death shroud build for roaming

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sparda.9750


hi guys. i m actually reworking my necro, from conditions.. i’m tired to use my DS just to have a little pull of health and apply torment. I wish use it like a core. I ran around web but i don t like pretty much what i found. So, could u help me??
I love roam with pg, or, run in wvw with some friends. It s long time i don t play necro..

First question for a power/DS build is: better axe or dagger in primary hand??
i saw someone reach 25 stack of might and vulnerability. But, is the dagger ur primary way to fill DS, so.. which should i use??
2) should i run 30/x/x/x/30??
for the moment i can stop here.

Thx for help

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


That is my EXACT build – weapons, traits, utilities, gear, gems, sigils, runes, food, oil

This is my WvW build, go solo a lot coz i hate zerg fights. Dagger/Warhorn is my main set. Good damage, slows and great at gaining Life Force i swap to Axe/Focus every now and then but most of the time it isn’t needed.

I spend a lot of time inside DeathShroud so the traits for Life Blast are really strong, it is a bit tankier as well so won’t melt in seconds either.

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sparda.9750


cool.. really ty, is what i m looking for.. just a question: i saw many people using staf like secondary weapon.. don t u like it??

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Stx.4857


The build in my sig is very powerful for 1v1 or 1v2 situations. However, it can get really boring to play(I have already gone back to my old siphon build).

You basically sit in DS and spam 1, gaining might, and loading up your target with vulnerability. You can take a beating in DS with the high armor.

When not in DS, you focus on healing and regaining life force. Both Axe and Dagger can do this, but I prefer dagger. Staff is nice for AE, perma regen, and other utility.

A couple things to note. You should always active either spectral armor, spectral walk, or locust swarm before entering DS.. this way you can continue gaining lifeforce while you sit in DS and enemy attacks are negated. Another tip is that leaving DS voluntarily will put it on cooldown, but running out of lifeforce will not. So you can sit in DS taking damage, then get knocked out, activate spectral armor, and hop back in without having to wait.

2x 80 Necro, 80 Ranger, 80 Thief

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Leeto.1570


Staff is almost must for roamer, it just brings so much crowd control and survibility, 2nd weapon set can take whatever you want, probobly axe if you roam with other people and just dps from back.

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Forzani.2584


Racking up a bunch of 1v1 wins is never boring

When someone uses the word ‘Meta’, a kitten dies. Don’t do it.

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


cool.. really ty, is what i m looking for.. just a question: i saw many people using staf like secondary weapon.. don t u like it??

As i roam i find the staff useless. It is more of a team/zerg weapon in my opinion, some people still use it i just find it:

A) VERY boring
2) Skills are terribly designed
3) No defense (minus Fear Mark on a long cool down)

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


Staff is almost must for roamer, it just brings so much crowd control and survibility, 2nd weapon set can take whatever you want, probobly axe if you roam with other people and just dps from back.

I very much disagree, i never use it in roaming and have no issue at all. If you are a Condition build, sure its worth having as backup. Still wont be main weapon but as anything else i just find it rather lacking and especially so in a DSPower build.

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: ChapDev.7650


I find Staff useful Ash well rather I find Chillbains, Fear and Putrid Mark to be increasingly useful.

To each his own really I know that but personally for me with all the Warriors who keep coming at me the Poison and Chill really can help and we all know how many Condi-burst roamers are going around right now (Especially you evil Dhuumfire/ Spite Necros) in which I find Putrid Mark to be a delicious irony and sometimes a major lifesaver.

I guess it just depends on the player style.

Bad Looking Necro Tryhard [BLNT] ~ Maguuma

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Banjal.7328


I Solo Roam with this build and it does very well in T1. Staff is a must IMO,it works the best when fighting thief’s.

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rym.1469


So I’ve decided to give it a shot and post my current roaming build. This is purely Power spec, based on high LF mainetance, cd timing and Life Blast to do high spike damage. I don’t like going for pure Zerker sets because I find them not durable enough. My build, if played good, will provide very high pressure, some nice trick/escape/survive ablity and absolutely no group support besides vun stacking.

