can your class beat a ranger if both downed?

can your class beat a ranger if both downed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: firebreathz.7692


can a necro beat a ranger if both are put in downed state? im having a discussion on another thread and this guy swears down a necro cant do it..

come on I know you guys arnt that bad as I myself have had a necro beat me in downed state..

if you know a working combination of moves that could beat a ranger in downed state could you post here so i can show this guy it’s possible.. hard yes.. but possible..

can your class beat a ranger if both downed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Blackmoa.3186


it is possible, sometimes. You have to fear his pet when it starts rezzing him, unfortunately teh pet will sometimes be invulnerable for a much too long time to be able to kill the ranger ftaer, and sometime sit will just continue rezzing after being feared. If one of this happens you will lose the downed duel, if not you have a chance

German Caster,
never blinking “specialist”,

can your class beat a ranger if both downed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: dirtyshame.1863


You will have to save the fear for the pet heal if you are both downed. Use your number 1 on the ranger because killing the pet will not stop the healing that I am aware of. Just focus on the ranger for skills 1 and 3 and hope the fear is well timed. Wait to hit your fear until the pet is actually starting the rez, there will be travel time between getting to the ranger the first time and then pathing back after the fear. Most rangers will blow the interrupt early, so do not make casting fear the first thing you do. But odds are if you weren’t last to go down, you will not be able to beat a ranger downed state.

I would say that down vs down and having equal skill play, most likely to win on land will be mesmer, warrior, ranger, guardian, necro, ele, engineer (up close), thief, engineer (out of range of bomb).

can your class beat a ranger if both downed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Taril.8619


If the Ranger is close enough to hit with Fetid Ground, there’s a good chance to kill them.

Also if you can fear their pet if they get it to heal (Lick Wounds can be buggy)

If their Lick Wounds bugs out and doesn’t work then there’s a better chance of beating them.

Though this is dependant on their pet being dead and pet swap on cooldown when you’re both downed (As the pet can still be attacking you along with the Ranger) since the damage you’ll take from the pet is likely to kill you quickly (Especially if Beastmaster specced/Jaguar or Raven with F2 skill up)

“Pull the trigger, move out ahead,
There’s two kinds of people… The quick and the dead”

can your class beat a ranger if both downed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Its very hard, even if u go down after him. U MUST kill him with downed #3 before the
feared pet comes back. If not, u will lose.

If u get him down, blind well or back off, avoid a downed fight with ranger at all cost.

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

can your class beat a ranger if both downed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

can a necro beat a ranger if both are put in downed state?
If you know a working combination of moves that could beat a ranger in downed state could you post here so i can show this guy it’s possible.. hard yes.. but possible..

Possible, yes. Probable, no. If you are playing against an equally skilled opponent, then you shouldn’t win that 1v1 in down unless they make a mistake. That is just how it goes. Ranger is strong in downed state, and it is a really bad matchup for Necro, to the point of being unwinnable unless the Ranger messes up.

can your class beat a ranger if both downed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: ShadowMaster.5708


Just if you are very lucky… If the rangers pet die, the necro will destroy the ranger, but with the pet… Doubt it

can your class beat a ranger if both downed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: firebreathz.7692


thank you all for the responses, if you would like to follow the thread that I needed this info for it can be found here

can your class beat a ranger if both downed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


Necro wins if more of these are true:
enemy is in Putrid Ground (aka well of suffering that applies poison instead of vuln)
Lick wounds buggs out
Enemy pet is alive during lick wounds
You both have the same power in downed (both with 50%)
Necro has Bloodlust

Ranger wins if:
Pet is dead on Lick wounds (making it impossible to fear since it can heal while dead)
Necro doesnt have Bloodlust nor 50% while you do and can daze him if he tries to heal up at least once
You went conditions on pet and command him to rip the necro to shreds if lick wounds failed
Necro cannot cast Putrid.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

can your class beat a ranger if both downed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cempa.5619


Best 1v1 build Ranger Vs Necro = dead necro….

In case any one wants to know what that ranger would look like:

can your class beat a ranger if both downed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kilger.5490


Warrior one kitten es me off the most for downed fights, have it in the bag then they get up and do 100b on you.

Kilger – Human Ranger
alts: Fangyre (Necro), Hardrawk (Ele);
Jade Quarry