dagger builds?

dagger builds?

in Necromancer

Posted by: James.9427


lately I’ve been seeing less and less necros running around with daggers, and I am wondering why this is. I’m lvl 40 at the moment currently running around with a dagger/dagger setup. Only using staff when either soloing champions, doing group events, or when I would prefer to not be in melee range. the current skills I’m using are consume conditions, the speed boost signet which I swap out with the power boost signet when needed, well of corruption to be able to facetank some of the damage plus apply vulnerability stacks, spectral walk for speed boosts and to interrupt fall damage and my elite is plague form. this setup has granted me massive survivability in pve, which I’ve mostly been doin stories and map completion. I’ve been told by several people as a necro you typically don’t want to pvp or wvw much until you get access to more of your traits. All I typically ever see on these forums is axe builds or scepter builds (not a fan of scepter) are daggers really that obsolete in pvp? wvw? or just endgame in general? as of current, its afforded my toon with massive survivability along with switching to deathshroud when health low or stacked with conditions I cant consume or transfer because the skills are on cooldown. all I typically see now days are the minion master builds which im not a fan of cuz minion AI is stupid at best, and scepter or axe necros. I am more than prepared to learn, necro is my favorite class. but please don’t call me stupid or say I just need to l2p. I’ve already learned a few tricks of the class, but am interested in any input that may help me become a stronger player, cuz at the end of the day I’m the only one in my guild that is intending on maining a necro so I’m tryin to learn as much as I can. any input would be appreciated

dagger builds?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Dagger is the only thing you should be running in PvE unless you absolutely need range or are using a LB build (in which case you still use dagger when not in DS). So no, you don’t need to use axe or scepter except in very specific situations.

Dagger is used in PvP too, if you are using a power build.

Also, while WvW can be hard without traits, PvP you can do at level 2 or 80 it doesn’t matter, you are always on equal footing as far as stats/traits/gear.

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dagger builds?

in Necromancer

Posted by: ChapDev.7650


I roam about with Dual Daggers in WvW both Solo and in a group they aren’t obsolete at all and have great burst damage.

You’re Dagger #3 is one of if not your best ability with Dagger and keep in mind that Immobilize works and will root the enemy even if they have Stability up to stop your fear’s and people tend to forget that.

And afaik you have all your traits unlocked in sPvP right? So you can just give them a test drive if you want? Though I highly suggest you go full 6 into Spite and Soul Reaping each for Close to Death or Dhuumfire and Death Perception.

If you want to look at what I’m running it’s linked below though I’ll hands up admit I stole most of it from one of Leeto’s old threads. :P (On that Leeto used to post a few Power builds you might want to dig up a few threads if you can)


Bad Looking Necro Tryhard [BLNT] ~ Maguuma

dagger builds?

in Necromancer

Posted by: nearlight.3064


Yeah as everyone else said, dagger is great on all power builds other than wvw peripheral builds.

Any offhand can go with dagger mainhand. OH dagger is definitely the more defensive choice which is really nice. I personally always run warhorn for the movement speed and the daze and because I have howler too lmao.
But yeah I’d say warhorn is the utility offhand, dagger is the defensive offhand, and focus is the most offensive offhand.

Also I’d suggest centaur runes instead of traveler runes as they’re much cheaper and give you full perma swiftness with warhorn or spectral walk and they give you a nice power boost instead of a much lower boost to all stats.

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
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(edited by nearlight.3064)

dagger builds?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Holl.3109


If you want to see some dagger gameplay in soloq check my description :P

All 80’s – PvP/WvW
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Reapers gonna reap ¯\(°_°)/¯

dagger builds?

in Necromancer

Posted by: James.9427


thanks for the replies, I was browsing youtube and found a video of a necro wvw roaming montage, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30yUyHjad-s&list=UUmKZxEULx_uvwiLh2ES2lTA he does some rather funny tricks, like fearing zergs off cliffs, and in another montage used spectral grasp to pull someone over a gap. admittedly some of the tricks ive learned already I learned from watching him.

dagger builds?

in Necromancer

Posted by: bellkb.9821


Dagger is a fantastic weapon to use, one of my favorites. For dps focus is great because of the burst it has with the 4 skill. Also for pve, Legion has a great guide for necro DPS. The video does a breakdown of dps necro vs dps warrior. it is lengthy but worth it. http://youtu.be/Toyhtj0HPU8?list=UUch1FHsuRgkBJkp5o2g2mmw That is the link!
Also as far as pvp goes just like Bhawb said, you can spvp now but WvW will be tough until you get your traits. Dont be afraid to experiment with builds either. And I already think your doing a great job getting out there and watching different videos and such. That tends to open the mind up a bit. (At least for me anyway)

dagger builds?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Pelopidas.2140


thanks for the replies, I was browsing youtube and found a video of a necro wvw roaming montage, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30yUyHjad-s&list=UUmKZxEULx_uvwiLh2ES2lTA he does some rather funny tricks, like fearing zergs off cliffs, and in another montage used spectral grasp to pull someone over a gap. admittedly some of the tricks ive learned already I learned from watching him.

Yeah i love this guy