I find it very fun to play, especially 1v1/1v2, as it isn’t pure gank build which would kill in couple seconds or die. Instead, you have so high Life Force generation that you’re able to use DS as a defense and offense at the same time.
If you want to roam with someone, I’d suggest taking a warrior, spec’d into CC/maybe condi removal for you.;00;3kHkH0x3ZJ-K0;9;4T-9-T17B;12;335B5Jk6-J-FV19cV19cn-kKcFP7-VYod3-m5lal5naka-o-Gs1k;5N2EwN2Eq;9;9;9;9;7V8k3C

-Why 10 in DM?
As you can see, I use two minions almost every time. Cd reduction allows me to just summon them faster, and after spending 60 points in main traitlines, I found this option the best for WvWvW. Quicker Flesh Wurms, quicker Shadow Fiends – always good stuff.

-Why Minions?
Minions are cool. It’s not only free dps increase, it’s also bodyblock and utility. Their base hp is high enough to be quite durable, they don’t really die to often. And if they do, hey, you have reduced cd! Dying FG also provides a little bit of LF.
I use Flesh Wurm in most of the times because teleport can be quite awesome if placed correctly and is great escape tool. It’s also another stunbreak, so you have 3 total.
I swap Wurm to Fiend when I know I’ll need to blindstomp (guardian, ranger, warrior) in near future, if I need more bodyblock+ Life Force regeneration. It’s also pretty cool damage and second highest HP pool after golem. Use it when Wurm is not really that helpful, like with ranged classes.

-Why not Vital Persistence?
You know, that’s a good stuff. But I use 2 spectrals which are pretty crucial and provide more sustain over time. 12 second cooldown reduce on each is a big thing, ya know

In-combat, probably one of the strongest for Necromancer. Your positioning is crucial, because when you get in good position, you’re able to put very high pressure on target with LB. You have access to many chills, cripple, even 1200 range. Use wisely.
As for OOC mobility, just use Spectral Walk whenever you need speed boost. Taking Traveler runes or SoL is total waste for this build IMHO. Even if someone catches you off-guard and you’ve used your SW already, you can easily survive CD with your other abilities.

-Will you make a video about this build?
Sure, in near future

Leave some feedback, I’d be glad to hear your visions of build. Contact me in-game if you want [Desolation EU].

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sparda.9750


ehy, ty all i need little time to assimilate everything..
anyway, i see lot of different points about axe or dagger in main and staf in secondary.
Focusing on DS, i waited to see dagger spam.. but ain t this, so, why the choice of axe?? just for the high damage??
anyway, i found usefull using staf against thief, or anyway, for chill and condi cleaner ( the fear is just a more ).
for the traits, i thought 30/x/x/x/30, but i m seeing different point of view, and not for last, the celestial usage of items.. i m thinking at mix of valk, zerg.
anyway, or the builds posted are so interesting

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: tuman.6593



Take one more, but I didnt use it at WvWvW….

10(VI)/30(V,VIII,X)/0/0/30(II,X,XII) + Signet of Undeath, 1 spectral skill and 1 well – it is awesome to survive with good damage. Tested it in pvp with valkiria stats, dagger/warhorn for life force and staff for DS damage/supporting… and got a lot of fun. In pve i tryed this with full berserk gear but only in AC/TA/COF dungeons and its imposible to die The great thing is you have no CD on DS if life force just expire. When you leave it, you heal and use spectral skill, taking damage -> life force is full, use locust swarm, swap to staff and enjoy
lack of phys damage slightly offset by condition damage by 30 in Curses.

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rym.1469


ehy, ty all i need little time to assimilate everything..
anyway, i see lot of different points about axe or dagger in main and staf in secondary.
Focusing on DS, i waited to see dagger spam.. but ain t this, so, why the choice of axe?? just for the high damage??
anyway, i found usefull using staf against thief, or anyway, for chill and condi cleaner ( the fear is just a more ).
for the traits, i thought 30/x/x/x/30, but i m seeing different point of view, and not for last, the celestial usage of items.. i m thinking at mix of valk, zerg.
anyway, or the builds posted are so interesting

