(changed) lf playtested exp to tweak build

(changed) lf playtested exp to tweak build

in Necromancer

Posted by: thejacaluck.7346


As a necromancer, we’re a bit typecast into the role of MM or conditions. MM is great in both PvE and PvP. I stay away from conditions as you can’t stack poison so IMO it is about pointless. The problem comes in where you look for build diversity in a class that you love. To this end, a lot of has started going “glass cannon” with crits on deathshroud. I played this exclusively for about 200 hours and it hits like a truck but it is just too situational, especially in WvW (FYI I like using builds that work in both). So after about 500+ hours on the necro I have finally started crafting my own build to supplement my 3 favorite playstyles: MM, wells, glass cannon. After 20+ hours of testing this build in all aspects I am floored by the results.

I present “Deathwish”: (named after the staff I use:D)
**Note: This is mostly untested in dungeons so I’d love some feedback>


First, let’s address the pluses I’ve found with this build. With a naturally large crit% I’ve found my staff hitting for 1.2k+ and marks crit for up to 2k. In deathshroud, you can hit for 2k+ as well. I use a Superior Sigil of Force on the staff for a standard 5% dmg boost. Also, your staff generates tons of life force! Play the long game with crowds and watch the damage stack up. Bleed and fear that does damage only adds to it plus you can freeze for longer with the Grenth runes. Now this is where things get fun. You can start to separate groups and when you catch a lone soldier you run in and swap to daggers. They get chilled and you apply poison with first attack and then you pretty much have them where you want them. One of my favorite things to do is to pop in and out of deathshroud instantly for fury on the daggers and hit them hard. At this point the golem is hitting hard and you have access to knockdown. Since they are going to be caught by you, the wells really come into play here. Lay them down and its gg. No healing, boons or conditions coming from them while you are working them over with the daggers.

All in all, this build has way more survivability than “glass cannon” with just as much damage. You have wells that dmg and support your team so you can turn the tide of a battle. AOE heal adds to this. You also have a pet that add damage and control without the restriction of being a MM. Also, you have a fair amount of conditions you can apply and only poisoning a single target for the intention of mauling cuts down re-poisoning people, which I feel lowers the effectiveness of the build. I don’t like well cooldown perk as you can kite for an extra 6 seconds and do the same thing. Also, when in doubt, dodge. Nothing wrong with doing AOE dmg plus AOE bleed and healing yourself.

There is no stun break. I’ve found that if you want to go dmg with any class then your survivability is already in question. Your wells can help you out big time with any negative conditions though. Necromancers also have deathshroud which is pretty much an extra life. While this is mostly for PvP, don’t be afraid to swap out the speed boost for a stun break. Also, in lower level dungeons, go with well of suffering over corruption for damage.

In my short time testing this build I have been loving the results. It makes a well rounded necro that can compete. I’de love to hear some feedback, especially on the PvE/Dungeon side of things. I will say that in PvE I have splashed in toughness up to 2100.

(changed) lf playtested exp to tweak build

in Necromancer

Posted by: thejacaluck.7346


I guess I should also add, on the PvP side I often find myself at least in the top 3 every round so if people are interested in a playstyle video I would consider making one.

(changed) lf playtested exp to tweak build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Pandabro.8743


Seems a little… all over the place…

You have no stun break, and a bezerker trinket… Your using daggers which means you’ll be in the middle of a fight (With a Bezerker trinket and offensive runes). You are using a Dagger offhand which means you really only have one way to lock down someone so you can actually damage them (Where as both Warhorn and Focus give you an additional way to stay on your target).

Plus you don’t have ground targeted well so you’ll have to be on top of anyone for those to work, but you still don’t have many ways to do that.

Sorry but there seems to be no synergy here and no way to address the necro’s natural weaknesses. If I was playing a against a necro like this they’d probably be a free kill. I can’t say for sure because I haven’t played it but I don’t see this working if your opponents are slightly competent.

(changed) lf playtested exp to tweak build

in Necromancer

Posted by: emon.1863


This is more PvE build, I would’t recommend to use it in tPvP.

(changed) lf playtested exp to tweak build

in Necromancer

Posted by: thejacaluck.7346


tPvP maybe…but it downright stomps in PvP

(changed) lf playtested exp to tweak build

in Necromancer

Posted by: thejacaluck.7346


and like a said before, daggers are for when you pick someone off the group so…yeah. seriously, test it first. then come back.

(changed) lf playtested exp to tweak build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bellocchi.4593


I guess I should also add, on the PvP side I often find myself at least in the top 3 every round so if people are interested in a playstyle video I would consider making one.

tPvP maybe…but it downright stomps in PvP

sPvP/8v8 clusterkittens hardly means anything, I’m afraid.

(changed) lf playtested exp to tweak build

in Necromancer

Posted by: thejacaluck.7346


Listen, if you don’t play sPvP then don’t use it. I’ve used this in WvW, sPvP, and PvE and it is effective in all without the usual necro drawbacks. Also, not my only 80 but it is my favorite. It provides non situational, consistent dmg on top of control. I can’t be surprised from the feedback though because I haven’t seen anything like it come out of these forums. Everyone’s arguing about needing buffed or dual focus this and cookie cutter that. You want some real wicked custom builds you should see my D3 Witch Doc.

