As a necromancer, we’re a bit typecast into the role of MM or conditions. MM is great in both PvE and PvP. I stay away from conditions as you can’t stack poison so IMO it is about pointless. The problem comes in where you look for build diversity in a class that you love. To this end, a lot of has started going “glass cannon” with crits on deathshroud. I played this exclusively for about 200 hours and it hits like a truck but it is just too situational, especially in WvW (FYI I like using builds that work in both). So after about 500+ hours on the necro I have finally started crafting my own build to supplement my 3 favorite playstyles: MM, wells, glass cannon. After 20+ hours of testing this build in all aspects I am floored by the results.
I present “Deathwish”: (named after the staff I use:D)
**Note: This is mostly untested in dungeons so I’d love some feedback>
First, let’s address the pluses I’ve found with this build. With a naturally large crit% I’ve found my staff hitting for 1.2k+ and marks crit for up to 2k. In deathshroud, you can hit for 2k+ as well. I use a Superior Sigil of Force on the staff for a standard 5% dmg boost. Also, your staff generates tons of life force! Play the long game with crowds and watch the damage stack up. Bleed and fear that does damage only adds to it plus you can freeze for longer with the Grenth runes. Now this is where things get fun. You can start to separate groups and when you catch a lone soldier you run in and swap to daggers. They get chilled and you apply poison with first attack and then you pretty much have them where you want them. One of my favorite things to do is to pop in and out of deathshroud instantly for fury on the daggers and hit them hard. At this point the golem is hitting hard and you have access to knockdown. Since they are going to be caught by you, the wells really come into play here. Lay them down and its gg. No healing, boons or conditions coming from them while you are working them over with the daggers.
All in all, this build has way more survivability than “glass cannon” with just as much damage. You have wells that dmg and support your team so you can turn the tide of a battle. AOE heal adds to this. You also have a pet that add damage and control without the restriction of being a MM. Also, you have a fair amount of conditions you can apply and only poisoning a single target for the intention of mauling cuts down re-poisoning people, which I feel lowers the effectiveness of the build. I don’t like well cooldown perk as you can kite for an extra 6 seconds and do the same thing. Also, when in doubt, dodge. Nothing wrong with doing AOE dmg plus AOE bleed and healing yourself.
There is no stun break. I’ve found that if you want to go dmg with any class then your survivability is already in question. Your wells can help you out big time with any negative conditions though. Necromancers also have deathshroud which is pretty much an extra life. While this is mostly for PvP, don’t be afraid to swap out the speed boost for a stun break. Also, in lower level dungeons, go with well of suffering over corruption for damage.
In my short time testing this build I have been loving the results. It makes a well rounded necro that can compete. I’de love to hear some feedback, especially on the PvE/Dungeon side of things. I will say that in PvE I have splashed in toughness up to 2100.