The main problem with Dagger IMO for DS build roaming is that it’s melee. To get your life force in greater numbers than with Axe, you have to hit something couple times with full chain and it has flaws:
1. You’re vunerable in melee. In Zerk/Valkyrie Gear your surv is centred around cooldowns, positioning, kiting, vitality and Death Shroud
2. Besides #1 spam, Dagger has meh #2 and #3 – one target immobilize. While that immobilize would be nice when having some well, like Well of Suffering, it isn’t really that amazing.
Axe allows to get your Life Force more easily, since it’s 900 range and has better burst. It isn’t perfect for spamming Auto-Attack since it does meh damage + bonus vun, but #3 skill is very nice. Boonstrip, which helps especially with some troublesome single boons like single boon Stability situations or Protection. AoE Cripple not requiring you to face the opponent, can be used to decent stealth classes – kiting is always good. Decent damage and retaliation, which in power builds can hurt your foes.
And yea, strict DS builds get +10% to damage in DS if you have Axe equipped with Axe Training trait in Spite.

Hope it helps, my subjective opinion after running both Axe and Dagger

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Banjal.7328


If you solo Roam,you fight alot of thieves,Axe is useless vs them.With Dagger you can spam 1 and still hit them in stealth,then when they come out you can dagger 3 then drop a well on them.

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


If you solo Roam,you fight alot of thieves,Axe is useless vs them.With Dagger you can spam 1 and still hit them in stealth,then when they come out you can dagger 3 then drop a well on them.

If you start Ghastly Claws and they go stealth, the skill continues to hit them…

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


1. You’re vunerable in melee. In Zerk/Valkyrie Gear your surv is centred around cooldowns, positioning, kiting, vitality and Death Shroud
2. Besides #1 spam, Dagger has meh #2 and #3 – one target immobilize. While that immobilize would be nice when having some well, like Well of Suffering, it isn’t really that amazing.

1. You wouldn’t go full Zerker anyway, It would be better to get a mix of P/V/T and add a bit of Precision and Crit Damage in. You will still hit like a truck, i can hit for 2-3k+ with Auto attack alone

2. I agree that Life Siphon is rather meh, mostly due to the Siphon traits, it can still heal for a nice amount, i get 2k+ healing from it. Dark Pact is pretty much a must, seeing as how EVERY class will be able to out run/teleport/leap you you will need skills that will make it as hard as possible

Thats why i also run with Warhorn with my Dagger being in Melee means that WoD will hit pretty much every time i use it and the LF gained from LS is great combined with the swiftness, cripple and the decent damage it is pretty great.

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Banjal.7328


If you solo Roam,you fight alot of thieves,Axe is useless vs them.With Dagger you can spam 1 and still hit them in stealth,then when they come out you can dagger 3 then drop a well on them.

If you start Ghastly Claws and they go stealth, the skill continues to hit them…

You can do the same thing with Dagger 2 and get a free heal.

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rym.1469


Hmm, I do alright in my build vs. Thieves. Dagger or Axe, you still rely on Life Blast burst and hard CC lock with golem+fear…. To be serious, I rarely spot some Thief I cannot beat or burst down. PU mesmers are far, far worse and you won’t hit them easily with dagger

As I say, Axe or Dagger is personal preference. I encounter many Mesmers, Warriors roaming nowadays. Keeping them at bay is just easier for me. If you melee one of those you’re more likely to not avoid something important or get caught in some CC lock.
Also, boons are pain in the kitten . Fighting good guardians built for semi-damage/survival is a tough task and even harder if you don’t have some boonstripping. Both Axe and Focus with reduced cooldowns and bonus features like range or damage do synergize pretty well, same like Dagger/WH.

I think OP should try both variations and decide by himself. Most of Power builds use very similar or even the same gear and just slight variations in traits. Utilities can be changed on the fly so that’s not a problem either.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


If you solo Roam,you fight alot of thieves,Axe is useless vs them.With Dagger you can spam 1 and still hit them in stealth,then when they come out you can dagger 3 then drop a well on them.

If you start Ghastly Claws and they go stealth, the skill continues to hit them…

You can do the same thing with Dagger 2 and get a free heal.