(changed) lf playtested exp to tweak build

in Necromancer

Posted by: thejacaluck.7346


lol I just had to go play a few rounds just make sure I wasn’t delusional. Got top player 2 out of 3.

(changed) lf playtested exp to tweak build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Pandabro.8743


Clearly you aren’t really looking for feedback, just affirmation that your build is as good as you think it is.

(changed) lf playtested exp to tweak build

in Necromancer

Posted by: thejacaluck.7346


no im looking for playtested feedback. not just…meh. like oh…I tried this and I feel like it improved it. not just scrap your build and l2p. like add a focus, but what will they extra chill add over cripple? or does movement stack with a warhorn? its a build that I have never seen and it works well so I figured ide share and see what people would tweak. like 15 points in power up my healing by 100 but is that worth it?

(edited by thejacaluck.7346)

(changed) lf playtested exp to tweak build

in Necromancer

Posted by: thejacaluck.7346


guess I should have been more clear but then again I guess im just a nooby noobster…I guess me asking to see how it worked in dungeons like 3 times was just skipped over and forgotten about. oh well screw it.

(changed) lf playtested exp to tweak build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Pandabro.8743


Okay well If you want to improve it you need to pick a focus. Splitting between power and condition damage will leave you being mediocre at just about everything and having no real purpose on your team.

You also need to think about how Necros are extremely easily bursted down if they are caught in the wrong position. How are you going to combat this issue? Currently you have 25% move speed, which isn’t really going to save you, Thieves can easily stick on you with a 25% move buff. Plus you are using daggers so it’s much harder to position yourself.

Also you go up 20 in Soul Reaping but you chose to take Soul Marks (3% lf) over 50% more fear but you picked up terror. Wouldn’t it be best to take both Terror and 50% more fear? That way you have a high damage and long CC at your disposal?

There are a lot of things to think about here, it’s not really about the skills or traits it’s more about the approach and knowing what you will have to deal with in games. The times you get “top player” (Which is meaningless without context, tPVP? hotjoin?) matter very little compared to the times you get smashed into the ground. Those are the times you have to consider how you can tweak things to adapt.

(changed) lf playtested exp to tweak build

in Necromancer

Posted by: ProxyDamage.9826


Clearly you aren’t really looking for feedback, just affirmation that your build is as good as you think it is.


If you want us to be honest, then deal with it: your build is a worthless mess. If you don’t want us to be honest then tough. Don’t ask. You’re either trolling or legitimately clueless. Either way, it’s not good.

“But I won some games with it!”

So…? That only proves that either you’re an amazing player or, most likely, you got carried or the other team was a steaming pile of kitten. It doesn’t prove the build is good. And don’t make any mistakes about it: it’s not.

I’m having a hard time knowing where to even begin, so let’s just pick some random examples among the most egregious:

You have berserker gear, so you’re definitely an all in power build… but condition damage runes… Why? You know what 163 condition damage does? Nothing. A kitten’s fart. Less than that. You’re wasting 6 valuable rune slots that you could use for actual useful offensive or defensive purposes.

Another particularly good one: you’re running wells utilities…without well traits. Why? You’re not even running particularly “uniquely useful” ones…

Well of Blood? Why? Consume Conditions is one of the best heals in the entire game, if not the best. Even with traited wells it’s a tough choice to give up Consume Conditions. Untraited, that choice is distilled masochism.

Well of Corruption? Why? If you want damage, since you’re berserker, why would you ever not use Well of Suffering, which is at least twice the damage…? But you are completely untraited, which makes me think you want it for utility, boon stripping/converting… So why would you ever take it over Corrupt Boon when you’re not even traiting wells…?

Well of Power? Waste of a slot. Not even gonna bother asking why. It’s clear at this point that you have no “why”. It’s just whatever looked cool at the time. Even in a fully traited well build you only pick this for very situational support builds.

Why dagger in off-hand, an extensively condition-oriented weapon, instead of the far more dagger-synergistic focus or warhorn? How would you know… You have no idea. “Just do it”.

Why 15 points in Spite? Because “kitten it”, that’s why. Spite is one of the most useless trees for a Necromancer. There is almost no reason to ever put points in it, let alone 15. What, you wanted the master minor trait? 5% of your power into healing? Almost nothing a necromancer has scales with healing power, let alone scales decently. On top of that you’re using a long cooldown heal, and you have almost no healing power anyways.

Do I really need to go on…? Almost anything in your build is textbook “what not do to”.

(changed) lf playtested exp to tweak build

in Necromancer

Posted by: EndoChronik.3507


Effectiveness is relative.
Sorry man, your build is a bit messy. Try to focus on something.

(edited by EndoChronik.3507)

(changed) lf playtested exp to tweak build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elvahaduken.3609


erm Proxy just took a giant kitten on your build. i think he’s said all that needs to be said, I agree with all his points.

Klaus Night (Necro)/ Elvahaduken (Engi) [TaG] Gunnars Hold

(changed) lf playtested exp to tweak build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nemesis.8593



~ and another 15 characters…

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(changed) lf playtested exp to tweak build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dredlord.8076


is this what people are talking about when they say we have great build diversity?