 50% chance on a slow attacking weapon —-—> Not worth it :p

+ I stopped playing terror since shoutbow, so for my powernecro it’s even more useless.. :p

My necromancer got upgraded to a scythe-wielding maniac.. I like it.

barbed precision nerf

in Necromancer

Posted by: Goldenrevolver.4371


Barbed precision was and still is a crappy trait

Dude, hand in your necro card on your way out :P

Let’s do some math:
Every critical hit you have a 66% (maybe 33% in the future) to give an enemy 1 stack of bleeding of 2sec (3 if traited) for a total of 300 damage (traited). For each extra bleeding you do that you might crit. The only thing is on a carrion necro you don’t have crit chance at all so the trait is just Inneffective. Next to that if you attack with scepter on a rabid amulet you only have 50% crit chance. So that becomes 66% of a 50% chance on a slow attacking weapon —-—> Not worth it :p

+ I stopped playing terror since shoutbow, so for my powernecro it’s even more useless.. :p

so good sir please say me where in this topic was anything said about this being about pvp? with the condi cap raise it could have been a pve discussion too or a wvw? dont just make everything to fit your opinion

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140

barbed precision nerf

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zin.6170


I’m not optimistic about it being a typo, I’m fairly certain it is indeed 33%.

barbed precision nerf

in Necromancer

Posted by: flow.6043


I’m not optimistic about it being a typo, I’m fairly certain it is indeed 33%.

Sucks that the stream crashed yesterday.

Barbed precision was and still is a crappy trait

Dude, hand in your necro card on your way out :P

Let’s do some math:
Every critical hit you have a 66% (maybe 33% in the future) to give an enemy 1 stack of bleeding of 2sec (3 if traited) for a total of 300 damage (traited). For each extra bleeding you do that you might crit. The only thing is on a carrion necro you don’t have crit chance at all so the trait is just Inneffective. Next to that if you attack with scepter on a rabid amulet you only have 50% crit chance. So that becomes 66% of a 50% chance on a slow attacking weapon —-—> Not worth it :p

First of all, how does Barbed Precision get 3 sec “if traited”?
And what if I told you that even a carrion necro “if traited” with Furious Demise, Target the Weak, Deathly Perception, Decimate Defenses… can reach a rather high crit chance.
Also, like Goldenrevolver has pointed out above, outside of PvP you can actually get higher crit chances by mixing stats or going full sinister entirely. And what if I then told you that such a necro can – among other things – actually get more bleeding damage with the warhorn’s Locust Swarm + Barbed Precision than the dagger’s Enfeebling Blood. Would you seriously call this a crappy trait?
Anyway, there are some skills and combos that have a high hit frequency, so if they trigger Barbed Precision only half as often after the patch, it’s going to be a noticable loss of damage.