Very true, Though i would take the Life Force regen and high damage over a poor heal, though i guess 2k isnt to bad, should be better though and the damage is like less than a quarter of that of Ghastly Claws

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Banjal.7328


If you solo Roam,you fight alot of thieves,Axe is useless vs them.With Dagger you can spam 1 and still hit them in stealth,then when they come out you can dagger 3 then drop a well on them.

If you start Ghastly Claws and they go stealth, the skill continues to hit them…

You can do the same thing with Dagger 2 and get a free heal.

Very true, Though i would take the Life Force regen and high damage over a poor heal, though i guess 2k isnt to bad, should be better though and the damage is like less than a quarter of that of Ghastly Claws

My Dagger 2 hits for 3-4k,on Zerker thief’s it more.I never find it a problem getting LF in fights.

I like and use Axe sometimes myself,but if you fight someone that knows about Axe,it’s very easy to not get hit by GC.

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sparda.9750


lol.. a lot of answers, i m glad to see them
so.. axe or dagger and staff in secondary.. once i tried both, but looked like useless..
i m actually thinking about axe, for the retaliation and 2° skill spamm..
in the end, i should just fill the time without DS.
i just interested to dagger 3° plus well combo.. sounds good.
for the gear, maybe a mix is the right choice. For the runes, i guess the red opal(?) ( 120 power, 12 critical dmg).. am i on the right way?

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Brienson.7319


Very true, Though i would take the Life Force regen and high damage over a poor heal, though i guess 2k isnt to bad, should be better though and the damage is like less than a quarter of that of Ghastly Claws

In what world do you live in where axe 2 hits 4x harder than dagger 2?


death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


I still wouldn’t take Staff depending on what you are doing. Zerging with it is easy. I just still find it rather meh as a solo/roaming weapon. In small groups it is pretty solid. I think it gets better if you take the traits for it, but they come at the cost of better solo/roaming traits imo

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Banjal.7328


lol.. a lot of answers, i m glad to see them
so.. axe or dagger and staff in secondary.. once i tried both, but looked like useless..
i m actually thinking about axe, for the retaliation and 2° skill spamm..
in the end, i should just fill the time without DS.
i just interested to dagger 3° plus well combo.. sounds good.
for the gear, maybe a mix is the right choice. For the runes, i guess the red opal(?) ( 120 power, 12 critical dmg).. am i on the right way?

Red Opal are good to go with if you don’t have the gold to get real Runes.

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sparda.9750


mmm.. i think is kinda strange play with dagger ( MH) and axe (SH)..
for the traits, i m wondering if need 30 in Spite, or i can spend 20 points and using other 10 in a defensive trait, like death magic ( boons duration)

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Muchacho.2390


I would always take staff no matter the build. Reason being, other than damage it offers everything a necro needs (slow, poison, condi removel, cc, lf regen, regen and so on) and even the damage is not that bad for a 1,2k range weapon. And if you want to do damage you can always go ds or do a weapon switch.
For the other set you can actually use any weapon combination. Even szepter, which isnt a power weapon, can be used in a power build ( i wouldnt use it in a power build but it can be used so dont dismiss it).
But the safest thing is probably using dagger/warhorn as it offers high damage, high lf regeneration and swiftness/cripple.

Bur all that aside i think the best is to use the weapon set you are most comforable with.

For trait, you can use the most common 30/x/x/x/30 or 20/20/0/0/30 but going 25 (or 30) points in curses is not bad ether as it gives you 2% per condition on the target (even a power necro has normally atleast 3 conditions or more on his target) and gives you the ability to take some nice traits (warhorn trait and spectral attunment). The 30 point in soul reaping however a mandetory i think.

(edited by Muchacho.2390)

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sparda.9750


Really ty all.. i m lighted me
i’ll post my build when it will be complete

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghostextechnica.3270


I specialize in DS.

I definitely wouldn’t use dagger for a DS build unless you are using it to build lifeforce quickly or building something other than a pure DS build.

In order of damage when using Lifeblast:

1) Axe with Axe Training (Highest LB)
2) Staff (10% less damage than Axe+Training)
3) Dagger (20% less damage than Axe+Training)

In order of damage using DS#4 and DS#5 (Because they use the offhand to calculate damage)
1) Staff (best by 10%)
2) All other weapons

When I get that feeling I want… spectral healing.

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rym.1469


As for the Staff, keep in mind that it has not bad damage in power builds, pierces by default. Necrotic Grasp is also very good source of Life Force generation, especially on classes/builds with a lot of AI, like Mesmers since every hit and pierce gives you Life Force.
That’s aside from true fact it’s best ultimate secondary weapon for almost any Necromancer buil imo

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

Alright first of all, sitting in DS for long amounts of time will not allow you to win against skilled players. Sure it does great damage at range, but it doesnt have the cc necessary to win. The opposite of staff is true. Sort of.
Dont use celestial anything, it sucks at stacking power. Every power based build needs to have a high power to be effective. Your main 3 gear choices should be zerk, knight, cavalier, and maybe 1 or 2 soldiers. Necros along with warriors have the highest hp pool so you dont need to stack vitality, plus vitality is to counter condis which necros should never fear.
Crit damage suffers from diminishing returns at a certain point when your power isnt high enough.
Dont use staff in 1v1 encounters. The cc seems like it would be good, but dagger/horn can cover cc while providing dps as a defense against professions that reset regularly. Aka thieves.
Axe/focus+dagger and dagger/horn should be your two weapon choices. Why? It doesnt matter how much soft cc you bring, at one point or another you will be in melee. At that point in time you want to be doing a truck load of dps, which dagger does.
Use offhand dagger. Its not just for condition builds, it has a condi transfer and blind that will save your life. Weakness, which is on dagger 5, along with protection, soft cc, and DS are your ways to survive in 1v1 fights that can last up to 10 minutes.
Dont sit in DS for the entirety of your life force. You need that to take hits so you dont die. Its great to throw a couple blasts at em, plus some cc, but you will realize as you play power necro more and more the various rotations. None of them require 11111111111.
If you are going to do a lot of 1v1s, gearing and traiting for dps will be your downfall. It simply cant be done on any profession. That said, there are some builds which will allow you to switch between dps and suvivability. At times its good to go full kitten, but you never go full kitten, nah mean?
Cheers. Hope this reached someone listening.

Team Deathmatch for PvP – Raise the AoE cap for WvW – More unique events for PvE

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Banjal.7328


Celestial armor is good to use if you want to get some defense,but still keep high crit dmg.You never good full,but the helm,chest and legs are very good.

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


This is the set up I’ve been working toward for a power/DS based roaming build:

I haven’t had much time to test it out lately, but the few times I have went OK. I may change up the off hand weapon to dagger warhorn (I like the sigil of ice on the dagger I saw somebody has on their build). I’ll also probably switch up the utilities. I’m using spectral walk & wurm for the mobility.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Pottross.4726


This is the set up I’ve been working toward for a power/DS based roaming build:

I haven’t had much time to test it out lately, but the few times I have went OK. I may change up the off hand weapon to dagger warhorn (I like the sigil of ice on the dagger I saw somebody has on their build). I’ll also probably switch up the utilities. I’m using spectral walk & wurm for the mobility.

This looks very much like what I’m using to solo roam. I’m mostly a PvE person myself because Iget all nervous and stuff facing actual players but I get along quite well the few times I set foot into WvW. Mostly I get ripped to pieces by the enemy zerg but that’s just because I fail to avoid them 1v1 and sometimes 1v2 situations work out nicely.

Here it is (really very much what poxheart posted, still different, yet I second his opinion about it being really useful):

About Staff: I chose staff simply because of chillbains, putrid mark (because it doesn’t miss when you are blinded) and ofc reaper’s mark.
I feel like having staff with you feels like a waste now and then, but NOT having it with you feels like gimping yourself… it’s just too good and somehow it still sucks

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Stx.4857


This is the set up I’ve been working toward for a power/DS based roaming build:

I haven’t had much time to test it out lately, but the few times I have went OK. I may change up the off hand weapon to dagger warhorn (I like the sigil of ice on the dagger I saw somebody has on their build). I’ll also probably switch up the utilities. I’m using spectral walk & wurm for the mobility.

The only thing I would change about this is full Traveler runes(with horn/walk its not necessary, especially with traited horn). Pretty solid build though, I like it.

2x 80 Necro, 80 Ranger, 80 Thief

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sparda.9750


so, one question.. i didn t play necro for long time and don t remember very well the dmg inflicted by axe or dagger.. i m reading that dagger deals great dmg too, so, when, first or then, i go in melee, seems right to swap from axe to dagger. IS IT the right choice take a set like axe/focus, dagger/WH??
in the end, dagger 2 gains health, plus immobilize, plus wh skills and maybe a well could be a great dps, isn t it??

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Pottross.4726


The builds poxheart and I posted are made especially for axe. Even though the 20 / 20 / 0 / 0 / 30 body would also be suited for dagger but I would choose different traits, runes, sigils, and maybe gear.
Yet, if you totally want to go with the weapon setup you suggest you might be best off just switching Axe Training (spite VIII) to Chill of Death (spite X).
In my opinion axe and dagger have their pros and cons but in the end they are too similar but axe (including axe training) gives the highest possible boost to Life Blast, which in a DS-centered build will be your bread and butter.
Also, I can’t bring myself to using focus in a PvP/WvW scenario, warhorn is way superior, I think. Plus you lack an on demand condition transfer which neither focus nor warhorn come with. This is why I chose staff over offhand dagger.

So basically what I’m saying is, I suggest going with dagger/wh +staff or with axe/wh +staff

Hope this helps.

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


So I got to test the build I posted a little bit more tonight after reset. The CC from spectral grasp followed by golem charge & wail of doom was pretty nice. It definitely sets opponents up to be focused by you & friends. Was fun seeing some 4K+ hits while in DS. Still need practice with the timing of skills & managing cooldowns, but that will come with time.

Was running in a group with 3 others, which definitely helped, so didn’t get a chance to see what it was like solo.

I’m not advocating that this is the best DS build ever, it’s just one that I’m having fun with.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: flow.6043


As i roam i find the staff useless.

3) No defense (minus Fear Mark on a long cool down)

Except literally every skill of the staff has a defensive aspect: lf regen – regeneration – chill – cleanse and blast finisher – fear.

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


Except literally every skill of the staff has a defensive aspect: lf regen – regeneration – chill – cleanse and blast finisher – fear.

A little regen, that won’t save you at the end of the day, i would take Dagger and use the Siphon skill and get 2-3k healing over Staff for its regen. Chill doesn’t matter either as other weapons have access to it. The Blast finisher is decent and the AoE fear are pretty much all that the Staff has (imo)

That in my opinion, isn’t enough.

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


you might be best off just switching Axe Training (spite VIII) to Chill of Death (spite X).
In my opinion axe and dagger have their pros and cons but in the end they are too similar but axe (including axe training) gives the highest possible boost to Life Blast, which in a DS-centered build will be your bread and butter..

Axe: 12% Every 8seconds
Dagger: 6% from Auto Chain

I actually started out with Axe being my main weapon but after using Dagger for a while i found that it suited my build and game play style better. Now that is not to say that Dagger is always going to be better in every build because it is not, it all depends on the build and your playstyle.

Myself, i like to be “facetanking” taking Warhorn as well gives great Life Force regen, cripple and daze. The Dagger heal is still pretty decent at around 2-3k healing I do think it could be tweaked a bit though, Just decrease the Channel time a bit as 3 1/2 seconds is a tad long.

What else i would love to see – Poison on Auto attack on dagger, i know, i know will never happen.

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sparda.9750


ty all for answers.. so, i m actually buiyng all i need.. right now i wanna try for the armour and trynkets 5 berserks, 4 valk and 3 cav.. berserks weapons.

for traits: 20/20/0/0/30

i choose the primary set: axe/dagger, in this way i got dmg, condi cleaner, bliding, weackness and vulnerability
secondary set: dagger/ WH, for daze, syphon and immobilize

i figure a situation like, after have kiten for a while, i swap set, immobilize+well+5°WH, then DS to DPS..

just a line..

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


I would wait before buying anything with Crit Damage, due to the changes that are being made to it.

death shroud build for roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sparda.9750


excellent. i just destroyed a lot of my old condi equip and bought zerk, valk gears.. :\